Russ Feingold Sums it up Perfectly

Well, I like Joe Lieberman, but I support Ned Lamont, because Joe is showing with that regrettable statement that he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t get it. The fact is that we were attacked on 9/11 by Al Qaeda and its affiliates and its sympathizers, not by Saddam Hussein. And unfortunately Senator Lieberman has supported the Bush Administration’s disastrous strategic approach of getting us stuck in Iraq instead of focusing on those who attacked us. I mean, look at the places that have been attacked: India, Morocco, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Spain, Great Britain. What does this have to do with Iraq? And Senator Lieberman is stuck on that point. Ned Lamont and I believe that we should refocus on those who attacked us on 9/11 and not simply try to cover our tracks because this was such a very poor decision in terms of the overall battle against the terrorists who attacked us.  -Sunday Morning on ABC

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20 Responses to Russ Feingold Sums it up Perfectly

  1. captain_menace says:

    You’re kidding right?

    Everyone knows that there was a Saddam Hussein – Osama Bin Laden connection.

    They got together for Bible study every Sunday.

  2. Right Thinker says:

    He doesn’t get it. The fact is that we were attacked on 9/11 by Al Qaeda and its affiliates and its sympathizers, not by Saddam Hussein.

    Wow, talkk about calling the kettle black. By this same logic, it was Yamamoto who attacked Pearl Harbor so once we sank his flag ship we should have just turned around and gone home. After we arrested the japanese pilots on tresspassing and destruction of gevernment property charges. The do their community service and then it’s a free trip back to Japan.

    Feingold is the postboy for liberal incompetence on national security. This is precisely the way of thinking that causes all Democrats to screw up foreign policy and national security.

    Actually, Osama Bin Laden was in Afganistan in 9/11 so it couldn’t have been him. He has a rock solid alibi, I guess we will never know who flew those planes into the towers.

    Everyone knows that there was a Saddam Hussein – Osama Bin Laden connection.

    Yes, but many choose not to believe it due to political expediency.

    I mean, look at the places that have been attacked: India, Morocco, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Spain, Great Britain. What does this have to do with Iraq?

    Ok Russ, we all know you are an idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. You can stop making yourself look like an imbecil now.

    Lamont and I believe that we should refocus on those who attacked us on 9/11

    Yes, let’s find the little bits and pieces of the hijacker’s remains and kick their charred asses. Let’s use microscopes to make little hand cuffs and arrest all the little pieces and then give them Geneva Convention protection even though it doesn’t apply to unlawful combatants.

    Russ Feingold has hit a new low on the incompetence scale.

  3. realmichaud says:

    get believable right thinker…get believable

    “Yes, but many choose not to believe it due to political expediency”

    I dont believe it because there is no connection…show me a concrete connection and I for one will be the first one to believe it.

    political expediency…huh…i wonder how politcal expediency comes around about election time for bush to push his “red alert” scare tactics on the American people. The republicans asses are in the sling and they are going down hill quick. Oh its so politically expedient for Bush to take credit for what British law enforcement solved and then issue a red alert (ie. which is supposed to mean imminent danger in progress), the day after.

    What a joke.

    Bush is going down and so is the republican party with him.

  4. Right Thinker says:

    I dont believe it because there is no connection…show me a concrete connection and I for one will be the first one to believe it.

    I bet you could have been there in person and still would find a bizarre thought patten to avoid siding with Republicans. Proof and logic are two things that I find the Democrats to be lacking but they are masters of the politcal and partisan spin.

    Oh its so politically expedient for Bush to take credit for what British law enforcement solved and then issue a red alert (ie. which is supposed to mean imminent danger in progress), the day after.

    The view must be great from the cheap seats although I don’t have much confidence in your expertise as an armchair President. You should probably cancel your subscription to the psychic friends network, it’s not working.

  5. NBC News reported that a British official was urged by us to bring in the suspects, when the British wanted to continue their investigation, keep the wire up. The suspects had not yet purchased passports and were a long time off from being able to attempt the attack.

    Basically, Bush insisted they fold the investigation and prosecute what they had instead of staying on them and learning more about the organization, perhaps, who was helping them from the outside.

    War against terror – – – I told you it was a criminal matter. This is what it takes to catch them…surveilance.

    Too bad they couldn’t have left the wire up for a lot longer…might have caught some bigger fish. Instead, the rest of the terrorist community learns from this and changes up they way they organize and operate.

    This is a bad precident…pretty much the opposite of what you’re supposed to do in a situation when you’ve got the suspects cold and they don’t know it yet. The intelligence that could have been acquired if the case had remained open – that’s what we lost in all of this.

    Initially I had the impression that screeners had actually caught this stuff before it got into an actual plane…I had absolutely no idea that it was instead an ongoing investigation.

    This is bad. Very bad sign. Absolutely not what we should be doing in the war on terror. How many times has this President and his people stressed the value of intelligence?

    Right, keep your eyes peeled for a former CIA officer who states that the decision to arrest these people now was the right one. That’s how I’ll be guaging whether I’m wrong or not.

    The art of war – not even having to go into the book at all – is a way of thinking, analyzing and carrying out decisions that fails to matter to some major figures of history. I believe that most right-wingers will agree that France was such a country of people to have suffered from a lack of this type of person leading them throughout the last century.

    The man who does not know about these things will act in haste, allow emotion to dictate action, and make the mistake of assuming their enemy is even worse in that regard than they are.

    If you truly believe in something as a leader, you have to be 100% behind that belief, so the people you need to believe in what you say and do, believe along with you until the end. Show signs that you’re not as serious about it as you want your people to be, and the battle is lost.

    I’m not a big guy on force in the form of violence when there’s a smarter way to go about it. For our leaders, now it’s about remaining in power, nothing else. These next few months of our history will be about those men and women vying for power. Perhaps some more investigations will be folded prematurely for headlines…if it’s that or the chance of losing their jobs, what do you think will happen?

  6. captain_menace says:

    I dont believe it because there is no connection…show me a concrete connection and I for one will be the first one to believe it.

    He asked for concrete evidence. You blockquoted him, and then didn’t provide any evidence whatsoever.

    From what I’ve read Bin Laden detested Hussein. Hussein was not a religious zealot. Based on this alone they would not have gotten along too well.

    One of the primary reasons Bin Laden has a beef with us is because the Saudi govt allowed the U.S. to run Operation Desert Storm from within Saudia Arabia. He wasn’t upset that we were attacking Saddam.

    IT WOULD BE EXPEDIENT TO BELIEVE THAT THERE WAS A CONNECTION. That would be so lovely. But there is no proof to substantiate the claim. Bush has been filmed on camera saying there was “no Iraq-9/11 connection”. So either Bush is lying about the connection or you’re lying. Which is it?

    You’re a scary person politically RT. This isn’t a Republican/Democrat issue. This is a truth/fiction issue. The war on terror is one thing, the occupation of Iraq is an entirely different thing. Just like peanut butter and chocolate. While they might taste great together, you can eat them separately too (and they are both yummy by themselves).

  7. menace & michaud – sarcasm is always acceptable, but let’s not gang up on one of our own.

    The debate here as I see it is heightened when the person is removed…so instead of saying, “Al, you sound like a arsonist in this thing you wrote…does your parole officer know you’ve got a blog?” – it’d be “criminally insane voters on the far left are using arson as a scare tactic, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were parole officers across the country right now who have no IDEA of where their Democrats are at this very moment”

    I do this all the time…like, “the right-wing would envoke a chicken wing with barbecue sauce in a debate if they knew enough people were addicted to them…’i don’t think the founding fathers would have any problem with chicken wings, but the liberals want to take your chicken wings away from you’…take something that people like (religion) and use it to frame an argument centering around WHY Jesus would support the President’s Social Security initiative.”

    See what I mean?

  8. captain_menace says:

    Well, maybe the debate is heightened when we generalize. But then again, if you express a strong opinion you should expect to be called on it. I have no problem with someone singling me out for something I posted. I think polite generalization is for politicians. It grates me.

    Many of the “facts” that RT presents are often so patently false that it’s almost painful. I’m not trying to single him out (I often wonder if he’s just playing). I’ve got family that spout the exact same stuff. I just shake my head and think that maybe this country does need a real smacking.

    Well, anyway, no offense RT. You are a good sport about it.

  9. That feeling is shared by those on the other side I’m sure. We don’t “get” one another’s worldviews.

  10. captain_menace says:

    We don’t “get” one another’s worldviews.

    No, I think the problem is that we do “get” one another. And we don’t like what we get. Generally speaking, that is.

  11. Perception is an outward->inward function, and in the end what we see is all our own. We own the emotions that we feel about everything in our lives, and the phenomenon of transcending that reality is out of reach for most of us. Conceive of a life whose slate belongs to someone else, all different, climate-home-love-knowledge-memory-pain-experiences, we insist it wouldn’t change anything, that we’d be the same person we are today – – – and that’s the trick with perception as I see it, as in the end of all events, thoughts and feelings as they run through the brain, that organ controling the vessel, producing everything from motion to sound to expression to interpretation to emotion and beyond, encapsulated within our own individual perceptions, perhaps like a snowflake in the specifity of our own when compared to any other person’s on the planet.

    That’s how I see it. Toss in the wicked complexities of our individual genetic codes, the world being what it is, makes for a damned comprehensive collection of life, all the time since the concept of time was even understood, this has been the game. Congregation or the “shepharding” of perception to either build or destroy what and who surrounds us. All of us belong to more flocks than we’ll ever know, and even if we did, only a certain number of them would be within our power to comprehend on our own even if we tried.

    An example…a hybrid car owner who votes Democrat feels angry while waiting for a red light to turn green as she thinks of how much gas the SUV in front of her wastes and how someone could be so vain and selfish with all we know now about climate change…the driver of the truck in front of her also votes Democrat, doesn’t own the truck, but the company he works for does.

    I think that’s a pretty good example of what I’m thinking about here in terms of perception. But I’m zooming now to get in a shower before the twins wake up from their naps.

  12. Right Thinker says:

    (I often wonder if he’s just playing).

    You’ve caught me, a small part of the time I am trying to spark debate because that is the only real way to get to the heart of the matter. My capacity to learn is affected by my access to information so I try to get information out of people and sometimes that involes pushing their buttons.

    Many of the “facts” that RT presents are often so patently false that it’s almost painful.

    I’m not so much trying to capsize your beliefs as much as seeing if my beliefs hold up to scrutiny. Only so much of the truth of every situation is available so we have to work with what we got and use our intellects to logically fill in the gaps. Once those truths are abailable then the logic in the gaps are replaced with the truth.

    I am confident in the research I have done to discover the facts and eliminate the falsehoods and I come to Deadissue to repeadedly test the logic that I use until the truth is available. I’m not about like or dislike and I’m not about any party line. I can trace every issue I talk about from start to finish in a logical order and that is what you see here.

    I then throw in some crap to stoke the fire for my benefit and it works.

    But then again, if you express a strong opinion you should expect to be called on it.

    Exactly, my point but I don’t think you understand the depth of this statement. My opinions are only as good as the thought process that led me there. That guy was asking for a “concrete connection”, something that can’t exist because he’s defining his own rules for proof. What I think is concrete is different from his definition and doesn’t lead to clarity.

    If he wanted to know why I came to the conclusion then that is something I can answer, but it wasn’t about learning anything, it was about framing the argument so he could “win” before I ever responded.

    No, I think the problem is that we do “get” one another. And we don’t like what we get. Generally speaking, that is.

    Right again. I think I know the Left pretty well, I wouldn’t have any business critiquing their arguments if I didn’t.

  13. Frodo says:

    Interesting Post RT

    I agree

  14. Ideas – debate, it’s all good. Plus, once we all agree on something, the rest of the nation is sure to fall in line.

  15. captain_menace says:

    I can trace every issue I talk about from start to finish in a logical order and that is what you see here.

    I was feeling you until you got to this point.

    I usually don’t see much logic in your posts. Sorry.

    Cloning humans to harvest body parts.

    Euthanizing old folks.

    Married gay illegal aliens.

    Hussein and Bin Laden were secret lovers.

    Republicans rah rah rah, liberal left ugh ugh ugh.

    Nice try. I think Al hit it more closely when he was talking about perception. There is no such thing as truth. There is personal experience and perception.

    As for the nation falling in line. That would be our doom.

  16. I hear that when Caroline Rhea
    needs a blog in the worst way
    she turns to

    There’s probably thousands of others, millions for all I know. Talk yourself out of it if you’d like, but they’re out there, somewhere, just waiting…

  17. Right Thinker says:

    I usually don’t see much logic in your posts. Sorry.

    Is it that maybe you don’t want to see or maybe that your staunch views cloud your vision? Everything can’t be my fault.

    Cloning humans to harvest body parts.

    I said this is bad, what part do you not agree with?

    Euthanizing old folks.

    I’ve also come out against this.

    Married gay illegal aliens.

    I thinnk you are confusing me with someone on Kos.

    Hussein and Bin Laden were secret lovers.

    Not much of a secret if you know about it. I’m not even sure where you are going with this, it wasn’t topic I posted about.

    Nice try. I think Al hit it more closely when he was talking about perception. There is no such thing as truth. There is personal experience and perception.

    That’s a cop out to ligitimize opinions that can’t be supported. Everything is grey, there is no truth, everything is relative. Bullshit, we all should strive to get as close to the truth as possible, not find excuses for when our beliefs and the thruth don’t equate.

    And I don’t think Al was necessarily saying there is no truth. Al???

  18. captain_menace says:

    Name a truth that isn’t your belief or perception.

  19. Right Thinker says:

    Name a truth that isn’t your belief or perception.

    The rotation of the earth causes the sun light to fall on the Earth from East to West. Water without salt will freeze at 32 degrees farenheight. Bill Clinton had his licence to practice law revoked because he was convicted of perjury.

  20. captain_menace says:

    The rotation of the earth causes the sun light to fall on the Earth from East to West. Water without salt will freeze at 32 degrees farenheight. Bill Clinton had his licence to practice law revoked because he was convicted of perjury.

    I stand corrected. Many many truths. I like the Bill Clinton one best.

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