The Davinci Code – Part 2 (a Movie with Tom Hanks)

This is going to cause a lot of babbling when it comes out.  Expert analysts on the TV hashing it out for days.  As if…what?  We censor it?  On Malacay in Kansas’s behalf? 

We pass a law, and anything Malacay finds offensive or insulting is immediately shut down. 

It’s that simple of a thing…and it’s not like a hundred years from now the Bible will be gone, replaced with a fiction novel. 

Then again, that’s how we ended up with Mormans…

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12 Responses to The Davinci Code – Part 2 (a Movie with Tom Hanks)

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    I must be the only person in America that hasn’t read The DaVinci Code, and have no great excitement in seeing the movie. I’d rather watch Castaway again.

  2. That’s a statement! I could never do THAT again.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    I didn’t think it was too bad a movie. Kind of freaked me out actually.

  4. karl says:

    I caught a couple of minutes of castaway one night. He was talking to the ball. Very disturbing.

    You guys watch lost at all. I have never seen a full episode, but what I don’t get is how can a bunch of people get marrooned in a tropical paradise and still mess it up.

  5. Wisenheimer says:

    Lost is addictive.


  6. karl says:

    I got addicted to prison break this season and I am trying to get over rescue me and Nip Tuck, the season ender of Nip Tuck was really good with the tranny coming out of the grave to hit the guy with the shovel.

    A while back I bought season one and 2 of Dark Angel, I cannot believe they cancelled that show, I would have thought Jessica Alba was worht at least 5 seasons.

    Good luck getting over lost.

  7. captain_menace says:

    I must be the only person in America that hasn’t read The DaVinci Code

    You’re not the only one. If I want fiction I turn on the evening news. Funny stuff.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing DaVinci Code movie. I saw the ad for it the other day and it looked pretty good.

    * Update on peak oil… it’s not the crisis I thought it might be, at least for now. Some funny data analysis going on with the peakoiler proponents. Really scared the hell out of me though.

  8. Wisenheimer says:

    Won’t get over Lost too soon — it’s on tonight! Oh yeah!

  9. karl says:

    CM: has quite a bit if stuff on peak oil. The world is definitely going to look different in 100 years. One thing that I think we will start to see pretty soon is higher density population centers, because they are more energy efficient. From there it is hard to say what will happen.

  10. captain_menace says:

    Thanks for the link karl. I’ve read so much stuff about the petroleum and biofuels industry over the last 5 days I think my head my instantaneously combust. Just think of the energy that might be harnessed.


    Looks like old Tony Snow bit on the hook. Sucker. Will be interesting to see whether he helps float the boat, or whether it pulls him down it.

  11. karl says:

    Tony Snow is going to be fun to watch, it will be interesting to see how he does when not preaching to the chior.

    Peak oil is probably going to dramaticaly effect the future, it is hard to figure out how though. One thing that I have been reading is that US is going to start to look more like europe as prices rise and supplies dissapear. I am looking forward to some of the cool motorcycles that they have in europe getting imported as more city friendly vehicles become marketable.

  12. Hell yea! In Denver a motorcycle would do nicely.

    Peak oil is going to be a reality, if it’s not already here…but Russia’s insanely vast eastern wilderness is still mostly unexplored. They’re trading natural gas fields for entry into foreign markets as I write this.

    Look at the fight between China and Japan over that single pipeline Russia built a year or so ago…I have a feeling there’s more where that came from.

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