Max, Sam & the job market

My boys are 9.5 months old as of today, so I arranged for them to get their union cards yesterday, took them down into the coal pits for an up close look at where daddy goes for 12 hours every day but Sunday.  Likewise, I believe they both understand how I lost my left thumb, since the same thing that happened there almost took Max’s arm off…the kid loves to grab at things.  Something I learned within the first second of his life ‘on the outside’, as he latched his mitt onto the surgeon’s suction stick and wouldn’t let go.  That’s beside the point though. 

The important thing is that the foreman Dean promised me they’d have jobs running ice from the surface on down to the Magma lode where temperatures tend to run around 145 degrees most days.  This is not a complicated task, but does require a good amount of precaution, the necessary amount I figure they’ll have in spades once they turn three years old. 

I know, it’s a boring job for a kid to spend 10 hours a day doing, but as an added bonus, Dean agreed to let them control one of the hoses used to spray down the Cornish immigrants at the end of their shifts.  In January with the wind howling, this can seem unusually cruel to a child, but these guys will steal anything they can get their hands on.  Whether the lesson learned will to not be a thief or to not be an immigrant, I’m not sure.  I’ll have to ask someone at the church about that this Sunday.

Yes, it’s a proud day for your’s truly!

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6 Responses to Max, Sam & the job market

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Yep, it is about time for them to get to work. I certainly hope that the powers-that-be at the mine have good business sense and also knowledgge on appropriate wage control.

  2. Yea, I’ve told them several times already that they’re not going to be sleeping in to 6AM for much longer…play time is over.

    The tough thing is getting them to keep the damn respirator on…Heather’s a stickler for this…I argued that some dust in the lungs early on would help them grow immune over time, but I’m not winning this battle.

  3. karl says:

    Ahh the good old days, what do the Lieberals have against child labor?

  4. Wisenheimer says:

    With or without respirator, plenty of good workin’ time ahead of them.

  5. karl says:

    What is it leno said about a Nike shoe recall? You shouldn’t have a 6 year-old do the work of a 9 year-old.

  6. The child labor gestapo will stop at nothing to make sure my boys aren’t able to earn a decent wage…it makes me sick! On their side though is the fact that many people have said to me, ‘9 1/2 months! They could easily pass for a year and a half old.’

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