Hollywood’s Vodoo Dolls

Watching the documentary of Cash Playing San Quentin on CMT and it hits me, this idea that they’ve got scripts, budgets and perhaps actors already selected just waiting for the most famous living Americans to kick the bucket.  How creepy would it be if Jamie Foxx somehow already knew he had the Ray Charles role before the guy actually died? 

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7 Responses to Hollywood’s Vodoo Dolls

  1. Paul says:

    This is a bit of a stretch Chris. Don’t you have faith in your hollywood Liberal friends? 🙂

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Paul…eh…no. Wouldn’t put anything past a Hollywood producer…I’m just nervous that the Bill Russell story is already in the can, and Will Smith’s already been given the role!

    Didn’t you wonder even a little bit after Cash died, how they somehow ‘threw together’ an Oscar nominated film so fast?

  3. Paul says:

    Spring practice has begun. How about those Clemson “Tigers” Chris ? 🙂

  4. karl says:

    Maybe they kill the people once they finish the script.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Paul – All I’m going to say on that is…glad we don’t have to go to Death Valley this year!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thanx Chris-we have to come up to BC and it will be a very tough game! After you all we have Florida State away. 🙂

  7. Chris Austin says:

    Heh, after the last one, I wouldn’t bet against the younger Bowden! Someone’s got to beat Virginia Tech. They steamrolled BC last year.

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