BC, James ‘Butterball’ Toney, Leftists

Montana is putting up a fight, but against BC they closely resemble jello on the inside.  Craig Smith is tearing these guys up, yet because of Montana’s outstanding shooting from beyond the perimeter, the halftime score is 32-30 BC. 

At 11:30 ET tonight there’s a heavyweight fight on HBO, Rahman vs. Toney…I know, doesn’t exactally make you want to go out and buy a big screen TV, but it should be an entertaining bout.  Can Rahman land his right (the one that droped Lenox Lewis)?  Can Toney make this fight something to remember?

Our friend Washington is not fond of ‘leftists’.  I’ll save my rant on ‘rightists’ for another day.

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39 Responses to BC, James ‘Butterball’ Toney, Leftists

  1. Washington says:

    BC won going away. “Bet” they enjoyed it.

    Toney will win.

    Washington actually likes leftists who can argue their positions. As for others…well…

  2. Paul says:

    I am an old Leftist turned around by the hollowness and hypocrisy of the Left’s meassage. I like Chris but he and Karl are baffers (blame America first for every wrong). I coined the word so I feel free to use it. Gotta love it !! 🙂

  3. karl says:


    wouldn’t that be BAFFEW? 🙂

    I don’t think asking for a balanced budget and suggesting that the US stop torturing prisoners are so much leftist values as human ones.


    I think I finally get you. It took me few episodes to understand Colbert as well.

  4. Washington says:


    Congrats…you must be proud.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    BET!!! Nice, nice…I have to say though, in BC’s defense, O’Brien was the coach back then, he left, took Scoonie Penn with him to Ohio State, and had to resign there in shame as well.

    To be honest though, since most of that happened while I was in Germany, I haven’t a clue about what happened…but something is telling me that it had to do with the football program.

    Actually, I’m glad I don’t know what happened there…it reminds me though, something I read during the conference championship tourneys last week, that in polls conducted, college players said that a certain percentage of the players ON THEIR TEAM took money to keep the team above or below the spread …

    I can’t recall the percentage…aggrivating, because I usually remember that kind of information. The number 1% sticks out, but I can’t remember what it pertained to, whether it was the amount of games, or the amount of students polled or what…

    Point to take away from all this though, is that BC RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They burnt down Tobacco Road and they’re going to be cutting down the nets in two short weeks!

  6. karl says:


    The new math tipped me off, very funny.

    Take care.

  7. Paul says:

    Karl since I coined the word “baffer” I have the right to use an “r” (it’s called poetic license) instead of a “w”. And I am not going to shed any tears if an Islamofascist gets bread and water or has to stand up for 24 hours or is sleep deprived et cetera. It’s a damn sight more humane than cutting off a head or a hand or 50 lashes. (Read your Koran Karl!). However, in the spirit of fair play, if the Jihadis will cease murder and mayhem post haste, they can eat peanut butter sandwiches. 🙂 By the way Chris BC will not win it all! 🙂

  8. Washington says:

    BC didn’t win the ACC tourney did they?

  9. karl says:


    I guess it is all in the specifics. Is 50 hits with a rifle butt more humane than 50 lashes? Is suffocating someone more humane than beheading? I would think you Christians would be bothered by the whole homo-erotism of many of the Abu Graib photos.

    One mans BAFFER is another mans BAFFEW.

    Take care

  10. Washington says:


    Your point to Paul is way down on the believable scale. You state “You Christians” do you apply that to Jews and Muslims who are opposed to Islamic militancy? Would you say that to the families of the tens of thousands of people killed in the last decade over Islamic militancy?

  11. Washington says:


    What with all of your research you do realize that the link on the left, War Profiteers, to “Senator” Cunningham is in fact wrong. He was a member of the House (435 members) not the Senate (100 members). He was a SCOUNDREL but since you fight for truth I thought you might want to change it to reflect your in-depth understanding of American Government!!! You know the one you are always harping about – 🙂 I mean you obviously know the Senators from California are Boxer and Feinstein-right????
    Do you need a link to the Congress?
    Let me guess the response; “It doesn’t matter! He was a bad guy and people know what I mean.”


  12. Paul says:

    Karl, first of all I am a Unitarian not a Christian and brutality of any kind bothers me. It also bothers me that you seem to have an anti-Christian bias.Is that true? And to mention homo-eroticism says a lot about you Karl! One’s sexuality doesn’t concern me.

  13. Chris Austin says:

    Washington – You’re right…I think the ‘War Profiteers’ category was put together hastily, and I want everyone to know that it’s not indicative of what kind of an operation we’re running over here. In fact, it’s basically the fault of a bad apple, an intern who signed on for about a month ago.

    For the sake of deadissue.com’s future business with the Sylvan Learning Center, I won’t go into specifics of what happened to this young man, but rest assured, he’s not going to be playing piano that much anymore!

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Unitarians are awesome! Good for you Paul. That’s one I considered a little while back, but never really got enough information to make a decision (ie: I haven’t been to a local unitarian service as of yet) – – – – I’m just such a fan of the old testament and the concept of ‘nobody goes to hell’…still leaning towards Judiasm.

    Either that or I’m just going to worship the blog Rolling Barrage. For me, it’s like Opus Dei, ceremonial lower lip piercing and evangelical doom all rolled into one.

  15. karl says:


    I find any religion silly, I am sorry that I called you Christian.

    If you are against brutality then how do you justify torture? It is not just sleep deprivation and bad food, but genuine physical torure.

  16. karl says:


    The key to reading RB is pretend Stephen Colbert is saying the stuff. It is satire, it has to be.

  17. karl says:


    Here is an example of religion at it finest:

    From Blisteringcheese:

    “The bird flu outbreak in southern Israel is God’s punishment for the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank disengagement, National Jewish Front Chairman Baruch Marzel says.

    “You were punished by God and now you’ll have to ask for the forgiveness of Gush Katif residents,” Marzel wrote in a letter to southern residents whose communities were affected by bird flu.

    In the wake of the bird flu outbreak, rightists have been voicing various theories regarding the connection between the disease and the implementation of the pullout. Marzel himself is certain such connection exists.

    “The kibbutz was used to house the expulsion headquarters because of greed, and therefore the bird flu outbreak happened there of all places,” the far right leader wrote in his letter to Ein HaShlosha kibbutz.

    Marzel later told Ynet that anti-pullout activists were pained by the fact nearby southern communities did nothing to help Gush Katif residents.

    “They were neighbors, and so even if politically they do not support (the settlements of) Judea and Samaria, they should have assisted their neighbors,” Marzel said. “Yet they made money from the expulsion of Gush Katif residents.”

    Marzel added southern residents should ask former Gazans for forgiveness and then seek advice with leading rabbis.

    “Maybe that will help them,” he said.”

    Maybe they can sacrifice a few virgins or something

  18. Chris Austin says:

    Religion, when used to shame an entire group based on a political action, is just a lie at that point.

    It’s not supposed to be used for that purpose, and those who do are the most shamefull holy men of them all!

    karl – the Colbert method is genius!  It DOES work!

  19. Washington says:


    I debate your points and you and Karl, just as we predicted, resort to mocking a blog…that’s really making my point for me.

  20. Washington says:


    That is a nice attempt to hide your ignorance about the Congress. We had a good laugh over it though…saved it for posterity. 🙂 It might pop up again in a day or two.

    I would alos like to thank you for showing that when an individual is so ignorant about issues they will resort to any tactic to draw attention away from that ignorance. Your blog is now the first stop for people, left and right, who like to see emotion and not reason…Hilarious!

  21. Washington says:

    Karl – you should try religion. At least then you would have some foundation from which to argue. Right now you offer little more than fodder.

    Paul: I am a Unitarian Universalist as well. Nice to meet you.

  22. Paul says:

    Sounds like sour grapes to me Chris. Ignorance is bliss as they say. 🙂

  23. Chris Austin says:

    Washington – Do whatever you want with it. I’m sure you’ve made a mistake sometime in your life as well. A typo is the least of my concerns along those lines!

    Rest assured, I’ve got a great amount of knowledge when it comes to how our government functions, how it’s organized and what power belongs to who.

    Although, I had to ask my cat for clarification earlier today about whether or not the minority party in either the House or Senate ever has supponea power…and she reminded me that the answer is ‘No’.

  24. karl says:


    I am going to have to look into this unitarian church the two examples I have seen here do not speak well for that particular faith.

  25. Chris Austin says:

    Ahhh…I can vouch for Paul. He’s a great guy, someone you’d like to have as a next door neighbor.

    Washington…I don’t know him well enough just yet. Very confrontational. I suspect that he might have gotten shoved into a lot of lockers growing up.

    Or, vice versa…either way, he talks about me like I left a flaming bag of dogshit on his mother’s doorstep…and seems to assume that I never made it out of the second grade.

  26. Washington says:

    Your cat couldn’t have possibly answered that Chris – you said supponea instead of subpoena.

    Mistakes? I’ve made a ton. We all have. However, I don’t rant about how bad things are without having some idea of what I am talking about.

    This won’t get through to you because you are emotionally upset but I enjoy our debates. I have respect for your views, more than you afford me. You are in the arena arguing for what you think is right. That is admirable. In some cases we are in agreement and in others we are opposed. What got me was the way that you took a post about the military…not politics…and ran with the same old line of..stuff that you also use for politics. It’s your right but had you made a post about opposing the operation and kept politics out of it I would not have made a comment. I would have recognized that you opposed the operation militarily-but you injected poltics. As veterans we both know that it is a difficult job in the best of times. My point was PURELY military and I made that clear.

    You can probably best me on social issues and I recognize that-on the military and on history I feel that I am prepared and would hold my own against anyone…in fact I have. Most of my life has been spent studying both. It doesn’t mean I am right-but I am prepared and I use logic and reason.

    If you look at my blogroll you will note that I keep you on there just as you have had me here. I do it out of respect. Sure, we may get testy at times but I do respect your views even if I don’t agree. I can say that in all sincerity. If this disagreement ends our debates it won’t be me. It will have to be you.

    Best to you…and Karl. 🙂

  27. Washington says:


    See my above post.


    By all means avoid religion-you don’t yet understand what the definition is.

  28. Paul says:

    Chris – a word to the wise my friend – it is bad form to bring up one’s mother (even in jest) in a post. 🙂

  29. karl says:


    Thier used to be someone who would show up at various sites and say some odd stuff, he would usually get about 500 responses and when he would get people really worked up, he would usually say “so long and thanks for the fish”

    Are you that guy?

  30. Sonicrusk says:

    He brought up her domicile and not the person (mom0 herself.

    Washington seems to be a smart guy but he is dismissive to just about everything someone has to say in response to him. No better way to stifle a conversation.

  31. Washington says:

    Karl – is that guy really you? Because you say some odd stuff…


    Perhaps you are correct about me being dismissive…if so you are also correct that it stifles a conversation. However it may also mean that I know the subject and am impatient with people who make factual errors and claim that those errors are the truth because they said so or because they cite a source such as Newsweek or The Enquirer. I shall attempt to be less dismissive…

  32. Chris Austin says:

    Washington – HOW DARE YOU?!?!?! My cat happened to go to the same finishing school as the one from Sabrina the Teenage Witch…cost me $120 a month that I’ll pay off by the time Cleo’s been gone already for 238 years and 3 months…but it’s worth it.

    As for the blogs…we’re passionate and actually CARE about these things, as opposed to most of the people I’ve ever known or ever will know.

    My #1 goal in starting deadissue.com was to piss off the squares. Second goal, earn enough moolah off of the google ads to plate my teeth in gold. I’m at .34 as of today…but hey, eventually I’ll write something worth reading and those caps are mine!!!

    Then I’m shutting this thing down and getting back to my one true passion in life, foosball.

    Toasting everyone at deadissue.com with my glass, one gulp left of some delicious Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA…

    Oh yea…the good stuff

  33. Sonicrusk says:

    Chris makes a good point. I don’t claim to be the most erudite person in politics, but I do know that I am leaps and bounds above most people. Newsweek and The Enquirer are poor sources, but Time Magazine is very reputable.

    Washington, I accept your atonement. But you are a man of facts it appears. Bland statements of facts squash poor debate.

    “The Sun is made of cheese”
    “What are you stupid?”

    “The Sun is made out of cheese”
    “No, actually it is made out of elements that fuse together creating incredible heat and energy. We know this from Space probes and spectroscopy.”

  34. karl says:


    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


    I will try to click through more often to help you with your goal.


    Good post

  35. Chris Austin says:

    karl, Sonic…gentlemen and scholars, the both of you.

    Not for nothing, but this is fun as hell, AND will most likely end up saving my marriage in the long run. As instead of boring the hell out of everyone around me, with a click of the mouse I’m instantly tapped into a rhealm where the topics that interest me aren’t…

    blah blah blah

  36. karl says:

    That is the best thing about the net. You can find people who like to discus religion and politcs, and not force it on people who don’t.

    In addition my girlfriend is a far bigger football fan than I am but thanks to you, I occassionally have something to say.

  37. Sonicrusk says:

    Blogs are a great way to communicate.

  38. Paul says:

    I am all for open debate and free speech even if the person exercizing free speech is a nitwit. So go ahead and talk Karl I like you !! 🙂 And Chris I too love football-Clemson football ! How about that recruiting class we had this year ? 🙂

  39. Washington says:


    I had no idea that you were trying to get rich via Google ads. I shall click through to add to your wealth.

    Sonic: Okay

    Karl: Indeed.

    Paul: You debate with class.

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