Free Free Free!!!

I’m not sure who’d be interested, but I recently finished an enormous download (11.7GB) of Phil Lesh and Friends – Warren Haynes, Jimmy Herring, John Molo, Rob Barraco – Beacon Theater, NYC – 10/9/00

They open with Imagine…as it would have been John Lennon’s 60th…the first of six from the Beacon on this run. Probably the best camera work I’ve ever seen on a bootleg video. I’ll send this to any deadissue reader for free, 3 DVDs. Email me at [email protected].

On the constant lookout for karma, I’ll throw in a show off of this list w/ the Beacon show:

All I ask is that if one day one of my sons runs in a campaign you hold a vote in, that you’ll cast it for either Max or Sam, perhaps another child by the name of…Pedro, Manny, Curt, David, Venus, Amarillo, Shirley, Abigail, Jerry, Muhammad, Brady, Tedy, Antoine…it’s the right thing, in such obvious ways, not only for America, but whoever else is over when this is viewed.

I’m not kidding. It’s free, and it WILL cure all of society’s ills…once science is able to turn it into a vaccine.

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7 Responses to Free Free Free!!!

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    11 gigs! How long would that take? I’ve never even heard of a file so big.

  2. Engineered the download so I’d upload 25 gig by the time I got it all…8 days. Having watched it tonight, it was worth every hour. Check out my list, you might see something you like.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    Some good music you got there Hesse.

  4. karl says:

    Just reading about the Mass health bill and how it might help Romney if he decides to run for president. It is interesting that the the thing that might make a republican look good was forced on him by Democrats.

  5. captain_menace says:

    In regards to the Mass health care, who is shouldering the bulk of the health care burden with this new law? Is it employers, the state, the family? I like the idea, I just don’t know any details.

  6. karl says:

    Romney says:

    “The reason this is so landmark is that we have found a way, collectively, to get all of our citizens insurance without some new government-mandated takeover or a huge new tax program,” he said.

    The governor said the program would be financed largely with the millions of dollars that the state now spends on uncompensated medical care for poor people who show up at hospitals and clinics without health insurance.

    By July 2007, everyone in Massachusetts will have to have health insurance.

    Under the plan, the state will offer free or heavily subsidized coverage to poor and lower-income people.

    Those who can afford insurance but still refuse to get it will face escalating tax penalties. For example, they will lose the ability to claim a personal exemption on their state tax returns. That would cost an individual about $189 and a couple filing jointly about $378.

    Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., who attended the signing ceremony in Boston’s historic Fanueil Hall, praised Romney for giving the state “just what the doctor ordered.”

  7. MassHealthcare – this is a local thing that I’ve been following for quite a while now, and the reason action needed to take place was that the federal government was going to withhold funding for the upcoming year if (?), the reason eludes me right now.

    The problem was basically that for the young man working for a contractor, paid extremely well, in part to cover health insurance costs that his employer didn’t offer to everyone on his team of 7 or 8 – OR – a high paid contracted employee working in any field…as of right now, they can skip getting insurance, then when and if their kidney goes on them, the state’s ‘free care’ program will kick in once they enter the hospital (after filling out 1,000,001 forms).

    So the cost of that treatment (the highest costing treatment most times) ended up being funded by state taxes, which subsidized large supposedly “non-profit” hospitals with executives banking an enormous amount of money.

    So now the young man is mandated to purchase insurance or be forced to pay a fine that next year that increases every following year until they get the picture. Employers who do not offer health insurance get fined as well, and not surprisingly, that’s been the hangup this entire time, that single provision.

    In the Wall Street Journal editorial section two days ago, Romney described the plan and in my opinion threw big business a bone by saying that the employer fine (something like $280 per employee), he’d veto from the bill…and if anyone reading this doesn’t know already, this is Mitt Romney folks!

    Say one thing one minute, another the next…tallented politician. Now, the reason why this is seen as something that could work is the combination of employer and individual fines. If you remove either, the financial standing of the program is questionable. Of course, Romney is running for President, and along the way, I’m sure he’ll hold this program up and then say something stupid like, “individuals can be fined, but I don’t believe that businesses should”…you can set your watch to it.

    Ted Kennedy played a big role in all of this, calling state legislators at home and pleading with them to compromise on the employer fine (initially proposed at over $500, negotiated down to under $300) – – – Kennedy and Romney are the key players here, and if it does work, it’ll increase the value of Mitt’s stock…at least it should.

    I like the guy. Not crazy about his last 18 months, w/ the neverending campaigning on the job, but he’s seemingly accomplished something extrodinary here, and it was agreed upon by both Dems and the GOP and the insurance industry and big/small businesses…says a lot.

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