Ode to a Pharmacist

You’re out there somewhere, looking in the mirror at yourself in that smart white smock, head full of usefull knowledge, and a certificate on the wall representing precisely why you’re making more money than the person stocking shelves.  When it comes to introducing chemicals to human body (this side of Haight-Asbury) you’re the person to see, you’re the one who can tell a patient why the combination of pill A and pill B made them leaky. 

It’s time to get real about this.  Do you go to the pharmacy for advice on what’s the best path to heaven, or do you go there for medicine?  Is everyone THIS important now, that the system can just break down for the sake of these peoples’ feelings?  Christ, Allah, Elvis…I don’t care who you’re worshiping.  When you punch out, you can be whatever kind of an asshole you want to be, preach to whoever wants to listen.  When you’re on the clock, you’re a pharmacist. 

Would you rather be a garbage man or a preacher?  Or do you like being a pharmacist? 

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28 Responses to Ode to a Pharmacist

  1. I’m not sure where you are going with this piece but I’ll put in my two-cents. Pharmacists are like doctors in that they serve the medical needs of the people and promise to do no harm.

    They don’t sell drugs to people without a perscription, they don’t sell drugs for people to use just to get high, they don’t sell drugs for people to use to kill and they don’t sell drugs that will be used to assist suicide. They are in the cure business.

    I have not heard about the “path to heaven” discussion.

  2. Wisenheimer says:

    A pharmacist’s “morals” should never get in the way of a patient’s care. That is one of the most untherapeutic and uncaring things a health care professional can do.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    A pharmacist is FAR less of an important cog in the medical machine than a doctor. Putting them on the same level makes no sense at all. One of them makes decisions based on over 8 years of education, the other reads a slip of paper, fills a bottle, gives advice pertaining to the meds.

    They perform a function, and are much more of a ‘widget’ component than they are creative.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    What is health care? To me it’s a doctor informing me on a decision. The bills, tests, forms, lines, economical factors…that’s just the money being haggled over. If I break my arm and go to the emergency room, nurses and doctors fix me up.

    The pharmacist takes a piece of paper and gives me my pain pills. They are a beurocratic arm of health care. Some may perform exceptionally, some may do the bare minimum, but whatever’s the case on that score, their role in a patient’s treatment is the oposite of diagnostic.

    When I need a prescription filled, I hit the drive-thru and drop off the paper, kill some time, go back to the drive-thru and hand over some cash…motor off with the product.

    Perhaps if I had walked in and asked a question, the pharmacist would have served a non-functionary role. When I have questions, my doctor answers them for me. He’s got a palm pilot loaded with drug data, which he uses to come up with side effects and warnings on whatever combination he punches in.

    If this guy decides he’s against abortion, he can work outside of that field. Why? Because doctors specialize in more specific fields than we could probably imagine. Pharmacists specialize in one field, the field that all pharmacists specialize in. A good job by all accounts, but on par with a doctor? Get real!

  5. karl says:

    Pharmacist are in charge of the moral health of the patient. Who cares that a doctor prescribed a morning after pill for a rape victim, one day the rape victim will thank that that pharmacist for protecting her moral health.

    Plus obviously god wanted her to have a baby or he would not have had some guy rape her, if anythiing the doctor who prescribed the pill should be jailed for attempted murder of the unborn.

  6. Wisenheimer says:

    Karl, I’ll assume you’re kidding.

  7. karl says:


    I don’t know if I am so much kidding as trying to show the other side of the argument. I live in Colorado and our governor has said that it is unfair to make pharmacists fill prescriptions if they are morally oposed. I am just trying to show the conservative argument in an accurate way.

  8. Why stop at the morning after pill? Let’s force auto body repair shops to sell chocolate milkshakes. If my blood sugar goes low then it’s the responisibility of the auto body repair industry to provide milkshakes to make my life easier.

    Like the above analogy, it is insane to force a business to sell a product it doesn’t want to. Some Pharmacists want to help cure people, not kill them. Why is it the Pharmacists fault some girl might be pregnant? Why penanlize one pharamacist when the chick can just go down the street to another pharmacist with fewer ethics/morals?

  9. Wisenheimer says:

    Pharmacists deal in pharmaceuticals. Auto mechanics do not deal in milkshakes.

    The pharmacist is just a conduit for a doctor’s treatment. He/she follows doctor’s orders. If the physican feels that the morning after pill is essential, she should receive it. Otherwise, all hierarchy in health care goes out the door.

  10. karl says:

    Great point right thinker, Realtors should not have to sell houses to minorities, they can just go to another community that has lower standards.

    BTW until further notice crank the sarcoometer up for all my posts.

  11. Pharmacists deal in pharmaceuticals. Auto mechanics do not deal in milkshakes.

    Fine, there is an auto body shop down the street that doesn’t work on German cars (BMW, Volks, Etc.). Should the government step in and say they have to work on all cars? Sure, I could

    It is completely ridiculous to dictate to someone how they run their business.

  12. Wisenheimer says:

    By insisting that a pharmacy is a business, I think you minimize their role in health care further. You are equating them to the guy that sells Tylenol at the corner liqour store.

    Whether or not refusing certain drugs is illegal (or should be) is besides the point to me. It is just bad patient care.

  13. Great point right thinker, Realtors should not have to sell houses to minorities, they can just go to another community that has lower standards.

    Wow, you went from zero to the race card in under 30 seconds, in true liberal fashion. Which political party was it that was formed for the purpose of ending slavery and ensuring all men are treated equal??? (Hint: Starts with R and ends with epublican.)

    Karl, here’s a sample from a large list of DNC actions on race:

    Founders of slavery in America — Democrats
    Founders of the KKK — Democrats
    Individuals found guilty of the murders portrayed in Missippi Burning — Democrats
    Fought Anti-Lynching laws — Democrats
    Fights to protect Al-Queda from government surveilence — Democrats
    Best friends of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro — Democrats

    I’ll have my sarcometer set to high in anticipation of your response.

  14. Wisenheimer says:

    That’s ancient histry RT. We all know that the parties flipped right around the time of the Civil Rights Act.

  15. That’s ancient histry RT. We all know that the parties flipped right around the time of the Civil Rights Act.

    It’s not that the parties flipped, rather, it’s that the Democrats sell the “easy life” of “you don’t need a job or an education, we have wellfare for you” vs. the Republicans version of Darwinism which is to work hard in school and your career to succeed. Seriously, why put forth any effort when you can get wellfare?

    I think that is why African Americans are so bad off now because of the liberal promises of free money with no effort. Black America is in family and cultural crisis right now. What happened to Jazz and Motown? Rap is just a bunch of guys with no musical talent talking about bitches, hoes and killing.

    Wow, this sure went O.T.

  16. Wisenheimer says:

    From what I’ve seen working at a county hospital, porr folks getting welfare for an extended period usually have pretty shitty lives as it is. I mean, they worry about where their next cigarette is going to come from. They can’t even buy themselves a flippin’ hamburger. Sure, there are Welfare Queens out there and others living on Easy Street, but most liberals don’t support them. I know that I don’t and I’m as liberal as they come. But when it involves kids lets say, not their fault that their parents are pieces of shit.

    Sorry about the foul language, but we are all men here.

  17. Chris Austin says:

    Neo-Evangelicals – Republican
    Arming the entire Middle East throughout the 80s – Republican

    Party’s voters nominating a presidential candidate who now profits from his erectile dysfunction – Republican

    Administration provides easy/often (sometimes overnight) White House access & press credentials (his cover) to a gay male prostitute – Republican
    Presidential candidate must appear coherent, speak slowly…ability a plus, but not important if they dress-up like a cowboy once in a while – Republican
    Run as a tallented businessman, then once elected, pretend to not understand concepts like revenue, expenses and debt – Republican

    Party with more military veterans – Democratic

    Party with more criminals – Republican

    “On the 8th day, God created the unregulated free market economy. It is always the right answer, much too complicated to ever understand, and federal government represents Satan” – Republicans 2:23

    Party that balanced the budget – Democratic
    National Security lasers in space – Republicans

  18. Right Thinker says:

    Holy crap, I just read that the Massachussetts Board of Pharmacy is forcing Walmart to sell products it doesn’t want to. I am totally amazed. I’ve always discounted as looney the rhetoric from the left that America is becoming fascist but now there is proof. Next they’ll be forced to sell crack and heroin or maybe assisted suicide drugs.

    Too bad for the pharmacist who got into the business to help people but is now forced by the state to be an executioner. “Great job on getting through medical/pharmacy school, you are an abortionist now!!!” That really sucks, they ended up wasting all that time and money and now the State mandates them to kill babies. Unbelievable!!!!

    I’ve gotta try my idea to force oil change shops to sell chocolate milkshakes, that would make oil changes a much happier experience. I need to learn what else a fascist government is known for. Hopefully I don’t have to look forward to arranged marriage for my daughter or that she will be barred from an education.

  19. karl says:


    These people are free to find a different jobs. Sort of like someone who wants to be a biology teacher but does not want to teach evolution. Or a muslim who wants to be a bartender but not serve alcohol.

  20. Right Thinker says:

    These people are free to find a different jobs. Sort of like someone who wants to be a biology teacher but does not want to teach evolution. Or a muslim who wants to be a bartender but not serve alcohol.

    How, they’ve already spent so many years and so much money to become a pharmacist and now the state is drafting them into the abortion trade.

    What if, in your muslim example, the muslim spends his life savings and takes out a ton of loans to build a restaurant only to be forced, after the fact, into serving alcohol. The muslim never intended to sell alcohol and it is ludicrous to think that he would be forced to do so but he underestimated the domination liberals have over ordinary people’s lives.

    If the government reimburses these pharamcists for all their time and cancels their student loans then I am all for them getting a job where less forced murder is involved.

  21. karl says:


    Most of us will change carreers several times over our life. You might get tired of making people fat by serving them big macs 🙂

    It is not the governments responsibility to insure that you are happy at your job. These pharmacists chose the wrong career, but I hear their may be an opening at Mickey D’s.

  22. karl says:

    Essentially these pharmacists need to put their own personal agenda to the side and take care of their patients. If they cannot do this, they realy should not be pharmacists.

  23. Right Thinker says:

    It is not the governments responsibility to insure that you are happy at your job. These pharmacists chose the wrong career, but I hear their may be an opening at Mickey D’s.

    No, they chose the right career, it is the government that changed the job description from helping people through dispencing medicine to pharmaceutical abortionist.

    Why stop with pharamacists? They can do abortions at baseball games and moie theaters, sure it isn’t what a 3rd baseman joined baseball for but apparantly receiving a paycheck is all the government needs to make you an abortionist. Hey, you get paid whether you field line drives or kill babies.

    Essentially these pharmacists need to put their own personal agenda to the side and take care of their patients. If they cannot do this, they realy should not be pharmacists.

    It’s tough to put your views on murder aside just to make more money for drug companies. It is totally ridiculous to expect someone who went to school to learn how to help people to just sit bcak assume the role of baby killer. I thouhgt you were against fascism….

  24. karl says:

    These people did not choose the right carreer if they are putting themselves above the doctors who prescribed the medicine. The medical profession has a pretty clear hierarchy for a reason. The Doctor has more training than the nurse, So the Doctor has the final say in treatment. Now apparentely Pharmacists want ot have the final say in treatment.

  25. Right Thinker says:

    The Doctor has more training than the nurse, So the Doctor has the final say in treatment. Now apparentely Pharmacists want ot have the final say in treatment.

    This is the argument the captured SS officers used as a defense, “my superior officers ordered me to kill Jews.” So if Dr, Kevorkian orders a pharacist to fill a perscription for massive amounts of barbituates then you think the phamacist is obligated to do so, ignore the situation and read the little perscription paper. Don’t ask questions, just follow orders.

    Wal Mart isn’t even legally obligated to provide the abortion pill according to Mass state statutes.

  26. Chris Austin says:

    Right, the pharmacist performs a function. It’s the PATIENT that the system is there for, not the emotional well being of anyone who works within it.

    If the PATIENT if given a prescription from the doctor, it’s their right to be able to get it filled at a pharmacy.

    If corporations, pharmacists or the people don’t like the laws that govern the country they live in, then they need to work on changing the laws. Until then, they are to follow the law or like karl says, choose another profession.

    You’re weeping over the poor pharmacist whose religion has managed to make them miserable enough to quit a job they trained and sacrificed for, yet not the patient.

    You’re valuing the pharmacist over the patient, which is exactally why Massachusetts forced Wal-Mart to fill what’s on the slip of paper they’re handed.

    So…does politics have to impact every aspect of our lives? Can the religious right just upend the pill-portion of our health care system…you know, since the majority of Americans disagree with them, and they can’t get their beliefs passed as law, you’re advocating a nation-wide walkout?

    Everybody has to respect a pharmacist’s PERSONAL BELIEFS more than the law? Who’s the conservative here anyway???

  27. Right Thinker says:

    If the PATIENT if given a prescription from the doctor, it’s their right to be able to get it filled at a pharmacy.

    There are planty of pharmacists who carry the abortion pill, there is no need force Wal Mart to carry it.

    If corporations, pharmacists or the people don’t like the laws that govern the country they live in, then they need to work on changing the laws. Until then, they are to follow the law or like karl says, choose another profession.

    The problem is the law supports Wal Mart, “commonly prescribed medicines” that is what the law says. This is a radical minority forcing an ideology upon a private company irregardles of what the law says. Wal Mart has no legal or moral or professional obligation to be America’s abortionist.

    You’re weeping over the poor pharmacist whose religion has managed to make them miserable enough to quit a job they trained and sacrificed for, yet not the patient.

    I’m weeping for the damage to the free market by socialist intrusion. There are a hundred pharmacies to get the abortion pill, they don’t need 3 or 4 more.

    Everybody has to respect a pharmacist’s PERSONAL BELIEFS more than the law? Who’s the conservative here anyway???

    The law, as written, favors Wal Mart. Since liberals have been unable to get laws passed that dictate to private companies what to sell, now they have an activist pharmacy board do their dirty work. I want the law to be followed, it’s the pharmacy board that isn’t follwing the law.

  28. Chris Austin says:

    Commonly prescribed medications…Right, how does that exclude the day after pill? If it’s prescribed to many women, wouldn’t it be ‘commonly prescribed’?

    Obviously the definition of ‘commonly prescribed’ doesn’t provide WalMart the legal ground to challenge this decision, otherwise they’d be in court right now.

    Think about it Right – this is a landmark case if pursued, and with the billions at their disposal, WalMart would take it on in a second.

    The problem with deciding in their favor of course would be that from that point on, the definition of ‘commonly prescribed’ could be twisted to include hormone treatments, AIDS treatments to homosexuals…why not? If a pharmacy can decide to exclude potential mothers, then why not homosexuals?

    If there was ever a case to be thrown out based on the ‘slipery slope’ scenario, this would be it!

    And to someone who rides public transit and has minimal time to run around for a prescription, it is too much to ask that they find another place to get the medicine. Especially considering the fact that in some religious communities, none of the pharmacies would stock it or else they’d be picketed.

    It’s illegal for them to block the entrance of an abortion clinic – they had to pass a law to keep the religous people from harrassing whoever went in the building. You don’t think they’d do the same thing in front of whatever pharmacy decided to stock the morning after pill?

    Really…allowing businesses to make money off of a pharmacy, while also allowing them to discriminate against a portion of society who legally got a prescription is the wrong answer.

    If they are so set against filling that prescription, they should think about leaving it to someone else altogether.

    Patient rights come first, I don’t care what beliefs a medical care professional holds onto. Every patient is colorless, genderless and ageless as far as I’m concerned. That’s America, and that’s the standard we have to continue to live up to, regardless of what preachers have to say about it.

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