Monthly Archives: January 2006

Phish – 7/9/98 – Zeleste – Barcelona, Spain

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The Second Season Begins!

Frodo had an outstanding point in the mining post…IT’S PLAYOFF TIME! Time to lighten up, eat some chicken wings and bask in the glory of another Patriots championship run.

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The Mine Caved

I’m not concerned with the false sense of hope the miners’ families felt prior to learning that they were all dead, nor am I concerned with any other side issue or expose done up on what any of those miners … Continue reading

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Sirius Satelite Radio is Seriously Cool!!!

I was delighted to receive a Sirius Satelite radio and subscription on Christmas eve(is it still legal to say Christmas?) so I could hear the Indianapolis/Seattle game that could not be found anywhere on TV. Odd that the numbers 1 … Continue reading

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Hillarious moment during Florida St-Penn St

Mike Turico (announcer) goes on about how Piterno and Bowden (coaches) were born during the 1920s, and right after he finishes the ‘two faces on the mount rushmore of college football’ bit, Penn St’s kicker misses a field goal sending … Continue reading

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Abramoff Pleads Guilty

Expect a few more open seats come election time 2006. Harry Reid and Byron Dorgan are the only two Democrats on watch right now that I know of (Harkin possibly as well). On the other side of the asile it’s … Continue reading

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National Strategy For Victory In Iraq, Derailed

From Think Progress: The Washington Post revealed this morning that “the Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction.”

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