Democratic Accomplishments

With mid-terms coming up soon, I wanted to share this list I came across at my local library:

  • 1933   Unemployment Relief
  • 1935   Social Security
  • 1938   Minimum Wage
  • 1944   GI Bill
  • 1945   United Nations
  • 1947   Marshal Plan
  • 1949   NATO
  • 1964   Civil Rights Act
  • 1965   Medicare
  • 1965   Voting Rights for all
  • 1965   Head Start
  • 1965   Federal Aid to Education
  • 1967   Freedom of Information Act
  • 1993   Family Leave Act
  • 1990’s   Federal Aid to Education
  • 1990’s   BUDGET SURPLUS

By my count, there are quite a few things on this list that the Republican Party is either against or is currently cutting while in power:  Balanced Budgets (let alone creating a surplus), Social Security (GOP has hated this from the jump), Minimum Wage, United Nations (sending Bolton pretty much says it all), NATO (GOP bashed Clinton for participating in NATO missions), Head Start & Federal Aid to Education (funding reduced under Bush)…

This list represents what I’m proud of in terms of being an American, and in a lot of ways, it’s why I vote Democrat in most elections. 

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11 Responses to Democratic Accomplishments

  1. Sonicrusk says:

    I agree on all counts Chris.

  2. karl says:

    Nice post.

  3. Right Thinker says:

    and in a lot of ways, it’s why I vote Democrat in most elections.

    Funny, these are the reasons I vote Republican most of the time. Several items on the list have turned out to be very bad or no longer needed but hang around like a bad tuna sandwich.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    RIGHT-Your last one, above this, got caught in the span filter for some reason.

    What items in particular are you referring to?

  5. captain_menace says:

    There aren’t too many recent items on that list. The current democratic leadership (minus a few individuals) are just about worthless. Same goes for the republicans. There are many things that attract me to the republican party: fiscal constraint, smaller government, pro-development, etc. However, I haven’t seen many of these traits displayed recently (except development).

    The democrats (at the national level)… I’m not even sure what the heck they are advocating for, except to gain back leadership positions. They are advocating from a position of clear weakness, and weakness does not inspire confidence among the electorate.

  6. Washington says:

    Captain Menace:

    I agree about both parties.

  7. Right Thinker says:

    What items in particular are you referring to?

    Social Security
    Budget Surplus from ignoring Terrorsim
    Civil Rights-I need to research but I doubt this was a liberal agenda item.

    There are many things that attract me to the republican party: fiscal constraint, smaller government, pro-development, etc. However, I haven’t seen many of these traits displayed recently (except development).

    The down side is all this applies to peace time, iin a time of war the Republicans the military industrial complex. Todays Democrats have no concept of national defense. Why do you think idiots like Kerry are now saying Bush hasn’t done enough? Because they have no idea what to do in the first place.

    I’m not even sure what the heck they are advocating for, except to gain back leadership positions.

    THis isn’t anything new. I and a bunch of friends crashed a college democrats rally to chow down on all the free hotdogs we could eat. The local democrats running for office showed up and in a bizzare diplay of competition each stated that it didn’t matter which of them you vote for just as long as a Democrat won the election. Hell, if Chales Manson could win a Senate seat the DNC would back him tooth and nail.

    The entire liberal agenda can be summed up in “We want your cushy, elitist political jobs back.” Why should we vote Democrat, you ask? Because the Democrats really, really, really want us to. They will come up with a message and agenda AFTER we elect them back into office. It’s fascinating that the Democrats still haven’t learned from Al Gore’s loss almost 8 years ago.

    Luckily for Republicans, Democrats cling to the stolen election conspiracy theory and ignore the fact that Gore, and later Kerry were just another Dole, Mondale and Dukakis. As long as liberals are unable to self evaluate, America will be safe from Socialism.

  8. Chris Austin says:

    Right: The entire liberal agenda can be summed up in “We want your cushy, elitist political jobs back.” Why should we vote Democrat, you ask? Because the Democrats really, really, really want us to. They will come up with a message and agenda AFTER we elect them back into office. It’s fascinating that the Democrats still haven’t learned from Al Gore’s loss almost 8 years ago.

    You’re in for a rude awakening Right. Dean’s got the local races honed in on local issues, and come 2008, I suspect you’ll be eating your words on Gore…still a long shot, but I’m hoping he runs against Hillary.

    RT: The down side is all this applies to peace time, iin a time of war the Republicans the military industrial complex. Todays Democrats have no concept of national defense. Why do you think idiots like Kerry are now saying Bush hasn’t done enough? Because they have no idea what to do in the first place.

    Wrong…Bush went into Iraq, while Bin Laden’s in Pakistan. I’d take John Murtha’s opinion over any of the tired lines of BS this administration still clings onto. National defense also includes homeland security, and Clinton handled the hurricanes during his time in office a lot better than Bush handled Katrina.

    RT: U.N.
    Social Security
    Budget Surplus from ignoring Terrorsim
    Civil Rights-I need to research but I doubt this was a liberal agenda item.

    The UN is essential to combat disease, poverty and human rights abuses. Social security accounts for a chunk of monthly income that millions of seniors would be homeless without. Budget surplus from ignoring terrorism…so that’s it? That’s where all that money came from?

    And on civil rights – the funeral of Coretta Scott King, if that’s any indication, her friends weren’t exactally from the GOP crowd. And it is odd that every strong Democrat from that era ended up getting assassinated, isn’t it?

  9. John Rove says:

    I always knew famous people were reading this site.

  10. Al Swearengen says:

    Yea…trying to get Right Thinker to appear anywhere will cost you $10K plus first class air fare…every word he speaks at your event goes for 25 bucks a piece.

  11. John Rove says:

    Yeah, I was thinking abut him too. I wonder if he is still the hardcore conservative, or if he has changed any.

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