b-blog Bouillabaisse 8/31/06

Positive Press on Iraq – If you type it out, you’re in the money! (by Walter Pincus)

When Utah Protests – Heavily religious, anti-Iraq war…polygamy they hate, I’d jump in if Chloe Sevigny could be one of my wives…otherwise, I’d rather shoot myself in the face at the very thought of it.

NEVER SHOP AT RADIOSHACK AGAIN!!!! – They fired hundreds over EMAIL 

Big Papi is out of the hospital

Bush Declares that US must STAY THE COURSE – – indeed…so much for ‘adapt to win‘ (slogan used last week, must have polled poorly) – – Bush is telling us that America needs to hold on until 2008 so the GOP can start blaming Democrats for these mistakes.

Sonicrusk is wary of bums approaching his stoop for lighters and money

Real Michaud likes Nixon, but hates many many others

And last but not least – let me say today that ‘Off the Wall‘ is one of the best albums EVER produced by mankind!

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7 Responses to b-blog Bouillabaisse 8/31/06

  1. Dusty says:

    Thank god Big Papi is out of the hospital..my fantasy teams are in the toilet without him.

    lol..yes, it must of polled poorly..but remember the “Stay the Course” tour is on..Rummy and the Big-Dick are doing a city a day to get out the word..no plan..but plenty of words.

    omg..your a Mikey Jackson fan?

  2. S. R. says:

    Less about $$ and more about a staring contest with a canine triumverate. Oh, and a light, this is true, my brudda.

  3. I figure they’ll be hitting you up for the moolah soon enough.

  4. S. R. says:

    “Sorry bud, my wallet’s in the house”

    “Can you go inside and get it?”


    A man has his limits

  5. Right Thinker says:

    Too bad the government has to spend so much money to do the media’s job for them. I have always thought of a free press as journalists being able to report the truth not for media companies to be free to shovel liberal dogma down our throats.

    I will be interested to see what Democrats have been hiding from the public these past eight years. So much for the “Party of Inclusion and Tolerance”

  6. captain_menace says:

    Too bad the government has to spend so much money to do the media’s job for them.

    There is a significant difference between “the government” and the administration. There are plenty (maybe even a majority) in government that oppose many many actions undertaken by the current administration.

  7. RT: Too bad the government has to spend so much money to do the media’s job for them. I have always thought of a free press as journalists being able to report the truth not for media companies to be free to shovel liberal dogma down our throats.

    1984 anyone? Right, are you saying you’d rather the government run the media? Or just when a Republican run federal government is breaking everything they get their hands on? I’m quite sure you were happy when it was Monica all that time.

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