Mary McCarthy Didn’t Leak Info – Fired for What?

Source – MSNBC

McCarthy has contributed a total of $7,000 to Democratic political causes over her lifetime, including $2,000 to the Kerry 2004 presidential campaign. Her husband is a landscaper, and they live in Bethesda, Md.

This, in and of itself, is certainly grounds for demotion, perhaps even mega-demotion, but to get shitcaned for being a Democrat, well…that’s probably not fair.

“A CIA officer has acknowledged having unauthorized discussions with the media, in which the officer knowingly and willfully shared classified intelligence, including operational information. I terminated that officer’s employment with the CIA,” Goss said.

OK, now it makes sense.  Unless you consider this:

Fired CIA officer Mary McCarthy has “categorically” denied to NBC News through her lawyer that she leaked classified information. In addition, McCarthy’s attorney tells NBC News that she did not have access to the information she is accused of leaking. The CIA has said that the officer — whom the agency wouldn’t identify — had “confessed” to leaking.

A defense source tells NBC News that while McCarthy may have failed her polygraph on the issue of having unauthorized contacts with reporters, she did not fail the question about leaking information on the secret prison system.

FINE…she didn’t fail the polygraph test on the question of whether she leaked the information.  Take that and run with it if you want to, but she DOES know the reporter, AND she donated money to Democrats!  I say, polygraph schmolygraph – this is America, and the day a government agency can’t fire someone for voting a certain way, it’s all over for us I’m afraid.  I mean, do you want the guy working next to you believing something different than you when it comes to politics or religion?  To hell with that mess!  We have terrorist hethons who are perhaps days away from breaking into my house and raping every one of us hour after hour until we finally fall in love with Allah, actually MEAN IT, which is vital considering how skillfull they are at knowing whether or not someone’s lying when they say it. 

It’s the Mike Tyson “I’m gonna fuck you till you love me” method, and I’m afraid that if we don’t start getting as good at this as the terrorists already are, it’ll only be a matter of time before we’re all booze-free, eating sand burgers…so with that in mind, how about we don’t just fire every Democrat working for the government, but for the sake of national security, let’s chop off their heads as well.  You video tape Mary McCarthy being decapitated, run it on the news, uncensored on the internet, and I guarantee all this talk about what the President did or didn’t do will go away pretty damned quick!

Who’s with me?  I’ve got an axe, chainsaw and hodgepodge collection of kitchen knives here in the house.  Can someone donate a machette? 

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11 Responses to Mary McCarthy Didn’t Leak Info – Fired for What?

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Everyone knows how relaible a polygraph test is…there can be no doubt.

  2. karl says:

    Reading around on the conservative blogs they seem to be trying to demonize this women. I guess the idea is any politician who defends her cannot credibly critisize Bush for leaking.

    I know that sounds a little like a conspiricy theory but we are talking about people who outed a CIA agent because her husband told them the truth.

  3. Right Thinker says:

    outed a CIA agent because her husband told them the truth.

    When I look up the definition of truth it talks about a statement that is based in fact. Therefore, Joe Wilson and truth really can’t be used in the same sentance.

  4. Niger and yellowcake – it was KNOWN to be bad information by the White House BEFORE it was touted in speeches. Months after the letter was called a fraud (the initial reaction of the first analyst who looked at it, right on up. John Bolton’s unit was the one saying it was real the entire time…UN imbassador…

    This is all documented. Joe Wilson didn’t have a security clearance to worry about, so he was a loose end. Everyone with clearance who knew what was happening, if they had spoken up, they’d have been prosecuted.

    It wasn’t a “mistake” that Bush kept talking about it, it was a conspiracy with Cheney and Rumsfeld’s fingerprints all over it. This is opening up right now, as the Libby case proceeds, the truth will come out. He doesn’t want to go to jail, so he’s going to defend himself…that aspect of all this is what’s going to blow it wide open.

  5. karl – you’re exactally right. 100%

  6. karl says:


    Wilson said “Iraq was not trying to get yellow cake from Niger” Guess what, Iraq was not trying to get yellow cake. Bush said they were. Who is incompatible with the truth?

  7. Right Thinker says:

    Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame are Partisan Bureaucrats trying to vie for political power and influence within the DNC. Iraq WAS looking into getting bomb materials as proven by the visit by Saddam’s officials and documents and testimony by Niger officials.

    Sleazy Joe spun the story saying Bush lied by saying Iraq had already received or was about to receive yellow cake. Joe Wilson is a fraud, a political hack and a stauch liberal. Valerie Plame is a fraud, an abuser of public trust and public funds, and a political hack.

    I enjoyed the revision of history lesson but, remember, this just happened over the last few years. Give it a few more years before you rewrite the history to make Joe Wilson look less like Benedict Arnold and more like JFK.

  8. Right Thinker says:

    Well, it sorta worked. The whole paragraph above is the link.

  9. Looks good – I’m going to check that out. Right, you do understand that the document that led to Bush talking about this link was in fact a forgery, true?

    You’re talking about testimony given, which I haven’t read of until now, but the basis for Bush’s claim wasn’t anything but this bogus memo on Nigerian letterhead. That was the information they used to justify including the language in his speeches, and a month before he started talking about it, every intelligence unit BUT John Bolton’s group had called it a forgery.

    This fact was kept from Bush from what I’ve seen…kept from Powell as well. When a rundown was requested, it only included what Bolton’s group thought about it. The CIA’s opinion was excluded from what was presented to the President and his cabinet.

    This is the fact-fixing we all know took place.

    That is, unless you’re saying the document wasn’t forged.

  10. captain_menace says:

    Having a partisan liberal media is bad for the country.

    Give me a break! I’m fairly conservative and I don’t buy for one single second this “liberal media” conspiracy that so so many “conservatives” keep railing about. Nevermind that Fox news is the highest rated television network, and daytime talk radio is ruled by conservative hosts. And heck, the article you linked to was in the WSJ, perhaps the most truly conservative (and respected) periodical on the planet.

    What you’re doing Right Thinker is exactly what Republican power brokers (and I don’t use the word conservative here) want you to do. That is perpetuate the myth that it’s really all the fault of the “liberal” media. Classic propaganda. Shout out exactly the opposite of what is true. Shout it loud enough and with enough righteous indignation and how could anyone possibly argue with you? You’re a tool for the Republican (not conservative) machine.

    Roughly 50% of Americans like Bush, and roughly 50% don’t like Bush (based on votes, not polls), that’s the reality of the marketplace. The media is selling ad space to companies that are trying to get people to buy stuff. They are not trying to truly educate viewers (that’s what PBS is for). Major media outlets don’t make money if the message they are sending isn’t what the people want to hear. People tune in to programming that they are already inclined to agree with or believe in. The media isn’t changing minds, the media is simply parroting what the viewers and listeners already believe. If they didn’t do it this way they wouldn’t make much ad money. Jeez, I always thought conservatives were much more business savvy, and much less conspiracy crazy. The media is after all is in business to make money you know. They are not immune to financial failure.

    BTW, I listen to Lars Larson, Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham, used to listen to Tony Snow. I can tell you with certainty that these folks are well-intentioned, but they definitely distort the “news”. Do you know what they all have in common? They all spend about 50% of their time bashing (in a mean way) liberals. Headlines on my home paper (the Anchorage Daily News) could (and have) read… “4 soldiers from the Stryker Brigage out of Ft. Wainwright killed in attack”. Now conservative mouthpieces would scream about how all the media reports is bad news. Well, if the shoe fits. Only talking about the “good” without acknowledging the bad is dishonest, and intentionally misleading.

    I think it is the responsibility of the media to really question power (regardless of who holds power). If they don’t who will?

    What I believe is really bad for America is an administration that can’t honestly and effectively communicate with the citizenry.

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