Milosevic dies

Four years into his trial and he’s stiff before the verdict is decided.  The law, growing at all times, appears to be complicating quite a lot these days.  In fact, experts predict that by the year 2030 it would take approximately 38 years to complete a trial of this magnitude.  

My attraction to the law is such that my primary goal is to never have to step foot in a courtroom.  I can read, and therefore will appreciate this phenomenon from a distance. 

But back to the dead prick experiencing rebirth as a penguin this very moment…Russians are being told that he was poisoned, and knowing how easily they’re taking the restoration of Stalin’s memory currently on full blast, it might only be a few years before they’ve got the Russian population programed well enough to staff a respectable set of death squads.  A self-affirming sence of unity that provides dissidents a timely death to look forward to for not pledging allegience to the flag and REALLY meaning it deep down, from the heart all the way out to the tips of every hair on your body (Moscow has developed a device that can determine this, it beeps, has a couple of lights). 

Nationalism to the tune of “Stalin and Milosevic got a raw deal”…if a poll is done that says up to half of the Russian population backs up this sentiment, will we assume that it’s because they’re worshiping Allah?   

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