Open Thread – Drop it like it’s hot

Auntie Erinn (Heather’s sister) is here for the weekend.  It’s a whole new experience having people over to stay now as opposed to the past five years of apartment living.  Not being regulated to one room where everyone will fit comfortably is pretty sweet. 

Two helicopters crashed in Africa during a training mission…pay attention to the news and you’ll notice that this happens often.  CSPAN had a house debate over death benefits a while back, and a Republican I named in a piece back in the day argued that when this happens, the spouse doesn’t deserve the same as when it happens in a warzone.  I disagree. 

Cheney was on FoxNews talking about how he has the authority to declassify information, which in a free country should result in a press release.  How this administration goes about it though is to tell a friendly reporter, who then prints the information and attributes it to ‘unnamed sources’.  Why is that?  Think about the runup to the Iraq War…

7% of red light district employees in Amsterdam have HIV according to an article I read yesterday.  Something about Amsterdam’s red light district as opposed to others in Europe is it’s spread out all over the place as opposed to congregated in one area.  I’d bet that the bunny ranch near Right Thinker has a 0% HIV rate. 

Catholics in Massachusetts, the organization that condoned widespread sexual abuse of children for decades, has come out saying that same sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to adopt.  It’s obvious to me that the church does more good than harm, but on this particular topic they’ve got zero credibility. 

The only appeal a high school reunion has for me is the fact that they might have free booze.  Since I’d have to drive two hours to get there


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7 Responses to Open Thread – Drop it like it’s hot

  1. Paul says:

    The HIV rate in Amsterdam’s red light district really doesn’t impact me Chris, but thanks for the information.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    HA! Me neither – – – just random stuff…

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    I didn’t go to my ten-year high school reunion. I later saw pictures of it on an alumni website and it looked like the same dumb assholes from both genders being phony and patting each other on the back. Except, fatter, more make-up, and losing hair.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    The appeal, as described to me throughout the years, has been to witness the supposed deterioration of those same people you couldn’t stand back in the day. That’s something I value much less than a night playing with my boys and watching a movie on demand.

    If I’m doing better or worse in life than someone I couldn’t stand in high school…I really could care less.

  5. Wisenheimer says:

    Same here. Hard to believe that some people continue to live with that as their highlight.

  6. Right Thinker says:

    Catholics in Massachusetts, the organization that condoned widespread sexual abuse of children for decades

    Condoned!!!! When did that happen? I’ve never seen anything that say the Catholic Church condones, promotes, advocates, teaches, advises or endorses any sort of sexual abuse. Last I checked, most churches and religions are against sexual abuse.

    I’d bet that the bunny ranch near Right Thinker has a 0% HIV rate.

    No comment.

    The only appeal a high school reunion has for me is the fact that they might have free booze.

    Shit, now I wish I had gone to my reunion, unless the free booze is just a regional thing. If Kennedy and Kerry were both my Senators, I’d drink heavily too.

  7. Chris Austin says:

    Right – check out Cardinal Law, the amount of times Father Goegin was transfered…the amount of times every one of the pedofile priests were reassigned over the years. They looked the other way, covered it up…in fact, several children told their parents and when the situation was escalated, the Catholic church decided to transfer the priest rather than notify the police. The child would be disbelieved, and that’s what the lawsuits are mostly about. The fact that the Catholic church covered up decades of abuse, that they sat by while criminal sexual predators were allowed to get 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th chances…and even more in some cases.

    Let’s not get silly here…I’ve ready PLENTY on the activities of the Catholic church and how they sheltered these criminals over the years. It’s sick, disgusting, and apparantly already forgotten…

    Cardinal Law transfered priests who were obviously sick pedofiles, and he got REWARDED with a job at the Vatican. The man should be in jail.

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