Championship Sunday

What I hope for is a Super Bowl featuring Denver vs. Seattle. What I think will happen…Denver vs. Carolina, with the Panthers winning it all.

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10 Responses to Championship Sunday

  1. I saw a poll last week where only 11% thought Seattle would win the superbowl. The Steelers were first and Carolina and Denver were in the middle. The Steelers have been pretty badass in the post season so the Superbowl will be very tough for the Hawks. We won’t have the 12th man either and the Steelers have been to the Superbowl more times than I can count.

    Go Seahawks!!!!

  2. Chris Austin says:

    I’m torn on this game here…my brother thinks Pittsburgh is in the driver’s seat, but Seattle’s front seven has been SO effective.

    I’m really glad that a lopsided championship weekend turned out such a compelling superbowl matchup!

    You were 100% right about Carolina’s running game Right – – – I thought it wouldn’t matter, but clearly, I had my head up my ass.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    Seattle by 10.

  4. Chris, are you running a thread for Superbowl?

  5. Chris Austin says:

    I will be in about…hmm, that’s what I’m doing next. I was going to babble about the state of the union, but the superbowl is the right way to go. Congrats Right! Pics on the way?

  6. karl says:

    I forgot Right is a Seattle fan. I cannot decide who to root for, probably will cheer for who ever is behind.

    Of course now that I am a conservative I should probably cheer for who ever is in the lead.

    Who would Jesus want to win. God must not like Hasselbach or he would not be bald, I guess that settles it I am rooting for the Steelers.

  7. Congrats Right! Pics on the way?

    Hmmm….you should have them already. I’ll see if I got the e-mail returned.

    God must not like Hasselbach or he would not be bald, I guess that settles it I am rooting for the Steelers.

    This logic appears to be similar to that you use to choose a presidential nominee. Kerry is an uber-wealthy, war-hero-fraud so he should be a great president. But it just didn’t turn out that way.

    I have to go now, since we lost the war in Iraq the al-queda commander who is in charge of the Las Vegas de-militarized zone has issued a curfew and I will be shot if I venture out after dark.

    If Karl had just rooted for the Seahawks, al-queda would never have conquered America!!!

  8. karl says:

    I thought Wayne Newton was in charge of Las Vegas.

  9. karl says:

    Bush really is better than Reagon:

    Reagan ignored warnings of attack that killed 241 soldiers
    Jan 31, 2006, 08:34
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    A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.
    “I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission,” Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.

  10. Wisenheimer says:

    You know who else ignored terrorists? Woodrow Wilson.

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