7/6/06 – 1st Birthday!!!

A great day for that basic fact, and the impression that by the end of it they understood, things were brighter, more laid back, energetic with new toys, a new perspective with beach balls that you have to pick up with both arms because a grasp with the one hand won’t get the job done.  Chase that around and blow off some steam, enjoy special food all messy and eaten by hand, no bib, no needing to hold up your own bottle in the highchair, or worry about the tray getting too wet or uninteresting, courses of different tastes, textures, eatability on the face, floor, belly like it didn’t matter – even though it did – so of course they knew that, and it’s through things like this that I feel like when they went to sleep they were aware and grateful of something, mostly the idea that they’d been around for a whole year already…that’s how I see it.

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7 Responses to 7/6/06 – 1st Birthday!!!

  1. S. R. says:

    Movin’ along just fine it appears…

  2. Leah says:

    Happy Birthday one day late boys, hope you like your gifts they are coming up with GiGI and one should be in the mail to you tomorrow. LOve you Auntie Leah

  3. S. R. says:

    What means this aunt?

  4. Did you turn into shakespere? Did I spell that right?

    New grill, but unfortunately a crucial piece of the family tree cannot attend. Leah is mama, Mike is papa – Weymouth wouldn\’t be shit without the good time I know they had on the 4th, the street is closed down (dead end), and a community ritual takes place, fun as fun gets, with a fireworks show down this big hill to the ocean wall, one street down to the left is the one Leah and I both grew up on, a neighborhood with probably more kids than adults, actually it could be 2 kids for every adult…got to figure in divorce…ok, 2.5 kids for every adult. (Early 1980s)

    So the rocks and water on the other side of that concrete wall were probably the site of everything from that time and place I refer to when it\’s time to reflect. It was simple, yet enormous, the type of activity a young kid loves…crab fishing, sending the crabs you caught out to sea on a piece of floatable trash you were able to scrounge up, the cold water you\’d swim in, the warm water you\’d swim in, and that smell, the constant saltwater taste in the air…

    I\’d be lying if I didn\’t take note of that smell first thing upon moving back after the army. It\’s something I savor whenever close to the ocean…now, San Fransico was weird to me because Chinatown was better than Fisherman\’s Wharf in many many ways, but the taste in the air, same as Santa Cruz and Big Sur, it has a deep meaning to me for some reason. Comfort in waves of breath.

    Part of that could be having lived in Vilseck, Germany for 2.5 years, surrounded by farms and the taste of manure and car exhaust in the air…or it could just be that I like crab fishing, but the draw also has a lot to do with the 4th of July.

    When I\’m not in Weymouth, I don\’t give a damn about the 4th – for big chunks of years I\’ve been consumed with nothing but either relief or fury over not having 4 consecutive days off…of course there are fireworks shows everywhere, but I\’m indifferent.

    The bells and whistles don\’t mean anything if there\’s no community to share it with. Back where I\’m from, it\’s fun and memorable, innocent and real. I see my family, feel good about the world, sit on that sea wall with a cooler full of beer.

    Take in the fireworks, dig how all the little kids are amazed.

    Walk back up the hill and begin the night.

  5. S. R. says:

    Reminds me of July 4, 2000…the only Independence Day where I had to actually work in the army. Another rainy eight-hour shift, same as any other day. Actually, I had to work on Thanksgiving of that year too for the only time. Shit, I spent my third consecutive Christmas in Hawaii with just a week left in the army. Fuckers.

    There is something to be said for ocean year, and the ocean climate. if it wasn’t so damn expensive to live there…I’d move to Monterey for ever. Still might and make my mom cry haha. Just kidding Mom.

  6. Is your mom reading deadissue? Sweet!

    I’ve got a couple specific pieces she’d probably be interested in reading, I’ll dig them up.

  7. S. R. says:

    Who knows what my mom reads? Sometimes, she tells me she reads my own blog but I think it is severely infrequent. I only apologized b/c she got hurt feelings when I said she had a big mouth in the “Hi Professor” post.

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