Schwarzenegger Makes His Mark

This guy is better at his job than I’d like to give him credit for on most days. I’d been reading for a couple months about his collaboration with mayor Bloomberg (NYC) on cutting down carbon emissions, that they’d be attacking it for the sake of mankind and also the chance to shake up those whores in DC. Power companies, by backing Bush with all their campaign money in 2000 bought themselves a rollback of the Clean Air Act by at least a decade, and have been getting away with anything they want ever since. The law stated that if a plant was to be upgraded, they’d have to install filters in their smokestacks. The point of contention was what the law considered ‘routine maintenance’ and the kind that would require adding the filters. Some of these plants had a 50%+ renovation, yet never purchased and installed the filters…Christie Todd Whitman (at the time she was the head of the EPA) called out a number of companies, only to be told from above that ‘whatever they want, they get’…she resigned.

So the federal government is owned by the energy sector, and unless the governor of a large state decided to get their ‘leadership’ on in a big way, it could have been another decade before America was able to look the rest of the world in the eye on this issue. Air polution is something that effects all of us in ways we’re not even aware of, and there will always be a contingent of voters who will never care about anything like this…you can find people who will insist that depleted uranium is not toxic, and when I was a kid there were adults actually saying that cigarettes weren’t bad for you because they heard it on the radio.

These people scare me, but then sometimes I’ll be driving around and see an overweight girl wearing hotpants walking down the street and figure it’s just Americans being themselves. I won’t let my daughter walk around like that even if she isn’t overweight, and I’m going to give into the notion that clean air is a good thing. I know, the liberal media has scrambled my brains, and clean air isn’t really that important…in fact, the smokestacks make us healthier. Any Limbaugh fans reading this? Because those people were the brainwashed when it came to tobacco, and twenty years from now the global warming skeptics will be seen in the same light. I’m dying to see what obvious cause-effect denial comes next…holding out hope for cell phones and brain tumors, but luckily those things at their worst only make people oblivious, obnoxious and dangerous behind the wheel.

Anyways, I’m sure there are plenty of matters I’m oblivious to commenting from the other side of the country, local issues, the fiscal situation, etc…but on this one initiative I’ll always have something good to remember him for. SOURCE

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