How About These Idiots?

Cartoon Protests Deadly in Afghanistan

Talk about uptight!  Those preachers got inside the heads of millions, and they’re not leaving anytime soon by the looks of it.  Now nobody in the world’s allowed to make fun of these idiots for fear they might destroy their own countries?  How does that work?  I mean, they do blow themselves up and are daft enough to believe they’ve got a reward coming to them in the afterlife.  Clearly, these people need cable TV and as many copies of Animal House we can possibly airlift in.

Caddyshack and Chapelle Show too.

How can we get these people to lighten up?  I say we teach them how to laugh.  You replace one daily prayer time with a 3 Stooges episode.  BAM!  Peace in the Middle East.

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15 Responses to How About These Idiots?

  1. Paul says:

    Islamofascists rarely (if ever) have a sense of humor Chris. I wonder why??

  2. Right Thinker says:

    Islam is in the process of terrorizing the rest of the world to fall into line with Islamic teaching. SOmewhere in Cali there is a large tank with a statue of the virgin Mary floating in a mixture of blood, urine and feces but Christians aren’t burning down anything, here or abroad.

    It’s working too, U.S. papers will publish anti-American photos, whether authentic or not, at the drop of a hat. They try to crush Christmas like a bulldozer but now the mohamad cartoons are off limits? Your worries about GWB are misplaced, Islam is on the march after a 500 year slumber and we are the targets.

  3. karl says:

    Fanatics in general lack a sense of humor some of our christians are just as bad.

  4. Right Thinker says:

    Fanatics in general lack a sense of humor some of our christians are just as bad.

    Yes, 10-20 American Christians are D level celebrities and I can name about 3 of them. Islam has millions upon millions of fanatics who will go through with murder, kidnpping, etc. Not even a close comparison.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    If our evangelicals lived on 6 acres of dry soil, in 100+ degree heat a lot of the time, ruled by one theif after another for generations, poor, uneducated…

    I think you’d be seeing them acting out more as well. Lawlessness (outside of DC of course) is not the natural way of life in America. Some decided to kill doctors and blow up clinics, and they were caught…mostly because as criminals, they were incompetent.

    Over there in the Middle East, your family member gets killed over who knows what, and is the guilty party found and tried?

    Our society is structured in such a way that the only way batshit-crazy-religion can get away with breaking the law is if they seclude themselves, alone, out in the middle of nowhere (Mormons come to mind, the ones in N. Arizona).

    The riots are a sign of lawlessness and ignorance.

    Ghandi’s dead
    Dr. King is dead
    Neither of them made a dent in how messed up the Middle East has been ever since Hamurabi

  6. Right Thinker says:

    I think you’d be seeing them acting out more as well.

    But they aren’t and the issues of economy and education are not the fault of the governments over there rather the dictates of Islam. No teaching of girls, no sciences or art, no astronomy or mathmatics. The schools teach islam and that’s the way they want it.

    Over there in the Middle East, your family member gets killed over who knows what, and is the guilty party found and tried?

    The sharia dictates who gets punished. Take rape for example, there has to be 4 male witnesses to testify to the rape for the rapist to be punished. Of course, the victim is stoned to death for adultery but that is besides the point.

    Don’t go the angle that the masses of good people are abused by the powerful bad guys. It’s not even close to reality.

    The riots are a sign of lawlessness and ignorance.

    The riots are an organized method for showing the world who is in charge. 1 Billion people want the other 3 billion to fall into line or there is going to be some reall roblems. Bill Clinton has already cow towed to them, so has American liberal media under the guise of a suddenly new found respect for religion (well Islam, that is, because they will kill you)

    This is a preview of things to come in this world. Islamic groups are setting up shop in every country to monitor their acceptance of Islam. Denmark doesn’t fall into line and so the muslim brigade form Denmark reports their transgressions to the islamic world for trial and judgement. There is no getting along with islam.

  7. karl says:

    as long as you keep religion and government seperate their are no problems. Who cares what weird punishments a holy book prescribes as long as thier are no mechanisms for carrying them out.

    The dissasters in the muslim world prove this time and time again, keep church and state seperate. Maybe our christians need to learn this before America becomes Iran light.

  8. Right Thinker says:

    as long as you keep religion and government seperate their are no problems.

    Bingo-with islam, islam is the government. How do you separate a government that is an extension of a religion?

    Maybe our christians need to learn this before America becomes Iran light.

    I don’t think even Christians wan’t government mixed with church. The mere mention of morals and people scream religious persecution. Thou shalt not kill is one of the ten commandments, should the government not criminalize murder because religious people think murder is bad?

    America is a shadow of it’s former religious self and there is no way we will ever come close to returning to that envirnonment, let alone Iran light. This hyper-sensitive “can’t mention religion in public” mantra is so beyond the principles this country was founded on.

    America is the diet coke of religion, 1 calorie, not religious at all. (Thanks to Dr. Evil)

  9. Chris Austin says:

    RT: I don’t think even Christians wan’t government mixed with church. The mere mention of morals and people scream religious persecution. Thou shalt not kill is one of the ten commandments, should the government not criminalize murder because religious people think murder is bad?

    I’d check w/ John Dobson and Pat Robertson on that!

    Only 2 of the commandments are actual laws in America. One of the commandments was to not worship ‘statues’, and the hooples go to the Supreme Court for the right to put a statue of the 10 commandments outside the courthouse…

    To me…religious people talking about social issues reminds me of Dr. Phil…when they’re infused into the political arena, I think they’re all psychopaths.

  10. Right Thinker says:

    I’d check w/ John Dobson and Pat Robertson on that!

    And Je$$e jackon and Al $harpton. These fringe people don’t count.

    Only 2 of the commandments are actual laws in America.

    Which is more than the zero the the anti-religion people want.

    To me…religious people talking about social issues reminds me of Dr. Phil…when they’re infused into the political arena, I think they’re all psychopaths.

    Religious people have rights too, remember the 1st ammendment? To say religious people have no say in social issues is totally wrong. A statue on a lawn is not an endorsement of religion by any streatch of the imagination.

    Btw, American media can’t publish the image of muhamad because it offends muslims. Bill Clinton says we should be allowed to publicaly discuss Islam in a negative and disrespectful manner. Talk about endorement of religion.

  11. karl says:


    I have no problem with laws against murder and theft, I would challenge you to find anyone on either side of the isle who does.

    Religous people are free to talk about their religion, what you are talking about is displays on public property. The problem with those displays is that generally they favor one religion over another and it is not practicle to allow every religion display space on public property so the easiest way to deal with it is to not allow religous displays at all.

    Religion is just one fairy tale versus another and it has no place in government. This is true for christianity, islam, buddism, and my favorite scientology.

    I did used to think that the Mormons were on to something with the whole polygamy thing, but the idea of more than one women nagging at once seems pretty scary as well.

  12. Right Thinker says:

    I did used to think that the Mormons were on to something with the whole polygamy thing, but the idea of more than one women nagging at once seems pretty scary as well.

    Hilarious!!! There’s an issue that has bi-partisan support, less nagging. You think I don’t want Hilary for President because she’s liberal? Hell no, can you imaging the state of the union address by Hilary?

    Clean up your hiways, why aren’t your budgets balanced, why is it so smoggy, you were supposed to fix healthcare already, close the fridge door-your letting all the cold air out!!!

  13. karl says:

    I am not sure I want to see Hilary as president either. If anything though you should be able to understand why Bill might have strayed.

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Religion is a slippery slope. We discuss it on a global scale, but people live in communities. The effect that religion gone bad can have on a community is only focused on when death is involved.

    The 16 year old girl who’s forced to marry a 46 year old man is on her own here in America (fundamentalist Mormons).

    The orgainizations that fight AIDS around the world, but have to preach abstinance instead of condoms, they’re on their own, blowing millions of our taxdollars because too many fundamentalist Christians work for the government.

    How about embyronic stem cell research? Science becomes illegal in America because…

    It sucks over in the Middle East, and it sucks here too. We’re just better off is all.

  15. karl says:

    I don’t think these people are going devolope a sense of humor anytime soon:

    MSNBC News Services
    Updated: 8:39 a.m. ET Feb. 9, 2006
    BEIRUT, Lebanon – Hundreds of thousands of Shiite Muslims transformed a religious ceremony in Lebanon on Thursday into an emotional but peaceful protest against cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

    “Defending the prophet should continue worldwide,” Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told the crowd. “Let (U.S. Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice, (President) Bush and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values.”

    “Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to … we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.

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