Opening the Pool – My Virgin Excursion

Pictures will accompany this post once I find the cable that connects the camera to the PC…feeling guilty right now as I’ve had several posts on the slate to show off the deadissue children, which now total four…I’ve got pictures from Right and my brother to upload.  This WILL happen before the end of next week. 

Back to the pool though, it’s half full right now with a mess of leaves and dirt in a few spots.  This past week I’ve been spending my spare time scooping leaves off the top of the cover, an operation that has bulked up my arms better than pushups ever could.  Many hours were spent on this portion of the task, as the pool lies directly below several branches from the tree to the right of our house.  The idea being that the more leaves I could scoop out would reduce the amount that could end up in the pool once the cover came off. 

Expecting some help this weekend, I put it off until today, but couldn’t wait any longer…like a child on Christmas morning, I eagerly tore off the top alone, and a portion of the muck got through my un-sophisticated planning, which equals more work with the skimmer…my mind weeps, my “guns” rejoice. 

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2 Responses to Opening the Pool – My Virgin Excursion

  1. S. R. says:

    Couldn’t you just drain the pool and climb inside with a brush broom, scrubbing the hell out of it? I don’t know actually, having never been responsible for pool upkeep.

  2. That would be a pain in the ass, and the lawn would turn into a swamp. Once I get the water up to a level where the filter can do it’s job, it’ll be alright. Right now it’s just sitting there because until it gets up high enough, I can’t turn the thing on, so the water’s not moving at all.

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