On the Discovery Channel Tonight

Interesting program on baboons in communal settings, how they interact and communicate, express emotion, and how their impulsive behavior can be explained now thanks to this video research.  The male baboon feels the need to blow off some steam, but being one of the weakest in the community, to engage another male is too risky.  Observe…the female is quick to thwart this male’s advances and he scurries away, quite satisfied with himself.



More educational programing:


Public Schools Perform Near Private Ones – Study – NYTimes

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13 Responses to On the Discovery Channel Tonight

  1. Right Thinker says:

    After the Clinton years, I bet all Women around Washington D.C. have these reflexes.

  2. Next to come are spikes that pop out of the skin…evolution, sticking it to the man

  3. captain_menace says:

    That had to have been photoshoped. If not, our president is truly about as lame as can be. Like the drunk guy at the bar hitting on uninterested chicks.

  4. It speaks volumes. Daily Show went with this tonight – funny. Colbert panned WW3 – – – Comedy Central should be calling any minute

  5. captain_menace says:

    The difference RT is that Clinton was smooth enough to get a little. When you’re man is looking like an idiot, quickly point to something else eh?

    Bush is just an incompetent boob. Not to mention that… come on… you just don’t give women you don’t really know a shoulder massage at an international diplomatic event. WTF???

    He’s a married guy even. My wife would beat my ass if she saw me at work giving female co-workers shoulder rubs… “why don’t you give me shoulder rubs?!?!?”

    Me thinks he may have partaken a bit too much of the local brew. Beer goggles were in full effect. That’s the only thing I can think of.

  6. Right Thinker says:

    Beer goggles were in full effect. That’s the only thing I can think of.

    Yeah, I do have to fault him for his choice of dog. He should have just given her a milkbone and a pat on the head.

  7. karl says:

    She kind of looks like Harriet Myers, maybe he go confused.

  8. While I assume that Barbara get’s a Dubya-rub whenever she’s in town, to extend that psychosis to a German woman in a professional setting…

  9. Right Thinker says:

    Looks like Barbara Walters

  10. Right Thinker says:

    She should be happy, Bill Clinton stuck his penis in an intern’s mouth. A pat on the shoulder shouldn’t be a precursor to WW3.

  11. The intern was HORNY – she was also STUPID…

    Got to be honest here…I’ve worked with some sexy females in the past, some have worked for me, but NEVER was the thought of doing what Clinton did ever in my mind.

    The guy is a loser in a personal sense, BUT as an executive, he was the best I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

    Minimum wage, voter’s rights…that’s what’s REALLY important to me. That everyone gets back what they put in. Clinton worked for the little man, and Reagan, Bush 1 + 2 did not!

  12. captain_menace says:

    The difference is that Merkel looked disgusted by Bush’s groping (it wasn’t a shoulder pat). Clinton might have gotten a little. Nothing succeeds like success.

  13. Shit, Monica had mayo dripping off of her chin and asked the President if he wanted a footrub! Bush groped a German and it was UNACCEPTABLE…he thought he was cool w/ this woman…Clinton at least could read between the lines…this schmuck is too stupid to understand that, let alone why Israel is acting a fool.

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