A George Allen Selloff

Arrogance and bigotry are finally equaling negative results for dirtbags who dig up hatred for the sake of feeling big in front of a crowd…the ‘mucaca’ insult has managed to vault his opponent into first place according to some new polling. I’ve read a bunch of pages on this guy, and the most interesting was his sister’s account of growing up with him, apparantly he’s a textbook bully, most likely looking down the pike at years of accrued karma on it’s way back to him. After he loses in this election and then in the presidential primary, maybe he’ll get depressed and start drinking…perhaps try to bully the wrong guy, end up found beaten to death somewhere with a poolstick shoved up his ass…I’ll settle for depression and weight gain, but every bully deserves a beating at some point, getting sodomized with sporting equipment is just icing on the cake. Racist prick!

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6 Responses to A George Allen Selloff

  1. S. R. says:


  2. Good point – I added it, the link to his sister’s story.

  3. S. R. says:

    Cool. I’ll read it tomorrow. Allen never struck me as anything less than creepy as it was.

  4. captain_menace says:

    apparantly he’s a textbook bully

    An inability to empathize (common in bullies) is considered a disorder.

    I’d say he’s highly qualified as a Republican candidate.

  5. I discovered the following on the web: “George Allen is credited with beginning a Virginia Republican renaissance when he started as a prohibitive underdog and defeated Mary Sue Terry, an established, well-financed Democrat, to take back the governor’s office in 1993 for the GOP after 12 years of Democratic control.”

    …nice story, but it obscures a deeper, more disturbing truth. We all remember Mary Sue Terry’s lead in the polls … and soon before the election, your more irresponsible news outlets were publicizing a story spread by an obscure psychiatrist named William Gray. Gray was claiming that once upon a time he had treated a “lesbian lover” of the Attorney General’s, someone he said later committed suicide. Pressed for details to back up his story, Gray took the opportunity to claim “doctor/patient confidentiality”(!). What was less publicized was the fact that Gray had lost his medical license in California owing to allegations of child molestation, charges that would be repeated after he set up shop in Virginia. When Mary Sue Terry learned of the case, she was publicly outraged at the lack of communication between state medical boards. In short, Dr. Gray had an ax to grind.

    I’ve personally seen no evidence whatsoever of any communication between the Allen campaign and Gray (on the other hand, I’ve never really looked). What is beyond doubt, however, is that George Allen benefited to no small degree by this explosive rumor circulated by an enemy of his opponent. And what happened to Gray? He relocated to the Philippines following Allen’s victory. His act of petty vengeange, in my view, was more instrumental in George Allen’s rise than the efforts of such state media figures as Ross Mackenzie and Forrest Landon combined.

  6. There’s a philosophical tinge to that story, something the ancient texts’ undoubtedly contain in some form…

    Whenever there’s a surprise like that, people stop asking question and instead run away from the matter, retaining the first piece. Allen is someone who was considered a viable player in certain primary states, and now you find out he’s going to be caught being a vocal racist more often the most power he gets.

    To someone who liked him as much as I like Senator Fiengold, it can convince you for a spell that politics is none of your business. Depressing.

    His racist constituents will still be his, and like fear to the voters now equals votes in some cases, maybe it’s time for him to finally get it over with and run on a “Blame the Nigger” platform.

    Basically the equivalent of calling all anti-war voters nazis.

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