In a mere half hour, the best pitcher I’ve ever seen will take the mound for the Mets.  Amazing evening – regardless of what happens – as every time I get to see Pedro in a game is a blessing. 


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6 Responses to PEDRO

  1. Boy did he suck tonight! Good thing too, w/ 11 games in a row now. The Mets have a left fielder who looks like he’s drunk, two games in a row he fails miserably on routine plays, acting as if he actually thought there was a MONSTER in the wall…good thing for Red Sox fans, knowing your 9 hitter is a gold glover w/ about 4 home runs in the past week. Young pitchers hitting the ground running, like nothing I’ve ever seen from a Red Sox organization…

  2. S. R. says:

    Have you got your comments fixed Al?

  3. I think it had something to do with Pedro

  4. S. R. says:

    HA! I wanted to wait to comment since I had the ESPN game TiVoed. Yep, a real ass-kicking. I’m going to write something about the NL tonight.

  5. Nick says:

    Watching him get beatup was fun but it doesnt compare to last nights game, for a sox fan, particulary one that doesn\’t see nearly as many games as I would like these days, last night was a particulary special game to watch.

  6. I couldn’t agree more! Last night was probably the best baseball game I’ve seen all year. This is how I’ve dreamed the Red Sox would play SOMETIME in my life, let alone within the first 5 years of Theo!

    He and Francona both understand what winning a baseball game is all about…the defense, the baserunning, high pitch count per bat, and of course the fact that they got a bunt single-stolen base-sacrifice bunt-sacrifice fly…

    I’d bet you couldn’t go into the archives of Red Sox baseball for 10 years and find that exact progression in 162 games for at least 8…

    Always derided in Weymouth as ‘National League Style’…whatever the fuck that means…then a Cleveland Indians lineup from Hades fails numerous times, and a Yankees ballclub that combined pitching with defense and baserunning PLUS big bats…they win several world series.

    That’s the game.

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