Feds out to nab ‘The Prophet’

As a matter of principle, polygamy doesn’t offend or scare me in any way.  My belief is that families are the engine that runs every successful nation in the world, and as long as whoever is up to it, more power to them.  Love being the standard, not appearances. 

The only people in our country engaging in this are the fundamentalist Mormons out west.  The difference between my beliefs and why these tribes are doing something wrong has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that marriages are arranged.  As a caveat, it is true that a 15 year old girl can and will be married to a middle-aged man, to whom she will then give up her body and future to.  This is worthy of criminal prosecution in my book. 

Imagine growing up and one day being told that you HAD to marry someone you’d never even met.  Take a moment and let the mind ferment on that concept for a little while…

The fact that teenage girls are brainwashed and forced to service fifty year old men sexually – – – that’s the cherry on top of the sundae for me.  Far more dangerous in my opinion is the fundamental concept of arranged marriages, amidst an entire nation founded on the idea that people should inherently be free.  If that means the government arrests some people who do arrange the lives of others in some way…so be it.  In a free society, this practice is grotesque.  The republic should eliminate such things naturally, but for decades it’s been allowed to fester.

As lame as lame gets – the idea is, that slavery is alright as long as it’s part of one’s religious beliefs.  I cringe at the notion that a constitutional scholar somewhere, could balance out the 13th ammendment lower than the 1st in this instance.  As if to say that a human being had become less important in the eyes of the government than a specific religious organization.  That a 15 year old girl is fair game as long as the paperwork is filed correctly.

Of course it’s not that simple.  These tribes have political power, primarily because of their numbers, devotion and reach within Utah and Arizona.  That said, CRIMES are being committed in these places.  Consider the fact that our government will spend billions this year to fight a war on drugs that hasn’t made a difference since it’s conception, yet we’ve got a sadistic version of kiddie twister going on out west and nobody seems to care.  Then read this…

Polygamy Sect Leader on FBI Wanted List

By DOUG ALDEN, Associated Press Writer Sun May 7, 11:42 AM ET    

SALT LAKE CITY – Polygamist church leader Warren Jeffs has been placed on the






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FBI‘s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list in hopes that the additional exposure and reward money will lead to his arrest.

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