Anyone Recognize These Guys?

swearengenextrasmcnultyali g

If not, you’re missing out! 

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6 Responses to Anyone Recognize These Guys?

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    The convergence of new Deadwood and Sopranos seasons means that it is destiny – I will have to invest in HBO.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Don’t forget about The Wire Jeff…I’m sure they’ll stream the first three seasons on demand prior to. You’re into crime dramas, so this one is right up your alley.

    When it’s running, The Wire is my favorite HBO show. When it’s not…it’s probably still my favorite. Under the radar compared with their other shows, and that’s really what makes it so good I think. It’s got a very loyal following.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    Into crime drama…my TiVo says the same thing! I must be very transparent.

    In allseriousness, I do like dramas, and from what I’ve seen of The Wire, it’s good. Then again, I can only remember watching one episode, and that’s when I visited Massachusetts in 2003. Another opportunity has never arose.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Speaking of visiting Massachusetts, when are you up for some vacation time?

  5. Wisenheimer says:

    My heart and mind keep telling me June. That sounds like a perfect time (for me).

  6. Chris Austin says:

    Can’t wait – – – let me know once it’s close to iteniery time.

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