Osama, No Longer a Mass Murderer?

It’s difficult to tell by the mainstream media’s coverage of his most recent video.  I’ve seen Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan all analyze his latest message by drawing comparisons between his statements and those of Democrats.  More than four years since Osama murdered thousands of Americans, the right-leaning paid babblers seem to care less that he’s still making videos at all.  To them this guy is no longer a murderer.

Did these same people scour a list of quotes to compare Tim McVeigh’s dying words with those of contemporary politicians?  Are any of them scrambling to see what Charlie Manson thinks about the Iraq War?  If not, then how much sense does it make to politicize the words of this particular psychopath?  Is the goal to turn Osama’s ideas into advertising money?  How does that honor the people who died on 9/11?

I suppose what the right-wing is saying here is that the usefullness of those courpses has finally eclipsed the point where it’s even worth being angry at this guy.  The sad truth being, Osama could continue making tapes for years to come, but the period of associating his existance with the victims has become useless for Republicans.  Of course for politicians on the stump it’s still usefull, but for the shills who have to make a living in the meantime, it’s officially become time to forget about 9/11 when Osama shows up in the news.

Bush started stating publicly over two years ago that he no longer even thought about Osama, so perhaps the goal has shifted from actually capturing him to instead using his existance for political gain.  No doubt, righties are eating this stuff up, and the graves of those who died are being deficated upon.  Respect and this line of reasoning don’t belong in the same galaxy together, but perhaps how these people really felt about those who died in 9/11 is simply coming out now that there’s absolutely no honest way to spin the reality that he’s still out there.

Did anyone ever really care about catching this guy?  My impression is, probably, but it was never at the top of the list!

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13 Responses to Osama, No Longer a Mass Murderer?

  1. Paul says:

    Osama Bin Laden IS a murderer regardless of what anyone says!!

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Exactally Paul! His words aren’t something to ‘riff’ on! I’m sick and tired of this guy, and have been since 9/11.

    Anyone who spins his words for political gain is basically pissing on the graves of those who died.

  3. Frodo says:

    So why is it the Democrats sounding points of late match almost word for word with what he said? It almost sounded like a DNC paid advertisement.

  4. So why is it the Democrats sounding points of late match almost word for word with what he said? It almost sounded like a DNC paid advertisement.

    Yeah, I noticed that too. Do Democrats get a memo from Osama ahead of time? There seems to be some sort of coordination or, at the very least, the Democrats are the most clueless dupes in the world if not actually working with Osama.

    Everything Osama and Islam want, the Democrats fight to give them. They give out national secrets, they call a terrorist discovery system a domestic spying program and obstruct the government at all costs. The Democrats will lose big in the 2006 elections unless they trick enough people into buying their crap.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Right, Frodo – you’re pissing on the graves of 9/11 victims by exploiting this scumbag’s words for political gain.

  6. Right, Frodo – you’re pissing on the graves of 9/11 victims by exploiting this scumbag’s words for political gain.

    The only people pissing on graves are those who think worldwide freedom, libery and self-determination are not worth fighting for. I was for getting Osama and Saddam when Clinton was in office, why didn’t Clinton do his job? I was for the surveilance system that would have discovered the 9/11 plot BEFORE it happened, but the ACLU and liberals wouldn’t have it.

    Highlighting how Osama and Democrats are alike has nothing to do with pissing on a grave and everything to do with demanding accountability from politicians whose only claim is to hate Bush. America voted Clinton into office because liberals convined people that they needed change. Thanks to Democrats, on 9/11 we got change.

    No, I am pretty secure in my belief that exercsing my first ammendment right to freedom of speech to highlight the complete failure of the Democtatic party in it’s service to Americans is the strongest support I can give to those who died on 9/11 and for any American.

    I honor anyone who has died for America by exercising the rights those people secured for me. Liberals are morally bankrupt, that is a fact, and it stems from the sociiopathic Hate Bush mentality.

  7. Chris Austin says:

    The only people pissing on graves are those who think worldwide freedom, libery and self-determination are not worth fighting for. I was for getting Osama and Saddam when Clinton was in office, why didn’t Clinton do his job? I was for the surveilance system that would have discovered the 9/11 plot BEFORE it happened, but the ACLU and liberals wouldn’t have it.

    Highlighting how Osama and Democrats are alike has nothing to do with pissing on a grave and everything to do with demanding accountability from politicians whose only claim is to hate Bush. America voted Clinton into office because liberals convined people that they needed change. Thanks to Democrats, on 9/11 we got change.

    No, I am pretty secure in my belief that exercsing my first ammendment right to freedom of speech to highlight the complete failure of the Democtatic party in it’s service to Americans is the strongest support I can give to those who died on 9/11 and for any American.

    I honor anyone who has died for America by exercising the rights those people secured for me. Liberals are morally bankrupt, that is a fact, and it stems from the sociiopathic Hate Bush mentality.

    Right, taking words out of Osama’s mouth and exploiting them for the sake of politics is not honoring those who died on 9/11.

    Conservatives and liberals died in that attack, but by what you said right here, the liberals who went down with the towers were responsible for it happening.

    How can you feel justified in pinning responsibility for the attacks on liberals and the ACLU? Do you hear me blaming Bush for 9/11? I haven’t once done that, nor has any Democratic congressperson that I’m aware of.

    You know who’s fault it was? Osama Bin Laden’s! He is responsible for the mass murder of those conservatives, independants, liberals, rich, poor…

    You can choose to blame liberals if it makes you feel better, but by doing so, what are you saying about the liberals who died? What are you saying about the liberals who fight and die in our armed forces? I could have been one of those liberals fighting in Iraq, and that’s something real, whether you feel it necessary to acknowledge or not.

    I’m sick and tired of this mentality, that since 9/11 is in the rearview mirror, we can start politicizing the words of Osama and start blaming the attack on anyone other than him.

    It’s wrong!

  8. Frodo says:


    I have restrained form using “this term” becuase I thought it disengenious (spelling?) to liberals. But after reading your last statement I am begining to see that it may be appropriate here. “This term” is “Unhinged Liberals” which Michelle Malkin has made famous in the right wing blog world.

    Anyway I am not here to plug a book by a person with a extreme point of view. I have always considered myself a down to earth and think for yourself kind of person. Thus my loathing for the MSM could be partially explained by that statement. But I really honestly thought you were intersted in factual discussions of the issues. At first you made several good points on alot of the issues we have dicsussed in the past. But this last statement goes beyond anything I thought you would say.

    Chris you push my buttons and that makes me want to push back. But I never thought you would accus me of dishonoring the people who died on 9-11 in such a way.

    For some strange reason this brings to mind something I want to share. My dad was in the Pentagon his last 2 years to 3 years he was in the Air Force. We lived in Virgina right outside DC. We had ample time and opertunities to travel into Dc and see the sights. On one such trip we ended up at Arlington National Cemetery. I was in my early teens and with my younger sister. Well siblings being siblings we started to get on each others nerves a little. My dad reached his limit rather quickly and let us know. It was not the fact that he let us know it is the way he did it. He said something to get our attention then looked around and said “Do you not realize you are on hallowed ground?” You could have heard a pin drop and I became aware of how much the people there had paid for my freedom. how much they had given when asked to serve. I have never forgot what it felt like and the questions that came to me and the answers my father gave back in very quiet and respectful tones. Did all these people die in combat? What are the requiremnts to get in here? etc.

    I still well up a little everytime I think about it. I felt the same way several times since. Once at the launch of the first Gulf war in 91. Once the first time I watched the towers collapse on 9-11. And once writting that letter to my firend in Italy days after. “Dont these people know what is going to happen? Dont they know how many lives will be lost? Do they not know the strength we can bring against them?” to name a few things said.

    This is the person you just accused of “pissing on the graves of 9-11 victims?”

    Chris we may on the opposite side of many issues but that was low. I never saw that coming.

    So we agree Osama is a Scum Bag in capital letters. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to hear of his demise. But you seem to think, and others like the MSM and DNC think, that this would end the war. I think not. This group is too spread out and cellular to be toppled by eliminating one person. The Dems seem to think we are distracted and need to stay in Afghanistan and finish off Osama and the world would be back to 9-10 status. I think you are wrong. I think this is much more than that and will alst for years and involve many countries before it is through. It is OK to disagree but piss on the graves of 9-11 victims? Come on Chris.

    Right Thinker, you bring up some good points in response. That is all that needs to be said as far as I am concerned.

  9. Chris Austin says:

    Frodo – I’ve offended you, but I feel the same way when this man’s words are used as political ammunition. This isn’t a debate over social security we’re engaged in here. The ‘liberals are all ridiculous and stupid as hell’ is all over the place and unfortunately has become a permanent fixture in today’s political environment. I can take it in stride, not get too upset about it…most times.

    When that sentiment is tied to the crime committed on 9/11, I take offense.

    I’d never lay a hand on my fellow man, let alone murder anyone. Insinuation that because I’m a Democrat or a liberal, my ideas are inherently similar to a monster like Osama Bin Laden is WAY below the belt.

    That’s hatefull, and it has no business becoming a part of the echo chamber. I don’t care what the political situation is here in America, it’s uncalled for.

  10. Chris Austin says:

    I’ve stated numerous times that I do not doubt the sincerity of your patriotism or Right’s or anyone else here.

    All I ask is that the same courtesy is reciprocated. I appologize for the ‘pissing on graves’ comment, but I sincerely hope that both of you can put yourself in my shoes for a moment and think about what these commentators are insinuating here.

    I didn’t deserve being compared with Osama Bin Laden, and neither did the millions of voting Democrats out there. It was a political ploy allong the lines of Karl Rove stating that liberals wanted to get Osama a therapist, while only conservatives were willing to go hunt him down.

    That’s 100% false! There are plenty of us in the military, whether anyone on the right feels it’s a fact worth respecting or not.

    Those graves in Arlington Cemetary – some are filled by liberals!

    We cannot forget that.

  11. Wisenheimer says:

    Isn’t JFK buried in Arlington? I wonder if Lee Marvin was a liberal…he sure liked to *&^% women like one heh heh (also buried in Arlington).

  12. When that sentiment is tied to the crime committed on 9/11, I take offense.

    I didn’t deserve being compared with Osama Bin Laden, and neither did the millions of voting Democrats out there.

    As a Republican, I am accused of being a racist, hating minorities, hating the poor, part a culture of corruption, robbing old people, robbing young people, cheating unions, stealing elections, hating women, hating teachers, being equal to the taliban and being a moron in a Red state while at the same time being a criminal genius. So, if your looking for sympathy on this particular issue, you’ll not find it here. According to Hilary, I have a plantation to go run.

    When Kerry, kennedy, Reid, Dean and bin laden all same the same thing, that concerns me greatly and every American should question why Osama and Howard Dean have the same goals.

  13. Chris Austin says:

    Right, I never used that type of rhetoric! When did I accuse your party of:

    being a racist, hating minorities, hating the poor, part a culture of corruption, robbing old people, robbing young people, cheating unions, stealing elections, hating women, hating teachers, being equal to the taliban and being a moron in a Red state while at the same time being a criminal genius.

    Deadissue.com has been a refuge from that type of language…why? Because it accomplishes nothing, and creates a situation where people think less of one another, simply based on one’s politics.

    I know for a fact that yoy and Frodo are GOOD PEOPLE! Your political writings will NEVER change my perception of either of you.

    Let’s take a step back and think for a moment why each of us come here to debate the issues. I appologized for crossing the line with the ‘pissing on graves’ comment, and truly regret writing it.

    I think you and Frodo participate in the discussion here because regardless of our ideas or beliefs, at the end of the day we’re still friends.

    I HATE (a word I almost never use) Osama Bin Laden!!!

    He f&*ked up one of my cities, and sent civilization as a whole back more years than we even realize.

    Seriously Right – – – why would moderate/liberal people like Wisenheimer, adam and myself have volunteered 4 years of our lives to this country if we didn’t love it?

    I don’t rant tough and patriotic every day, but that doesn’t at all mean that I don’t love my country!

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