Phish – 7/9/98 – Zeleste – Barcelona, Spain

My third time seeing them. I was returning from the woods after about 55 days training in Hohenfelds, Germany with my unit (3d Brigade, 1st ID). Initially I had leave approved for two and a half weeks, with plans and tickets in hand for the entire tour. I recall that they played in Copenhagen, Denmark – Prague, Czek – and three shows in Barcelona, Spain. Circumstance required me to stay an extra 10 days in the field, nixing my plans for the first two venues.

I got to Barcelona a day before the first of three shows. Someday I’ll write the entire story, but with the playoffs on right now, today it’s not going to happen.

The second night was my favorite, and I’ve since been searching for the bootlegs to no avail. That was until two days ago. A video recording of the second set was posted on The Trader’s Den, and from there my goal was to delete enough crap to make space for the enormous 4.7GB file. Right now it’s downloading at 120kb/s, so I could be in for something special later on tonight. Initially I figured it would take about 6 days to finish, but today I’m hooked up with 12 seeders, and my torrent program estimates it’ll be done in about 3 hours!

Setlist: (I waited in line for 8 hours to get a spot up front, ended up 4 rows back from the stage in front of Trey): Drowned*>Theme from the Bottom, When the Circus Comes, Scent of a Mule>Blister in the Sun**>Scent of a Mule, Harry Hood>Izabella*** E: Chalkdust Torture
* The Who
**Violent Femes
***Jimi Hendrix

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9 Responses to Phish – 7/9/98 – Zeleste – Barcelona, Spain

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Sounds like fun times following Phish. From Barcelona, Spain to Indiana.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Fun doesn’t even begin to describe it. Wisenheimer – do you have hard drive space? I want you to see this video, but I don’t have the scratch right now to upgrade the PC so I can burn DVDs yet. Pinching to buy an external 80GB drive (around 85 bucks used). This old mule is still doing alright, but it’s extremely tempermental.

    Just downloaded the first Stern show on Sirius, listening to it now…he opened up with Thus Spoke Zaruthra, from 2001:A Space Odessy, only when it peaks…fart sounds. Appropriate, and George Takei is in the studio today – no four letter words yet – I’m liking this. It’s the same show.

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    I’ve always thought that Stern was damn funny.

    I’d like to download the Phish show but 5 GB is a tal order. That’s the size of a regular ripped film DVD.

  4. Paul says:

    I listen to Don Imus,but Howard Stern is good too.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    I’ll have a DVD burner soon enough. My share ratio on the show is only at 45% after 3 days of seeding, so I’ve got to keep it on my PC for at least another two weeks (want to share it 3 times if I can). So between now and then, I’m in search of a cheap DVD burner…if anyone sees one, shoot me an email.

    Imus is alright – when he does the news and interviews I like what he does, but when he tries to be goofy and funny I cringe. Much like I cringe when Stern brings out the robo-spanker for a 45 minute segment.

  6. right thinker says:

    I listen to Don Imus,but Howard Stern is good too.

    Who is Don Imus? Is that the guy who has the phony children’s cancer ranch? I looked him up and the guy is old and may too cowboys and indians. What’s his show about?

  7. Wisenheimer says:

    I AM ROBO SPANKER! That’s the best part of that skit.

    Chris, it is too bad that you don’t already have the Phish show on disc somehow. I have a DVD burner, and could make copies for myself and others.

  8. Chris Austin says:

    I’m aiming at 2007 for the launch of my 2nd website – for file trading. Going to price out and put together a server, load up my archives (probably 100GB+ on data CDs in several books), and see what happens.

    I think the organization method of a lot of sites is crap, the search mechanism often sends you to a google search result page…

    Yea, but $$$ is the thing, and right now I’m resigned to go the bread and water route for a while.

  9. Wisenheimer says:

    I hope that the above does not get you into any trouble with the Feds.

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