Gore-Kerry Ticket in ’08

Landslide victory – you heard it here first. 

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13 Responses to Gore-Kerry Ticket in ’08

  1. Right Thinker says:

    WMDs found in Iraq, Al-Queda on the brink of collapse(just like Cheney said), Iraq a new Democracy, new revelations about Gore and Kerry cult of personality fraud. Gore-Kerry burried under landslide, that’s my prediction.

    Sorry people but the world is just doing too good for Dems gloom & doom and no real plans of their own other than snatching defeat from the jaws of victory(I love that line). Cut & Run is for cowards and Bill Clinton is no longer President.

  2. Frodo says:

    Hate to say I told you so … but I did.

    Go Bush … He was and still is my President.

    WMD’s Found
    Good Bush Speach here

  3. karl says:

    I would like to see Gore/Obama

  4. Right Thinker says:

    I would like to see Gore/Obama

    What do you have against Obama?

  5. Right Thinker says:

    Chris, should we use this thread to gloat about Bush being correct or do you want to open a new thread?

  6. captain_menace says:

    If you’re not talking about nuclear weapons, or modern biological/chemical agents then you’re not talking about WMD. Nice try.

    I can make toxic and explosive weapons from items purchased at a hardware store or from items purchased through an agricultural wholesaler.

    You’re saying that degraded chemicals that have been sitting untouched in barrels for 20 years represents a WMD threat? This isn’t new news. News about sarin and mustard gas have been around since the start of the war. These “weapons” do not consitute a real WMD program.

    Look out! I hear Mexico has large amounts of chemical fertilizer stocked up. I’ve even heard that some radical farmers in Iowa have these same dangerous chemical WMDs. Get the troops ready.

    Someone sounds a little nervous, dare I say… scared.

    about Bush being correct or do you want to open a new thread?

    A bit ironic, wasn’t too long ago that conservatives were blaming the intelligence agencies for bad information.

    “The president and congress all relied on intelligence agencies for accurate assessments, it’s not our fault.”

    So what is it? Is Bush responsible for the intelligence or isn’t he? You can’t have it both ways.

  7. captain_menace says:

    My money is on Gore/Winfrey in ’08.


    Make that Winfrey/Gore, and we’ll all find keys to new hybrid cars under our chairs. Yahoo!!!!

  8. Frodo says:

    Captain_menace … I would say, and if you had actually read the article you would know, that anything that only takes 15 units of to kill 5,000 people is WMD.

    And this is only a small part of the entire report that was declassified.

    The real question is why wait so long? Security issues and not tipping our hand to the enemy?

    FBI cover-up of the botched job they did? Lots of buzz going around about those facts.

    Chris = dumbass … all I can say is bring it on! Hope you get the comments thing worked out.

  9. karl says:


    Are we going to hear more about thier were WMD’s we were just to incomptent to find and secure them, for the rest of the election cycle?

    Kind of like the “Jury is still out” on global warming. You know you can fool some of the people some of the time but the Repub faithful are even starting to get a clue.

  10. captain_menace says:

    anything that only takes 15 units of to kill 5,000 people is WMD.

    Me thinks you’ve been smoking a bit of the Shire pipe weed there Mr. Baggins.

    15 units? You mean 15 shells that were used to deliver the nerve agent?

    How about a little honesty here on your part? Using your numbers and a bit of basic math we can determine that these shells can each individually kill around 334 people. A far cry from being a weapon of mass destruction (in a group of 15, or individually).

    Have you had a chance yet to look into those radical Iowan farmers? While you’re at it I think you may want to look at the tobacco industry. I’m beginning to believe that they may have some very sinister intentions with the dangerous WMD devices commonly referred to as cigarettes.

  11. Dave Gaubatz is a gentleman I’ve been reading up on in the past few days, as he’s vehiment about the government searching a number of sites that have still gone uninspected. Whether or not there’s anything there, well, unless someone goes and checks, I don’t know how anyone can be sure.

    To his credit, following 9/11 he learned Arabic in one year and hit the ground in Iraq, interviewing anyone he could for information. The intelligence he gathered was handed up to the military on several occasions, and on one occasion in particular he was told that there weren’t enough resources to carry out the work.

    That seems ridiculous to me seeing as how WMD was the reason we went there in the first place, AND considering the political fallout from having never found anything to match the expectations of the American public, having been told of MOBILE WEAPONS LABS – MUSHROOM CLOUDS – NUCLEAR WEAPONS FACILITIES – YELLOW CAKE FROM NIGER – ALLUMINUM TUBES THAT COULD ONLY BE USED IN A CENTERFUGE!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m not about to dump on this man’s dilligence or patriotism, in fact, I’d like to buy this guy a beer. It was proactive on his part, and his intention wasn’t political in nature, but instead, he was trying to defend this country the only way he knew how.

    That said, it could very well be that these sites HAVE been checked out, but that the findings of those searches remains classified. And here’s where the political aspect comes into play – as it’s not he that’s using this research for political gain – but instead Republicans like Santorum who are hoping to keep an air of doubt surrounding WMD for the sake of the 2006 elections.

    What the senator is talking about now, and what Frodo has latched onto, is OLD NEWS. These spent or expired munitions were found early on in the search, and in EVERY CASE it was determined that Saddam had obtained or created them prior to 1991. This is a fact, and the unclassified dump of documents that contained a rehash of this information is what people are re-introducing into the public discourse as if it was NEWS…it’s not.

    The argument that spent or expired mustard gas and nerve agent made before 1991 fulfills the justification we were presented prior to invasion is ridiculous. Indeed, we will not be bombing or invading Iran any time soon if this is what we’d end up discovering.

    It’s tremendously shady that politicans would use Mr. Gaubatz for their own purposes, perhaps knowing full well that a segment of our society is eager to latch onto ANYTHING that might help them forget about how wrong we were in invading Iraq.

    Frodo – your intentions are good, but this argument doesn’t hold water. Perhaps a walk along the Pacific Ocean coastline adjacent to Fort Ord would result in an unexploded round from 30 years ago (it has been known to happen), but what does that mean? When you’re talking about chemical rounds like we found, the shelf life is what it’s all about. The combination of elements loses potency every day once the nasty stuff is made, and with these chemical agents in particular, right now if a terrorist acquired them, it would certainly be less than 2:1 odds that however they planed to utilize them would fail.

    What they found (and I know this from extensive research on the subject, particularly once my unit was put on alert for Kosovo) has to be retrofitted onto a device that launches, a missile, and even then, even if the round is applied perfectly, every so often the stuff will be wasted. It’s not an exact science, far from it.

    Now, in the runup to the first Gulf War, Saddam’s nuclear facilities were running full tilt, but his scientists were never able to retrofit the shell they made to the missiles they had on hand. Basically Saddam had a car, the key, but no gas to put in it. Once our bombing campaign knocked out much of his infrastructure – AND – once his scientists began to defect, his ability to create a nuke was virtually impossible.

    The mobile weapons labs were the only part of the pre-war intelligence dump I found to have any possible merit, but of course I had read ‘The Cobra ______’ at the same time I was in the Army…about six months before we were put on alert…in that fiction novel, Iraqi mobile weapons laboratories were talked about in depth, and the chemical they created was so potent that a single grain of dust would kill someone in the matter of a couple days, some in a matter of hours.

    Did I believe that such horrible stuff could exist? Sure…but who was I? Nobody…I didn’t work for the CIA, nor did I ever step foot into Iraq. Whether or not the author had is a good question.

    Too much of this WMD discussion has veered away from science and into the rhelm of spitballing…

    The right-wingers who are propping up this nonsense seem to think that whatever they find, the President and Pentagon don’t want to check up on…now, think for a second about what it would mean for one of these theories to prove true…it would vindicate the entire administration, it would vindicate Colon Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld and most importantly, Bush himself.

    The notion that these individuals care nothing about vindication in this regard is ridiculous. And IF the argument Santorum is putting forth now had ANY merit whatsoever…don’t you think Cheney and Bush would be out in front?

    They’re not of course, because such speculation is GOOD for them politically – – – to come out and say that they have followed up and come up with nothing would mean that they then lose Frodo and anyone else taken in by it. As of right now, there are people out there willing to believe it, so from their perspective, saying anything about it will only hurt them.

    In the words of FlavaFlav – “DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!”

  12. Right Thinker says:

    Man, what’s with the novel? All you had to say was Bush was right the whole time and that damn, lying Dean tricked you. You can add Kerry is a fraud if you want but it isn’t necessary to this part of the discussion.

  13. captain_menace says:

    All you had to say was Bush was right the whole time and that damn, lying Dean tricked you. You can add Kerry is a fraud if you want but it isn’t necessary to this part of the discussion.

    I agree 100% with President Bush (when he said there were no WMD, not when he said there were WMD). No WMDs were found. He said it, and I support and believe him 100%. What’s your problem? Don’t you believe Bush when he says that no WMD were found? Are you calling our president a liar?

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