
We’re not yet exusing soldiers from their responsiblities as human beings and professionals (the ones that coverups aren’t able to protect), so this case of euthanasia could in fact become a turning point, although the circumstances may determine that a criminal charge is not warranted.  Personally, it really angers me to know that Army interrogators are in jail right now for following orders.  Circumstances dove their bosses to extremes that fell outside of the law, and whoever didn’t obey orders…they were screwed in a different way than those now sitting in prison.

What authority did these people refer to when they adminstered the lethal doses?  Barring plea-bargains, this trial will indicate where we’re at as a society, and the logic that leads the jury to its decision will equal an answer to whether or not those soldiers are where they belong.  Stress, pressures none of us can understand…that’s what people like this are facing when they do what they do.

ASSIST from Van Helsing forwarding the following links:

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