Seriously though, time for some PROUD PAPA!

I’m a father (this is Chris), Right Thinker is a father…generally you’ll find the two of us engaged in a literal knife-fight, but every once in a while it’s important to call ‘truce’ and take a moment to celebrate…

Sweet sweet Susan with her daddy


 More pictures of Susan Byrne:





My Favorite!


So cute!  Again, congrats to you and your wife Right!  As for the pictures, keep ’em coming!

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7 Responses to Seriously though, time for some PROUD PAPA!

  1. Washington says:

    A wonderful collection of pictures and something we can all agree on; Susan is a doll!

  2. captain_menace says:


    Cherish every moment. Time flies. My little baby girl will be 3 this May (still in diapers, so be prepared.)

  3. Sonicrusk says:

    That’s Right Thinker and daughter? Whatever the case, cute kid!

  4. Right Thinker says:

    That’s Right Thinker and daughter?

    Yes but, in my defense, the photo is stretched to the horizontal.

    Chris, would it have killed ya to photo shop me down 30 lbs.???? HA!! :- )

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Adjusted it…sorry about that Right, sincerely. I’ve got 5-alarm whistles going off, whether waranted or not.

    The 50s weren’t that bad…

  6. Chris Austin says:

    ALERT-need someone to look at this thread and let me know if the pics aren’t showing up for you too. I’m getting blanks right now. Thanks

  7. captain_menace says:

    No pics showing up

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