Lamont Causes Terrorism

Now that a few days have passed, political particle dust settled all over my brain, some sections of the tissue have turned red, infected, pulsing with a beat all its own. Scalpel in hand, let’s get after it already, start sifting through this Lieberman-Lamont landfill and see if there’s anything the gulls and vermin haven’t yet gobbled up for themselves. Described as a phenomenon by all sides, this outcome is internal, yet Republicans are the ones pounding the top of the bar, screaming at whoever’s listening with a crazed look in their eyes. This Lamont fellow, according to them, represents the little terrorist in all of us.

Tony Snow linked Lamont’s win in the CT-Democratic primary with the nation’s safety at large, and seemed to predict that such behavior on the part of voters would lead to very bad things. Osama Bin Laden is happy today according to Snow, so maybe they do know where he is, maybe he’s been sitting in on President Bush’s security briefing every morning. The message I’m getting from Republicans about the Lamont victory is that the voters should be ashamed of themselves for non-adherence to abstract concepts and all the extra smoke they’ve added to photos of the twin towers in flames. We’re not watching enough episodes of 24!

Indeed – the problem with voters is they simply don’t pay attention to the news, world events and most important the spin added to these things by Fox News. You see, each of us has a job to do. Scholars point out that this is the first war where Americans haven’t been asked to sacrifice anything individually, which is simply not true! That sacrifice comes in the form of listening to the words of our leader, and voting based on what he tells you. When the leader gives a candidate a kiss on the cheek, that means America is giving the candidate a kiss on the cheek, and your job is to VOTE FOR HIM!

They don’t ask for much, really they don’t. In fact, as long as distractions keep multiplying, the GOP Congress might be able to slip in a few more tax cuts before their power is gone after November. The least you (the voter) could do is cut these poor guys some slack, stop screwing things up for the sake of bullshit concepts like “accountability” and “peace”…I mean, it was the voters who demanded that flag burning, gay marriage, Terri Shiavo and more corporate subsidies be put at the front of the legislative agenda…Republicans would have much rather dealt with health care costs, illegal immigration and war in Iraq, but they acted on YOUR behalf when they pushed all that aside.

Show some gratitude for God’s sake! Oh, and speaking of God, I think that everyone will be pleased to know that the debate over ten commandments plaques being mandated above all government urinals will be debated for three days once Congress opens up for business again, so don’t go worrying about something boring showing up on CSPAN, like the national debt or how our military units aren’t capable of sustaining current troop levels in Iraq according to Army generals. We know that none of it is important to you, and that it’s been long enough trying to piss without those plaques too keep your eyes where they belong.

Hint: Lieberman is IN FAVOR of piss plaques! I hear Lamont pissed ON a plaque once while shooting up his reefers in a ‘coloreds only’ mens room. The man was PROUD of it! He’s a terrorist. Are you?

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17 Responses to Lamont Causes Terrorism

  1. Right Thinker says:

    yet Republicans are the ones pounding the top of the bar, screaming at whoever’s listening with a crazed look in their eyes. This Lamont fellow, according to them, represents the little terrorist in all of us.

    I don’t know what Republican groups you are reading from but all I’ve heard is elation that the Democratic party is imploding, a core of out of touch, elitist, extremist who are scaring the crap out of everyone. Lamont was diving in the polls because of his rascist and tasteles campaigning. I pretty excited myself that the Left has exposed it’s true colors.

    Too Bad McKinney lost, she was worth a fortune in great press for the Republicans.

    The message I’m getting from Republicans about the Lamont victory is that the voters should be ashamed of themselves for non-adherence to abstract concepts and all the extra smoke they’ve added to photos of the twin towers in flames.

    I think that is what liberals say the conservative’s message is and couldn’t be futher from the truth. The Democratic party was exposed the other day and people will take notice. This is a great day for Republicans.

    Oh, and speaking of God, I think that everyone will be pleased to know that the debate over ten commandments plaques being mandated above all government urinals will be debated for three days once Congress opens up for business again,

    I predict that religion won’t be allowed in public within 10 years. You would think with all the Democrats who espouse their church credentials (only during elections, that is) that religion would be health and stron gin America.

    Scientology is doing well, not really a religion, but it’s doing well and Islam is making great strides in America also. Maybe I should adjust my prediction, Islam will be the national religion in 10 years.

    I hear Lamont pissed ON a plaque once while shooting up his reefers in a ‘coloreds only’ mens room.

    Is this a reference to his racist use of blackface durint eh campaign? I didn’t know he had a drug problem, makes sense though.

  2. S. R. says:

    This was pretty damn funny, every paragraph of it.

  3. Right, Lamont is a junky, and the Democratic party is coming apart at the seams. Joe Lieberman was a hero when he voted for legislation to keep Terri Shiavo’s husband in a straight jacket across town from her hospice…lord knows he might have rolled her bed to a staircase if Joe hadn’t hero’d up and taken charge. His partnership with Lynne Cheney on a project to identify and ‘out’ all members of academia that didn’t agree with Michael Savage on foreign policy…brilliant!

    The problem with Democratic voters is they can never understand when they have it good, so now they’re taking irresponsibility to new heights, as their DNA tells them they must.

    I don’t know if I can live in an America that doesn’t want Joe Lieberman in Congress…but I do know that if they tear the heart from our country in this way, Lieberman will eventually have the last laugh. You watch, he’ll come back, more powerfull than ever.

    What REALLY sucks though is that I’m going to have to get back on the Ambien, as his speeches in the Senate won’t remain fresh and new…as that was the only non-chemical cure for insomnia I’d been able to find so far.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Great post Al! Funny how both sides claim the same thing. That the otehr is using this situation for a politcal advantage. From what I saw on the Kos and left blogs compared to the righty blogs since the plot broke I am siding with the righties on this one. The ungrounded and to use Michele Malkin’s
    words “Un-Hindged Left” reaction is based on what I can only call non-reality. Good Grief do you/they really believe what they/you are saying??

    And of course the press is only happy to help the cause. Too bad it wasnt so obvious they have chosen sides. But that is old news now isnt it.

    I know what you are thinking “This is all Bush’s Fault”. Yeah right.

  5. Frodo says:

    Great post Al! Funny how both sides claim the same thing. That the otehr is using this situation for a politcal advantage. From what I saw on the Kos and left blogs compared to the righty blogs since the plot broke I am siding with the righties on this one. The ungrounded and to use Michele Malkin’s
    words “Un-Hindged Left” reaction is based on what I can only call non-reality. Good Grief do you/they really believe what they/you are saying??

    And of course the press is only happy to help the cause. Too bad it wasnt so obvious they have chosen sides. But that is old news now isnt it.

    I know what you are thinking “This is all Bush’s Fault”. Yeah right.

  6. Frodo says:

    I hit enter twice. Once and relized I had not filled in the name and email address. Soory about that. And apparently I lost the links I was trying to include. Guess I need to learn how to use the tags again.

    Teh Daily Kos part of this post shows some hope for the Democrats and sanity being used in the same sentence without laughing.

    The Anchoress weighs in

  7. I don’t doubt that there is an upside for the Democrats at the end of this Lamont thing, but I have to agree that the KOS crowd is making a bit too much out of it. My posts and comments there to that effect over the last week have either been met with harsh criticism or an eventual reality check for some who took the time to engage in some back and forth in the comments. My one-timer comments on the front page were all about it not being good to focus 100% on the one race…I posted here about that, a few down on this front page.

    My take is that Lamont is as good as any candidate would have been in a race versus Lieberman as long as the war was the primary focus. National polling has been proving for months now that the majority of Americans think it’s time to leave. With that being the case, Lieberman’s stance was not only against the national current, but was indeed a mistake for him personally in terms of his own constituents. That said – a 4% margin is not only nothing to pop champaigne corks about, but it clearly indicates trouble ahead if Lieberman is able to avoid looking consistently foolish from now until November.

    They won’t be finding any covered up murders or smack addictions in Lamont’s background from now until then, but the local TV press threw him a steady dose of smackdown throughout, with the final interviews the night before elections looking more like a lynching than what we in the deadissue fold would consider ‘fair and ballanced’…the blonde (Fox affiliate) stammered at times, and wouldn’t get off of trivial personal matters until Lamont dodged 3 times. With Lieberman on the other hand, she didn’t once follow up on the same topic, and never interrupted him.

    In the end, Lamont performed very well, but much of the heavy CT press had their minds made up before the bell sounded.

    This isn’t something that the blogsphere has been able to influence, Media Matters be damned, the way today’s “news” is delivered with opinion like a side of fries in a value meal at McDonalds…

    I’ve even ceased my barrage of posts berating the media for this or that, because in reality it won’t make a difference in anything besides a rise in blood pressure…nothing’s going to change this in the short term. The brass ordered the blonde to ‘stick it to Lamont’, and she did. He’s got a bullseye on his back from now until November.

    Frustrating for me in a much lesser way than the overall outlook and habit of making baseless predictions…like, “if lamont wins in the primary, the entire country will turn blue overnight because…”

    That’s nonsense – and in the end the joke’s on them in a way, since voters in CT don’t really match up all that much with voters in midwest or southern states. I get the feeling that many in the blogsphere are looking for a slam dunk they can then take credit for instead of looking at the big picture.

    Conrad Burns…now, if this guy wins back his seat, I’ll be thinking long and hard about whether all the attention going to Lieberman-Lamont had anything to do with it. Burns is a crook – – – and in spite of what Cheney says about Democrats voting out a former VP candidate, that it spells trouble for the party – – – if Democrats can’t win in Montana against Burns, THAT’S the sign that spells doom.

    Nobody wants to hear that though.

  8. Predicting the future, check THIS OUT!

    Headline News Anchor: ‘Might Some Argue That Lamont…Is The al Qaeda Candidate?’
    Today on CNN Headline News, anchor Chuck Roberts discussed the impact of the foiled British terror plot with Hotline senior editor John Mercurio. Roberts asked Mercurio, “How does this factor into the Lieberman/Lamont contest? And might some argue, as some have, that Lamont is the al Qaeda candidate?”

  9. Another one – O’Reilly: Lieberman’s Defeat Shows ‘Americans Have No Will To Restrain Iran’s Jihad’

  10. Frodo says:


    LATimes and I very rarely agree. Sort fo like me reading this blog.

    Intersting article.

    \”There\’s more, and it\’s worth your time to take a look. That\’s one of the undeniable strengths of the Internet and of the blogosphere, and the fact that it is being employed to help keep journalism honest ultimately is to everybody\’s benefit.\”

    Maybe thats why some of look to blogs so we can get the facts instead of the main stream medias agenda rammed down our throats.

    Just saying …

  11. captain_menace says:

    a core of out of touch, elitist, extremist who are scaring the crap out of everyone.

    Still scratching my head over that one.

    This Lieberman thing is a disgrace for all Americans. The disgrace is that our media is hyperfocused on it. I heard only one thing about a similar situation in Michigan, and that was during a White House press conference. Here’s the jist…

    Seattle Times

    I’m talking about the Michigan Congressional race where Republican Rep. Joe Schwarz was defeated yesterday by Tim Walberg, a former Republican state legislator. Walberg painted Schwarz as a big-spending liberal and attacked him for his support of abortion rights.

    Schwarz was endorsed by President George Bush and Sen. John McCain. But Walberg was backed by the anti-abortion groups and the Club for Growth. In fact, this was the first primary win ever against an incumbent by a candidate backed by the Club for Growth, a conservative, anti-tax group, that targets GOP members they call RINOs, Republicans in name only.

    So, in this case you’ve got a Republican incumbent ousted by a more conservative Republican. Where is the outrage? Where is the 24-hour news coverage?

    This Lieberman bit is the same old shit, and the Republicans are really taking a bath in it. Assholes. I guess it’s good that they have something to focus on besides terror and death.

    Where’s the concern about moderate Republicans being dislodged from our Congress? Oh yeah, it’s just the radical left that concerns you. Well, I’m a middle-of-the-road kinda guy and both extremes scare me, and the fact that you (Republicans) can’t reign in your own tells me that you’re not really interested in what the ENTIRE NATION wants. And that is why the Republican party must be eliminated. There, I’ve said. And now I feel beeter. Off to church.

  12. Right Thinker says:

    Democrats can’t win in Montana against Burns, THAT’S the sign that spells doom.

    Is Montana really the new battleground state? I think we will survive a Montana Congressional election just fine. Nothing against Montana, of course, but it’s Montana, come on.

    So, in this case you’ve got a Republican incumbent ousted by a more conservative Republican. Where is the outrage? Where is the 24-hour news coverage?

    I’ve posted about this before, it’s because everyone likes Leiberman, he’s the alst of the true mainstream, moderate Democrats. He knows what government is for and his pledge to the people. He got voted out by the very people he was fighting to protect. That’s politics for you when a radical element takes over the Party.

    Which is why I said the Democratic Party is a core of out of touch, elitist, extremist who are scaring the crap out of everyone. Millionaires and Movie Stars who want to run from all our problems, tax us unnecessarily and ruin our culture through attacks on religion, crime prevention and humanity(abortion).

    Leiberman was a candidate who, if elected instead of your candidate, you would be ok with. Sure he was a poltician but I would trust him on some isses more than some Republicans. Take the bankruptcy issue, a terrible piece of legislation. I’ve never heard of the guys from Michigan and Republicans didn’t behave like clansmen to the former politician there.

    This Lieberman bit is the same old shit, and the Republicans are really taking a bath in it. Assholes. I guess it’s good that they have something to focus on besides terror and death.

    For Republicans, this is a great show of Democrats meet Jerry Springer. You can’t be a Republican strategist and not thank your lucky stars for the gift the Dems have just given you. You can’t make this stuff up.

    It’s not that Republicans focus on Terror and Death, it’s that terror and death can happen to other people and Democrats wouldn’t fell the slightest bit of sympathy, anger, alarm or compassion.

    As long as it’s Kuwaitis and Kurds being massaquered, it’s ok for Democrats. As long as it’s millions of Africans dying from Mylaria when DDT is proven safe, Dems don’t bat a eye. It’s only when something happens to them that they care.

    Abortion, Euthanasia, giving condoms to preschoolers when thousands of adult gay men are dying of aids, there is your terror and death.

    Well, I’m a middle-of-the-road kinda guy…..And that is why the Republican party must be eliminated.

    Thank you for that very moderate and centrist opinion!!!

    Yep, three exclamation marks, that’s right.

  13. capt – very nice point! The Republican supported stem cell research, and that was his undoing. I read about this in today’s paper, I think it was David Broder…

    The media is hell bent on torching Dems and giving the GOP a pass. The polls don’t determine their coverage…it’s as if THEY determine what’s “mainstream” and what’s not.

    Turning the position of being against stem cell research into the norm, when clearly it is the “radical” position. When most of the country is in favor of it, why shouldn’t these types of races get some attention?

    That bullshit about the “liberal media” doesn’t wash in reality.

  14. RIGHT!!! Show me proof that condoms were handed out to preschoolers ANYWHERE! What? You believe everything Ann Coulter writes on spec now?!?!?!

    It never happened! But for the right-wing it’s been alright to make shit up and then come out against it for decades. If you guys didn’t do that, it’d be tough on you, I understand.

    I’m dying to see the proof posted here that preschoolers were given condoms!

  15. captain_menace says:

    Abortion, Euthanasia, giving condoms to preschoolers when thousands of adult gay men are dying of aids, there is your terror and death.

    You really are nuts aren’t you? Preschoolers and gay men dying from AIDS. A connection exists? Hot dogs and scuba diving. There’s your terror and death. Back to churh now.

  16. As long as it’s Kuwaitis and Kurds being massaquered, it’s ok for Democrats. As long as it’s millions of Africans dying from Mylaria when DDT is proven safe, Dems don’t bat a eye. It’s only when something happens to them that they care.

    So a rise in the murder rate nationwide, that’s a “local issue”, none of the federal government’s business – yet the death of Kurdish people on the other side of the globe IS the federal government’s business?

    And who amongst Democrats today were against the first Gulf War? I was in school during that, and read the paper regularly…Democrats who came out against the war were punnished at the polls. Why? Because it was a SUCCESSFULL OPERATION!!!

    Republicans would have you believe that ANY war the US gets involved in is a “success” regardless of the actual outcome. Untrue, as the voters are clearly indicating with their rejection of Lieberman. For a war to be politically acceptable, the outcome has to be a success and the goals have to make sense.

    This war is just like Vietnam in that the goals don’t correlate to reality on the ground, and when a goal is set and reached, within a few days the outcome of it as described by our government doesn’t correspond with what actually happened.

    Killing the #1 terrorist in Iraq a few months back was called a step towards victory, yet today the country is experiencing MORE violence, not less. The political process wasn’t given a shot in the arm from this either.

    The American people understand all of this now, and Bush’s approval rating clearly shows that when he gets up and says something about the Iraq War, 66% of Americans don’t believe a word he’s saying.

    THAT’S WHY a primary race in CT is being called a ‘success’ for the GOP, because they can spin it to seem like the Democrats are bi-polar…

    Now, if that’s what GOP voters want to hang their hat on, then it’s a sad day for the GOP quite frankly. How about some real accomplishments? Or is the inability of Republicans to lead this country so obvious that all there is left to celebrate is the incoherence of the opposition party?

    I read that administration staffers were excited about the terror threat that was snuffed out in the UK…and right there is a perfect example of how badly they’ve managed over the past 6 years. The GOOD NEWS has to do with there being terrorists out there – NOT anything the GOP has accomplished.

  17. realmichaud says:

    “This Lamont fellow, according to them, represents the little terrorist in all of us”


    good blog entry AL

    good blog entry

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