Monthly Archives: March 2006

Oh, the Pimp…you know, it’s kind of hard out there for ’em

Having to deal with all that…

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Becoming a Jew

Watching the Oscars tonight, Heather and I basically agreed upon something we’d both thought a lot about in recent years…becoming Jews.  Blood is a factor, the generations of people who came before us, toiled and suffered, so we could have … Continue reading

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Hollywood’s Vodoo Dolls

Watching the documentary of Cash Playing San Quentin on CMT and it hits me, this idea that they’ve got scripts, budgets and perhaps actors already selected just waiting for the most famous living Americans to kick the bucket.  How creepy would … Continue reading

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Leave My Food Alone!

One of the perks that comes with living in a blue state is the amount of information I’m provided prior to purchasing food for my family.  Generally I try to steer clear of products heavy with preservatives, use fresh ingredients … Continue reading

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Small Town Livin’

Not the toughest thing adjusting to, but when a traffic light in the center of town is still blinking yellow a week after it went first went out, reality sets in like a big soft Vilseck-Hampstead-Macadamia Nut cookie.  Questions spring … Continue reading

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Abortion Debate

Something I love about and blogs in general is that a spoof topic like ‘Faking Your Own Death’ can somehow spawn a debate on abortion, of course after veering into the rhelm of animal rights and whether or not … Continue reading

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