Small Town Livin’

Not the toughest thing adjusting to, but when a traffic light in the center of town is still blinking yellow a week after it went first went out, reality sets in like a big soft Vilseck-Hampstead-Macadamia Nut cookie.  Questions spring up two or more times a day when I hit the once safe intersection now hooked on mayhem, turning us all into raccoon-eyed junkies, tapping the gas and thinking twice, again, again, “FUCK!”, again, again…

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7 Responses to Small Town Livin’

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    People forget that a malfunctioning traffic signal is the same as a FOUR WAY STOP. It isn’t an opportunity to jet out into the intersection with the smallest opening in traffic flow. Some people…heads up ass…

  2. karl says:

    I thoought a four way stop meant that everyone has has to stop and I can keep going

  3. Chris Austin says:

    What always happens is the busier road’s traffic assumes the right of way and the other two sides are like I described.

  4. Right Thinker says:

    Tell Roscoe and Cooter to get off their asses and get the light fixed.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Homeland security funds got cut, so they only work every other Tuesday…


    Sometimes I forget that when you post Right, you’re 100% CITY…western though, which is very different from eastern. Whereas ‘eastern city’ allots you a half foot rectangle outside your apartment door, ‘western city’ means you actually have a piece of land all your own.

  6. Right Thinker says:

    Traffic is under homeland security??? What about sanitation and parks & rec.? In the west, homeland security come in two guages, 12 and 20 :- )

    Apartnemnts are about the same here, no real land to do anytihng with but you do get the pool, hottub, computer room, workout room, common area and sometimes a putting green or mini movie theater.

    That is what I miss now that I have an actual home. My last apartment complex even had two professional gas barbeques permanently mounted out by the pool with the granite counters. when it’s 130 out in the summer you pretty much just cook your steak right on the counter top.

  7. Chris Austin says:


    You know, what they said, “the best things in life really ARE free”…I concur

    In reality, my tax dollars went to Braintree up until now, so the ‘sucker’ feeling isn’t that bad…because some streets back east have looked like tyranasaurus rex ran down them for two years already…so I’m spared the shit roads and having to feel like a sucker about the light.

    See, that’s what you have to be like to spin the table on The Man…make things purposely complicated so you feel better.

    130 degrees is hideously hot…Right, have you got solar panels on the roof? I’m doing that eventually…the nano thing, they paint it onto foil it won’t run through and the cost drops, then when whoever gets cancer you can sue the nano-solar panel company and get rich, start living off of dividends…but 130 degrees…that’s got to be some serious ‘eventual’ free moolah, like adding three apple trees and a back poarch onto a house in New England…

    Alternative energy for the home, that’s the next big $$ business…generate more than you use and the power company has to pay you back for what extra you produced. Get the infomercial set up so there are people cooking, cutting hair, walking down the stairs…the lights suddenly go out, BLAM, CRASH, UH-OH, can you let this happen to YOU? the person who was cooking is on fire, the oil from his cooking pan having lit his silk smock on fire…the person getting the haircut has a pair of scissors sticking out of their ear, screaming…a woman lies broken at the bottom of the stairs…

    The energy company has been known to turn off the lights, sometimes on purpose (Enron quote)…isn’t it time you got them back?

    Buy our CD on turning your home into a profitable power grid…

    $1 billion dollars in five days, with the add running on channel 843, one 30 second spot every hour, between 10PM-5AM every day…big money, sweeeeet moolah!

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