A Daughter is Born!

I’m overjoyed to announce that our dear friend Right Thinker’s wife has given birth to their first child, a daughter!

Message from Right: Susan Brynne was born 11:21 a.m. PST 6lbs. 14oz. and 20 inches.  Working on the photos :- )

Can’t wait to see them!

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4 Responses to A Daughter is Born!

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    COngratulations Right!

  2. karl says:

    I was going to say some thing snarky about your wife and my child but I will just say CONGRADULATIONS

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Still waiting for some pictures!

    It’s funny, Right sent me an email with the news, then about 24 hours later he sent me the same exact email…WELCOME TO FATHERHOOD RIGHT!

    I have a picture of myself sleeping soundly on the couch…and sometimes I look at it and cry.

    It’s tiring, but soooooooooo worth every minute!

  4. Thanks to all, I appreciate the well wishes.

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