Monthly Archives: March 2006

Guns in Kindergarten

There’s a Brady Bunch episode where Bobby brings a toy gun to school.  I remember this thinking it would be one of those moments, kind of like the instructional video in Dodgeball, when you realize how gullable/innocent our society was … Continue reading

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War of Choice – Bush Should Serve Time

The British haven’t been as ruthless in classifying documents pertaining to the pre-Iraq War negotiations as our government has.  Bad for President Bush and the tens of thousands who have already died, as intent is no longer a question.  Documents now prove … Continue reading

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Jobs Report Squashed – House Vote Tomorrow

H. RES. 717  Resolved, That the Secretary of Commerce is directed to transmit to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution, a copy of the final draft report, produced … Continue reading

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Crime and Punnishment

In the Texas thread an interesting discussion broke out over the correct punnishment for a DUI.  Personally, I think hard time should be handed out for crimes where there’s a victim, but when the victim is oneself, society is basically … Continue reading

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Iraq as a Prize Fight

To understand how the finest military in human history could continue to fail in this war, one could create a list or perhaps listen to Donald Rumsfeld speak on any topic for a few minutes, only to be informed afterwards … Continue reading

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Rolling Barrage – Square Wheels & Speed Bumps

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Operation “Last Call” – Texas

You can be staying in a Dallas hotel, drinking at the bar downstairs and if you’re having too much fun (judgement call), an undercover police officer will run you in.  The dragnet is an attempt to lower the amount of DUIs … Continue reading

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Book Burning at the Associated Press!

Basically a bureau chief in Vermont submitted a column written by one its own, Senator Patrick Leahy, on the “growing threat to our democracy by infringements imposed by the Bush administration on America’s hallowed Freedom of Information Act”, and was abruptly fired … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigration – Some Questions

Is illegal immigration responsible for higher energy costs? Is illegal immigration responsible for the escalating national debt? Is illegal immigration responsible for the Iraq War? Is illegal immigration responsible for low test scores in schools across the country? Is illegal … Continue reading

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UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar

Did I call this or what?  Worse than just Iran (in the mail), we’ve got “allies” (rich scumbags in charge of countries full of oil and uneducated, jobless, mosque-folk) now shifting cash reserves from dollars to euros.  Don’t expect this to … Continue reading

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Adam Vinatieri a Colt?!?!?!?

With a higher cap and McGuinest already going to the Browns, it seemed automatic that Belicheck would have enough cash to lock this guy up.  The franchise tag was used on him in the past, and perhaps that’s the reason … Continue reading

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She Was…an Am-er-i-can Girl

A shiny gold donkey to whoever knows what inspired me to use this title.

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A Few Bad Apple Trees

Task Force 6-26, a unit whose name and location changes based on how much heat they’ve got on them at a given time, whether it’s the Pentagon, CIA, FBI or the slabs of meat known to most of the world … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 33 Comments

BC, James ‘Butterball’ Toney, Leftists

Montana is putting up a fight, but against BC they closely resemble jello on the inside.  Craig Smith is tearing these guys up, yet because of Montana’s outstanding shooting from beyond the perimeter, the halftime score is 32-30 BC.  At … Continue reading

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Democratic Accomplishments

With mid-terms coming up soon, I wanted to share this list I came across at my local library: 1933   Unemployment Relief 1935   Social Security 1938   Minimum Wage 1944   GI Bill 1945   United Nations 1947   Marshal Plan 1949   NATO 1964   Civil … Continue reading

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The Traders’ Den

My favorite non-political site on the net.  As wide a variety of music in every format you could imagine.  Here’s a sample, in fact, the newest torrents as of today.  Any music fan will find something to their liking here.  … Continue reading

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Birth Control is Unacceptable in Missouri

Sex is natural and a lot of fun…so we need to do something about that.     JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – An attempt to resume state spending on birth control got shot down Wednesday by House members who argued it would have … Continue reading

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NCAA – Day 1

I trust that Al Skinner knows what he’s doing, but during most of the game today with Pacific, I was questioning how he could leave the freshman Rice out there, especially after the kid had taken bad shots, turned it … Continue reading

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Seriously though, time for some PROUD PAPA!

I’m a father (this is Chris), Right Thinker is a father…generally you’ll find the two of us engaged in a literal knife-fight, but every once in a while it’s important to call ‘truce’ and take a moment to celebrate… Sweet … Continue reading

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In Defense of Bush

This interlude between conference tournaments and the dance has opened up my curiosity concerning one subject in particular, the Iraq War.  If you asked most insiders prior to his election in 2000, “How much expertise and wisdom will Dick Cheney … Continue reading

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Iran (Hearts) America

For quite a long time Iran was under wraps, defeated by Hussein in the 80s after their army was attacked with weapons that literally melted the flesh right off of their bodies. Like an ‘old time religion’ story, fire fell … Continue reading

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Milosevic dies

Four years into his trial and he’s stiff before the verdict is decided.  The law, growing at all times, appears to be complicating quite a lot these days.  In fact, experts predict that by the year 2030 it would take approximately 38 … Continue reading

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Boston College

The pile of things I’ve read concerning politics, all signifying things I want to sit down and write about for a while, don’t seem to matter at all, like that part of my brain packed some clothes, said ‘later’ around … Continue reading

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Acquaint Yourselves Accordingly With…

Al Skinner – Head Coach – Boston College Men’s Basketball It’s been a long time coming, as a number of us here at have admired this man for a while now.  Today’s win over North Carolina (in their back … Continue reading

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Unbelievable Story – Iraqis dead from head-bullet-itis not counted…Journalism, Journalism… OFFICIAL SAYS SHIITE PARTY SUPPRESSED BODY COUNT   By Ellen Knickmeyer  Washington Post Foreign Service Thursday, March 9, 2006; Page A01 BAGHDAD, March 8 — Days after the bombing of a Shiite shrine unleashed a wave of retaliatory killings … Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich got some splanin’ to do!

Vanity Fair got Abramoff to sit down for a while, with all his documents, photographs and whatnot…here’s the segment I got my hands on: Newt Gingrich, whose spokesman Rick Tyler tells Margolick that “Before [Abramoff’s] picture appeared on TV and … Continue reading

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Itching Hemorrhoids of the Month – NFL Owners

This month’s ‘Itchy’ goes to a collection of very rich men whose contribution to my peace of mind has been a disaster this past week.  Making money hand over fist, they now insist that the percentage of revenue going to … Continue reading

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Low and Behold, Unions Enter the Picture

On the first post concerning the UAE ports deal, the question ‘why’ was asked within the thread and my answer was: ”WE HATE UNIONS” is the motto of the Bush presidency. I was disagreed with, and we all know … Continue reading

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Pat Tillman’s Parents Abandon Script

First Posted on 5/27/05: In the days since I first read this story, there have been a number of articles written that leverage Tillman’s parents’ statements to fit a larger argument against government secrecy. And while secrecy is part of this … Continue reading

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Reece Witherspoon

Nobody cares…cliche is easy for an actor, you’re not fooling anyone.  Act like you’ve BEEN THERE…take a page out of Richard Seymour’s book… “GOT A BROKE BACK?  GET A MATTRESS AT SLEEPY HOLLOW IN AMHERST”  (ad’s on once an hour, … Continue reading

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