Monthly Archives: April 2006

Comment Carnivale – #1

Let’s face it…my best writing ends up scattered across the net, in comments, message boards, skanky cyber-bathroom walls (my best limericks are the stuff of #2s miles away from home, so says my $30/hr life coach Murma…I know that sounds … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 37 Comments

Filibuster in the Senate – Tax Breaks for Big Oil

Senator Wyden is the hero this week, as my ambivilent-streak concerning the Democrats may be coming to an end quite soon.  The profits have been obscene for oil companies for a while already now, and in spite of this, Republicans … Continue reading

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The Davinci Code – Part 2 (a Movie with Tom Hanks)

This is going to cause a lot of babbling when it comes out.  Expert analysts on the TV hashing it out for days.  As if…what?  We censor it?  On Malacay in Kansas’s behalf?  We pass a law, and anything Malacay finds … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 12 Comments

Mary McCarthy Didn’t Leak Info – Fired for What?

Source – MSNBC McCarthy has contributed a total of $7,000 to Democratic political causes over her lifetime, including $2,000 to the Kerry 2004 presidential campaign. Her husband is a landscaper, and they live in Bethesda, Md. This, in and of … Continue reading

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Can’t beat em’, Hire em’!

On Cheney and Rumsfeld orders, US outsourcing intelligence tasks to terrorists in Iraq The Pentagon is bypassing official US intelligence channels and turning to a dangerous and unruly cast of characters in order to create strife in Iran in preparation … Continue reading

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Max, Sam & the job market

My boys are 9.5 months old as of today, so I arranged for them to get their union cards yesterday, took them down into the coal pits for an up close look at where daddy goes for 12 hours every … Continue reading

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Puffy McMoonface Resigns

Here’s what the President had to say about the resignation of his press secretary: “One of these days, he and I will be rocking in chairs in Texas talking about the good old days of his time as the Press … Continue reading

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Oprah’s Finally Getting Serious

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Information Dump

A. Scalia:  “…proudest thing I have done on the bench…” HARTFORD, Conn. — Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had some advice Wednesday for those who questioned his impartiality after he refused to recuse himself from a case involving … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 11 Comments

Happy Easter

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Blog’s on hiatus until Monday…new posts at least.

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Saline Sorrow…the Stingy Kind

Fungal Keratitis – Take a peek at this mess I had this happen to me more times than I can even remember.  Blasting through soft contact lenses in half the time they’d normally last, while using the enzyme tablets to … Continue reading

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Thank God!

Outsourcing saves less than claimed (Reuters) – Outsourcing of information technology and business services delivers average cost savings of 15 percent, a survey found on Thursday, disproving market claims that outsourcing can reduce costs by over 60 percent. After professional … Continue reading

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It occurs to me that not only haven’t I been writing and posting often enough, but the standard topics I do feel compelled to write about don’t really matter to me at all.  Do I bleed from the heart whenever … Continue reading

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Free Free Free!!!

I’m not sure who’d be interested, but I recently finished an enormous download (11.7GB) of Phil Lesh and Friends – Warren Haynes, Jimmy Herring, John Molo, Rob Barraco – Beacon Theater, NYC – 10/9/00 They open with Imagine…as it would … Continue reading

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Leaking in a “Responsible Fashion”

If the end result is a mess like this, then someone leaked inappropriately. Perhaps Libby was put out on a raft at the end of the boat, tied to a long rope, a sacrifice to the gods. Somehow believing this … Continue reading

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Market Report

Due to legislation lurking in Congress containing the words “a wall between…”, Ladder Futures closed on Friday 67 percent higher than where they opened on Monday.  A spokesperson for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange was quoted saying, “the impact on prices that we’re seeing already is … Continue reading

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Being Bill Cosby – 4/6/2006

I’m never in doubt when it comes to this man’s sincerity, and he’s not a politician…he is an icon of about a decade’s worth of family TV habits, both white and black homes.  If watched by a sixteen year old … Continue reading

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Brian J. Doyle, Deputy Press Secretary, Homeland Security

As Walter Soucheck would say, “he’s a pederass”.  Busted for all the nasty things he typed and porno movie files he sent to an undercover agent pretending to be a 12 year old girl.  Funny thing about this, and something … Continue reading

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Senator Leahy – 3/31/2006

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Steinbrenner Names Johnny Damon As New Yankee Scapegoat

Thought this would be a fine way to start the season: Steinbrenner Names Johnny Damon As New Yankee Scapegoat NEW YORK—Continuing a Yankee tradition that dates back to the teams of the early ’80s, owner George Steinbrenner formally appointed recently … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments

Military to Society: “We’re staying until when now?”

Published in both the European and Middle Eastern versions of Stars and Stripes. The military’s voice is going to be heard throughout all of this, so when certain politicians and pundits pretend the word of the top general is the … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 14 Comments

Senate Censure Hearing – Poor Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is someone who, like many other Republicans, seems to always be willing to take one for the team.

Posted in History, Words | 5 Comments