Monthly Archives: July 2006

Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal (my thoughts)

Any Rand’s mind is one that conservatives champion, rightly in my opinion, as the concepts that underpin modern day conservative politics can unlikely be articulated much better than through her writing.  My leanings towards conservatism have a lot to do … Continue reading

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Uncensored Version of ‘On the Road’

Head full of thoughts so I come downstairs wondering if Cleo got outside again and thus I’m shaking a little bag of treats by a window in the basement I’ve had proped open for a couple days (hoping she’d notice it … Continue reading

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Untitled – Notepad

A streetlight with no courage flickers insanity across sidewalk split all over with tufts of grass and dirt plump up and down so a bug with something to do maneuvers over one mountain then another without fear or even the … Continue reading

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OK – I was dreaming that King (Sixers Prez) would be stupid enough to agree to such a deal.  Truth be told, Telfair is valuable, but Allen and Wally on the other hand…I’d put the youngin’s in this order in … Continue reading

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Online Scam Police

A google ad on this site led me to a company that pays you money to take surveys.  A google search of that company and the word ‘scam‘ next to it brought up pages of people who were burned.  The … Continue reading

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Pigs never get full

I think it’s officially time for us to tool up and storm the capitol! #1 – Halfway down this article in today’s paper I developed an ulcer – I.R.S. Cuts target lawyers who audit the richest The Bush administration has successfully … Continue reading

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An Army of One

This is what they were getting at with that slogan.  US Army soldiers charged with murder are having their grand jury hearings in Tikrit.  Lord knows there are plenty of defense attourneys willing to travel to Iraq…what the hell is … Continue reading

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We’re not yet exusing soldiers from their responsiblities as human beings and professionals (the ones that coverups aren’t able to protect), so this case of euthanasia could in fact become a turning point, although the circumstances may determine that a criminal charge … Continue reading

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The boys and some of their friends

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A moral obligation to liberate Iran

The Iranian population is crying out for the US military, to liberate them from this evil government now draging a once proud Persian society through the muck.  Clearly, once we drop bombs strategically throughout the country, our forces could then … Continue reading

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Embryos Benedict

Brownback and Inhofe ran point for the opposition, yet during all of the debate on the Senate floor they failed to convince on the science.  This is because they refered to science hardly at all in terms of citing expert … Continue reading

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Salivating over World War III

Boy do some of them want it! Bill Kristol is apparantly the cheerleader, again.  Pick apart these arguments all you can, but first understand the upside of engaging Syria and Iran.  If Israel launches the offensive, they can be fighting … Continue reading

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On the Discovery Channel Tonight

Interesting program on baboons in communal settings, how they interact and communicate, express emotion, and how their impulsive behavior can be explained now thanks to this video research.  The male baboon feels the need to blow off some steam, but being … Continue reading

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GOOD READ – The Wire – Season 4

Ed Burns Writer and Producer Ed Burns talks to HBO about being a teacher in Baltimore’s inner city and how that experience is informing Season 4 of The Wire.

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Fear by association

I’ve held off on writing this for quite a while,

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SWIFT – WSJournal’s News Division – Facts

New York Observer  According to Journal staffers with knowledge of the situation, Mr. Simpson, who is based in Brussels, had been working for months on a story about government monitoring of the international banking system operated by the Society for … Continue reading

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Bump in the road – CTU Online

I’ll just post the chat as it took place.  FYI – I’ve been tossing up the whiskey bottle today, so the urgency relayed in this chat may not seem appropriate…along with the posting of this chat in the first place…but … Continue reading

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“It (the internet) is not a truck, it’s a series of tubes”

The Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens had ‘net neutrality’ in front of him in the form of a staffer and some lobbyists working for telecom giants Verizon and AT&T.  After a few minutes the vote was secured, and fifteen minutes … Continue reading

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“Would it be easier to impose authoritarianism over the right than it would the left?”

Great question!  karl posted this in a comment and I think it deserves it’s own thread.  A linguist named Lakoff wrote a book I read last year, “Don’t think of an Elephant“, where he delves into the parent-child dynamic at … Continue reading

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Journalism, who needs it?

I know several people who would like to do away with journalism altogether, or at least minimize it’s relevance as much as possible.  If a journalist uncovers something you don’t want to believe, then find an excuse not to, problem … Continue reading

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7/6/06 – 1st Birthday!!!

A great day for that basic fact, and the impression that by the end of it they understood, things were brighter, more laid back, energetic with new toys, a new perspective with beach balls that you have to pick up with … Continue reading

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Happy 4th of July!

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You Can’t Fake Forever

NY POST Article

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Pre-Withdrawal Failure Strategy

The cat’s out of the bag, as the man in charge of our troops and studying conditions “on the ground” says that a redeployment of thousands is planned for October.  General Casey says it, and the world should be outraged over … Continue reading

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