I Applaud Brokeback Mountain

This movie should win every single Oscar it’s nominated for.  I’m probably never going to see it, but I’m behind it 100%.  High time we provided the cowboy hat wearing public with some sort of motivation to finally feel as stupid as they all look. 

I understand the dynamic where you want to wear what the people singing on TV wear.  Most of us grew out of it, but to some it’s a lifelong neurosis.  Halloween on-demand, don’t even have to push a button or anything, some take to it like a crackhead to a pipe, feeling cool the whole time.

Enough’s enough already.  We need to get these people straightened out.   

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16 Responses to I Applaud Brokeback Mountain

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Those crazy cowboys.

    I’d see brokeback Mtn if I could find a chick to go with. And I don’t want that to be a “first date” thing. Otherwise, she will have strange thoughts when we end up doing it doggy-style.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Yea, a first date like that…if you ended up getting married, it could be the root cause of whatever’s got you in therapy later on.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    But how can you not want to see a movie that that, with the acclaim, obvious uniqueness, and talent?

  4. Wisenheimer says:

    Kind of like when i wanted to see one of the Friday sequels but was afraid of all of the gang members in the theater heh heh

    I kid!

  5. Paul says:

    I’ll take “Capote” Chris and I have to say that you are narrow minded when you condemn the cowboy hat wearing public en masse!

  6. karl says:

    I guess we all know the secret message Bush is trying to get across when he wears his cowboy hat.

    No wonder Sean Hannity melts at the sight of Bush.

  7. Right Thinker says:

    I guess we all know the secret message Bush is trying to get across when he wears his cowboy hat.

    It always comes back to Bush, tt’s like Bush has 2 degrees of separation. You need to have that BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) checked out with your doctor.

  8. Wisenheimer says:

    May cause transient amnesia

  9. karl says:

    My insurance does not cover BDS, maybe the free clinic can help.

  10. Right Thinker says:

    Now THAT is Bush’s fault!!!!

  11. Chris Austin says:

    It’s the experience I had while stationed in Germany…something that’s probably fermented long enough in my head to sit down and write out. These guys are in the middle of Europe, yet wear their cowboy outfits out when they’re off the clock, down to the hee-haw bar a half mile off of the base, a building that’s part cowboy and the other half hip hop club. I went in there once, finally giving in to my roomate’s promise of a great time. Started with a couple shots of burbon and switched to beer, fifteen minutes in and I’m already sick of the music, the people…

    Hit the dance floor and was doing my thing, not in steps that cooresponded with the precise dance moves for that song, but there were only four of us up there. I guess my non-uniformity started to get on their nerves, because the dance floor started to fill up for the specific purpose of getting my drunk ass off of there, most of them thinking “now what if Clint Black walked through the front door? He’d take one look at that asshole and head back out…I’d never be able to forgive myself.”

    One tall lanky hee-haw schmuck from my unit starts to talk shit and I send it right back, making fun of how they’re all dancing the same way, the line that sets things off was “when in Germany…”, which none of them seemed to understand, “is there a song where everyone ZEEG HEIL’s! at the same time” – things disintegrated from there, and it seemed to me that I’d have to return home with bloody knuckles (proud to say that I haven’t actually been in a fight since junior high school), but the owner of the place catches us about to get stupid and starts talking about a six-shooter.

    I guess that when guys are about to get stupid, this guy suggests they settle it at a table with 12 shots of a liquor they both agree on. The contest is you drink your 6 before the other guy does, and they have to drink another 6 and pay for all 18. I liked this idea, knowing this jerk to be strictly a Budweiser man…his friends are egging him on, I suggest Jack Daniels, he wants to show me up, so he shouts out TEQUILA! I accept right away…

    Now I’m not all that fond of my ability to consume hard liquor with ease, but a year already in Germany brought me enough depression to get way too good at it, Turkey and Cuervo being my drinks of choice. I finished mine while he was on #3. His friends had to carry him out of there (so I heard, as I split once the festivities were over and walked back to post)…

    A couple weeks later, these idiots are hard at work rigging up a barrell between four trees in the back of the barracks with rope. One of them gets on while the others shake the ropes as hard as they can, launching the barrell rider on their head, everyone’s howling and yeeehaaa…when blood is drawn, they pour Budweiser and sprinkle Coppenhagen over the wound…

    Annoying isn’t the word for it.

  12. Right Thinker says:

    I finished mine while he was on #3.

    My respect for you has jumped a notch!!!

  13. Wisenheimer says:

    Sweet Jesus! and I thought I knew some idiots in the army…

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Idiots…Jeff, this roomate of mine was messing around with a girl (not really the appropriate word, as she was at least 30, he was 19) who I’d seen a couple times up in the engineer barracks, and she bounced from room to room. My friends up there saw her once and the history lesson followed…I was disgusted. She smoked Marlboro red 100s and worked at the commisary. Her father was a colonel or something, so she had a visa…blah blah blah.

    Fast forward about 3 months, and she suddenly starts showing up in my barracks on the other side of the base, of course, hanging with the cowboys. I told my idiot roomate about her, that he’d be knee deep in hepititis most likely if he got stupid.

    Fast forward one week and I’m awoken in the middle of the night. Idiot and the STD factory are going at it 4 feet to my left. Obscenities from me, giggles from them, I slept in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. The idiot didn’t even use protection.

    Imagine that…having the info up front and diving in anyway. When he hit his ETS date, she was staying and supposedly pregnant. Never kept in touch, but odds are he’s paying monthly and applying cream daily.

  15. Wisenheimer says:

    and the plot thickens, almost as thick as his brain and her STD cream.

  16. Paul says:

    God bless John Wayne ! 🙂

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