
It occurs to me that not only haven’t I been writing and posting often enough, but the standard topics I do feel compelled to write about don’t really matter to me at all.  Do I bleed from the heart whenever greed takes an innocent man, bends him over and fucks him up the ass?  Of course, but through the use of blood thinners and an internal monitor, the effects have been rendered harmless.  At least that’s what the information booklet says.  Come to think of it, since I had the procedure done, the clinic has been relocated.  But for that I’ve got beer along with an adamant belief that all people in this world are inherently good.  Call me clueless…I prefer to think of it as something else, something smart and positive.   

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18 Responses to Today

  1. Right Thinker says:

    I’m afraid you’re going to have to start making some sense.

  2. karl says:


    The bible does not make sense and look how many people read that.

  3. Right, you should bring this to your college literature professor at once and get the damned thing appraised!

    Look, I’m close to making my fortune, and once I’m living in ‘the manor’, observing a gaggle of illegal somethings trim my hedges (all in the shape of $’s), cut my lawn and teach my kids how to read, sitting in a beach chair made out of the skin of fluffy animals…once that happens, I’ll be right on top of things…

    Until then, I predict fire and ice.

  4. Right Thinker says:

    karl says:
    The bible does not make sense and look how many people read that.

    Now I goota ask what the hell are you talking about. What do blood thinners, ass fucking innocent people, missing clinics and general malaise in writing have to do with the bible???

    Sherman Hesse says:

    Who is Serman Hesse?

    It occurs to me that not only haven’t I been writing and posting often enough, but the standard topics I do feel compelled to write about don’t really matter to me at all.

    Then why the hell are you here?

    Do I bleed from the heart whenever greed takes an innocent man, bends him over and fucks him up the ass?

    You might want to get that checked by a cardiologist and quick!!!! And look out for this Greed guy, sounds like a real psycho.

    Call me clueless…I prefer to think of it as something else, something smart and positive.

    What is smart and positive. beer??? ENGRISH, hablas englais??? Spechen se Engrish? Help a brother out here!!!!

  5. Right – Sherman Hesse is me, changing names every once in a while now. Keep the NSA guessing…

  6. karl says:


    I have a feeling that if the NSA is as efficient as the rest of the Bush Admin they will never figure out your AKA.


    Whatever is going on bewtween you and your proctoligist is your business. 🙂

  7. Proctoligists aren’t greedy, just extremely informal and they tell bad jokes in bad times. Makes you wonder, the protocal in that situation…are you rude for not humoring the guy, or would a “hey, f-you buddy” be appropriate? I’ll say this, until he’s done, you’re probably better off chuckling and…damn life sucks sometimes!

    karl, as far as the NSA goes…I’ll be posting on some military stuff either tonight or tomorrow, and one of the items I’ve got is a marine on his way home from Iraq, not allowed to board a domestic flight because his name was on the terrorist watch list. Pathetic!

  8. Right Thinker says:

    Anyone hear about how great the economy is doing?

  9. The market is doing well, but certain areas of the country are decaying. Many of America’s cities, and all those places around the country that used to work at the mill/plant/mine/factory until it folded. A lot of these kids get a 3rd world education and they tend to be the most likely to enter the military or get hooked on methamphetamine. The ghetto sprawl in American cities, that’s not getting better either.

    So the numbers are rising, balance sheets (besides pension tricks) are positive and for the most part clean – BUT – executive pay is out of control, especially when US worker wages fail to keep up with inflation!

    And this is the aspect that leads me to believe to some extent that the US economy is in need of regulation in certain areas, more oversight. Too much power is on the side of the corporation right now and it’s showing in statistics across the board in regards to the amount of money being generated, and who is benefiting from it.

    Because, as I said, certain parts of America are in a process of decay – not only because of low wages, but the fact that their communities can’t afford the education system (every kid in the country deserves)…it’s only setting us up for harder times down the road. A dumb society – it’s what we’re becoming.

    Perhaps certain people already have that figured out and already know, or think they know, that they’d better take the money and run while they can.

    Because unless we improve the country’s infrastructure, our economy will eventually get dragged down by the albatross of government mandated spending. Taxes will have to rise or else we’ll default on our foreign debt, this is a fact. Democrats will be the ones to do it, because frankly, when it comes to money, from the time I was born until today, they’ve been much more responsible than any Republican leadership or President I’ve ever seen.

    Because in order to fix the problems we have in this country, we’ll need money, and what we’re taking in now isn’t enough.

    So factor in a ‘responsible’ strain of leadership in the future that doesn’t cut big business as many breaks, collects more of the taxes they’re due, CEOs and Presidents/VPs/Directors/etc. also loose their golden goose (tax cuts from their pall Dubya), so they’re losing money and decide to chisel the life out of every single person who works under them…in one way or another.

    Rant…but my point is basically that the money you have invested in the market last year, is growing well since then. What it will be in 30 years? THAT’S what I’m talking about. Not for today, but what is the 5, 10, 15 year outlook?

    Not good – – – – Department of Treasury, their own reports. We’re in trouble unless government can obtain additional revenue.

  10. Wisenheimer says:

    Write about whatever wacky crap comes into your mind. Follow the same advice you gave me.

  11. Indeed – – – as Stephen Colbert says, “that’s sound advice”

  12. Anonymous says:

    Anyone hear about how great the economy is doing?

    Yeah, I heard about it yesterday on the Tony Snow show.

    What specifically are you referring to? Our trade deficit? Our national debt? Rising interest rates? Overvalued real estate? The decay of retirement and pension funds? The unfunded govt liability that is Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare? High energy prices?

    Or were you simply talking about the administration’s view that increased employment equals a “great economy”?

    On the top floor of the building I work in are the Merrill Lynch offices. I was kinda joking around in the elevator and asked one of the financial advisor guys about investment advice. Just an FYI, these guys don’t really have much knowledge about specific securities vs. other securities. They use investment blueprints that match up to specific client needs and are selling whatever Merrill Lynch corporate tells them to sell (the actual analysts are all on the east coast). But this guy in the elevator did tell me to put my investment dollars in international securities. I thanked him.

    Merrill Lynch is telling people to put their investment dollars into overseas economies. That simple piece of advice from a low-level financial advisor in an elevator tells me a lot about the U.S. economy. It is indebted, and overvalued. A correction is on the way.

    But yeah, you go on thinking the economy is great. There may be something to the “power of positive thinking” theory.

  13. This point is one I’ve been making for well over a year now, that the smart play right now is to invest in foreign markets and minerals. If you had put 10K into your average Latin America mutual fund or ETF in January ’05, it’d be at least 15K right now, if not more. Price Funds posted a 65% increase over that period of time.

    Now, these analysts aren’t partisan or unpatriotic or anything…their job is to make money.

    And as I mentioned above, responsible leadership will be in control at some point in the future (let’s hope and pray), and once that happens, taxes will be raised, because that’s the right thing to do in this situation. If interest rates are higher then than they are now, watch those piles of cash disappear…check the numbers on some of our most famous domestic stocks, they’re storing up cash like I’ve never seen before.

    Why invest that in new business streams when you know the government will either have to ask for more or default in the next 5-10 years?

  14. captain_menace says:

    Foreign-owned assets in the United States increased $1,292.7 billion in
    2005, compared with an increase of $1,440.1 billion in 2004.

    The Department of Commerce – Bureau of Economic Analysis

    See RT, you could have cited this figure in support of your claim that the economy is doing great. If foreigners are willing to invest in our economy then it must be great. But then again, foreigners own roughly $13 trillion worth of assets in the U.S. (Source) Our 2005 GDP is $12.4 trillion. (Source).

    So, perhaps you’re right, our economy isn’t so bad, it’s just not necessarily OUR economy any longer. Kinda funny how people made such a stink about the Dubai ports deal.

    Regardless of all this international trade and current account hooey, I still am clueless as to how our government will pay off the debt it currently owes. Any ideas?

  15. karl says:

    The radical clerics in Aftexastan seem to be ending their war on alcohol.

    4/13/06 – DALLAS, TX) – The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said Wednesday it has suspended a crackdown on public intoxication after a public outcry over the program that sends undercover officers into drinking establishments.

  16. karl says:

    Cheney’s brother?

    ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A DEA agent who accidentally shot himself in the foot while demonstrating gun safety to school children is suing the agency, saying video of the incident has made him the joke of the Internet.

    Lee Paige was making a presentation to children at the Orlando Youth Minority Golf Association on April 9, 2004, when he shot himself. Moments before the shooting, the 14-year agency veteran was displaying his firearm and telling students he was the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun.

  17. Wisenheimer says:

    I saw this on some weird VH2 show.

    Mr. Hesse: Can you change the address listed on your blogroll to my new address? Thanks.

  18. Wisenheimer says:

    Did I saw Vh2? I meant VH1. : /

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