Idiots Rule (h/t Captain Menace)

With the year past since Katrina as a backdrop, and the current condition of New Orleans, still trash and debris in the streets, still without half of its population, still without consistent electricity (ala Iraq), it’s a good time to take a moment and start wondering what the hell happened to us? And who is our President think he’s kidding with his bullshit this week about “progress” and “the future” (ala Iraq)?

We just released a 70-something year old man from Guantanamo and are sending him back to Afghanistan, apparantly nobody involved with operations down there had any idea of what he was picked up for in the first place. The pentagon says he was an enemy combatant, yet the man can’t walk without something to hold on to. No charge, no evidence of wrongdoing, yet the guy had to rot inside a jail in Cuba for 4 years.

Notice a patern? It’s nonsense like this that convinces me to ride the wagon for a while now and then in terms of politics. There’s a partisan reponse to everything I suppose, but how can anyone be proud of our government these days? A guy like my father would vote Republican even if the GOP candidate on the ticket couldn’t read…I understand that type of voter, but the stream of embarrassments never seem to end with this generation of idiots running Washington DC today.

Seriously…most of them could **** up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Is Osama bin Laden dead yet?

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6 Responses to Idiots Rule (h/t Captain Menace)

  1. Dusty says:

    hey New Orleans is the new Iraq..we got contractors bilking the Feds out of millions, nothing is being rebuilt and it looks like Iraq with respect to being destroyed..what more could you ask for?


  2. captain_menace says:

    Is Osama bin Laden dead yet?

    He’s living the dream.

  3. “Dick Cheney for President…forever” -Tony Soprano

  4. captain_menace says:

    “Dick Cheney for President…forever”

    And how can you argue with that? God bless the free market.

  5. Dusty says:

    The free market isn’t free. Its costs the US jobs..

  6. It doesn’t have to cost as many, but you’re right, the nature of the beast will ensure that this happens. It’s the stock prices having 10 votes for every one of mine.

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