Acquaint Yourselves Accordingly With…


Al Skinner – Head Coach – Boston College Men’s Basketball

It’s been a long time coming, as a number of us here at have admired this man for a while now.  Today’s win over North Carolina (in their back yard, for the SECOND time in one year) may have woken the world up to how good this team really is.  For the product I’ve seen on the court these past few months, I credit Skinner’s leadership and ability to teach.  Boston isn’t the easiest place to run an operation like his…indeed, the streets manage to gobble up at least 1/4 promising players the team recruits. 

That’s a story for another day though…because right now Boston College is in the ACC Championship against Duke, the team they lost by one point to at home earlier this season. 

It was something special, seeing the disappointment of just about every fan in the building, when they had finally realized that a Duke-North Carolina final wasn’t in the cards.  Even better than that though, is how the Eagles operate out there as a complete unit.  Take a look at their offensive sets against Duke if you can…that’s Al Skinner’s work…a masterpiece, a symphony, a team!

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8 Responses to Acquaint Yourselves Accordingly With…

  1. Washington says:

    Is gambling still a problem at BC?

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Thankfully, no! The big roadblocks now tend to involve drugs, guns and violence of one kind or another.

    There are an abundance of ‘bad crowds’ in Boston for a bored athelete to get caught up in.

  3. Paul says:

    BC played well against Duke but they faced two huge obstacles-a great team and a great coach. Now the new season begins. 🙂

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Reddick was having an out of body experience…that last bomb looked like it was about three feet behind the NBA line…

    A rivalry for many years to come…just wish we could keep Hinnant past his senior year!

  5. Paul says:

    BC has to earn its spurs, but they are a good addition to the ACC.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    Well BC, VTech and Miami were added for football primarily – and I think we’re both big fans of that move. On the hardwood though, I got this feeling all season long reading ACC blogs that BC didn’t belong on the same floor as Duke, NC or NC State for that matter…but people always forget that BC won the big east 3 times in the last 5-6 years, AND, this coach and team they’ve got now is the best I’ve ever seen them in my lifetime.

    Remove Reddick’s unbelievable clutch performance, and BC wins the ACC championship. They completely outplayed both Maryland and North Carolina on both ends of the floor, and I think anyone who saw the final yesterday afternoon would admit that they gave Duke all they could handle.

    Now, removed from the friendly confines of tobacco road, say the tournament is in Baltimore, Florida or New York…the outcomes in future years could end up being troublesome to that sea of blue BC played in front of 3 times in a row this weekend.

    Are you a gamecock fan? They’re a good team…can’t wait for Thursday!!!

  7. Paul says:

    Count on Tabacco Roas Chris !!

  8. Chris Austin says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if UNC, Duke and BC all made it to the dance.

    Personally, I don’t think the Big East, Big Ten and SEC are that much better than the ACC, Pac 10 and Big 12. I completely understand rewarding a conference for prior success, but the Big 10 lost 2 of their 5 opening round games, while the ACC went 6-0.

    I could rant about this forever, but the important thing here is that every conference has a chance at that money – millions are at stake!

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