Zarqawi Killed…a photo of Frank Drebon (Police Squad) shows up on deadissue 36 hours prior…coincidence?

MANY of the professionals I come across in the field have had much to say about Frank throughout the years, and almost all of it has been negative.  You’ll notice that his actual face won’t show up for a couple of years, and then BAM!  He’s saving the queen of England at a baseball game.

Much of the ‘legal muscle’ around parts of America that are still relevant would like to have Frank’s head on a pole on the outside of their offices.  In fact, the man had to go into hiding outside of the US, just to have the ability to operate in any relevant capacity.  So the money handed down, from just about every criminal on earth with a billion dollars or more to protect, to assassins from 30 different countries…in a word, WASTED!

You can’t catch this guy, and for reasons I hope to never understand, the one thing nobody can ever dispute when it comes to this heroic American is the fact that Frank Drebon GETS THINGS DONE!

Unorthadox, sure.  Dangerous, absolutely.  Effective?  You bet your ass he is…and while he’s being shuttled off to Siberia (don’t tell anyone) following this last successful operation in Iraq, I can only hope that the ‘powers that be’ can finally come to realize that when it comes to saving this country from terrorism, Frank’s the best chance we’ve got!

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