Monthly Archives: January 2006


Oh, I can taste the calories right now, sweet meaty sticky non-vegitabily mouth stuffin’ goodness, with plenty of calories in bowls that you can dip into the calories in other bowls before admitting them to the exclusive stomach fiesta inside … Continue reading

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New NBC Poll

Looks like our President has his work cut out for him.

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New Orleans’ Finest!

Russell Batiste Jr, Brian Stoltz, George Porter Jr, Art Neville The Funky Meters

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Spreading Freedom and Democracy

America has led the way, and the rest of the world is falling in line. Because of our brilliant, resolute, might-makes-right brand of leadership, elections are taking place, and Democracy is finally fixing all of the Middle East’s problems. And … Continue reading

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A Daughter is Born!

I’m overjoyed to announce that our dear friend Right Thinker’s wife has given birth to their first child, a daughter! Message from Right: Susan Brynne was born 11:21 a.m. PST 6lbs. 14oz. and 20 inches.  Working on the photos :- … Continue reading

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I’m currently seeding…

1. String Cheese Incident 10/10/03 Orpheum Theater, Boston MA (FLAC-Audio) 2. String Cheese Incident 10/11/03 Orpheum Theater, Boston MA (FLAC-Audio) 3. (Standup) Jerry Seinfeld 1-13-05 Topeka, KS (FLAC-Audio) 4.  (Standup) Bill Cosby 10-5-04 (FLAC-Audio) 5. Grateful Dead 4/17/72 Denmark (Set I – DVD-Video) 6. Phish 12/31/99 … Continue reading

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Chris Penn – RIP

This picture is Chris playing ‘Nice Guy Eddie’ in Resevoir Dogs, my favorite character of his.  ‘Overshaddowed by his brother Sean’ is a line you’ll see in many articles on his death, but those writers don’t know what they’re talking about.  … Continue reading

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Study: Army Stretched to Breaking Point

This picture is too funny!  Army troops from Fort Riley, Kan., listen to President Bush deliver a speech about the war on terror during the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 in Manhattan, Kan.. (AP Photo/Charlie … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 5 Comments

Anyone Recognize These Guys?

If not, you’re missing out! 

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Osama, No Longer a Mass Murderer?

It’s difficult to tell by the mainstream media’s coverage of his most recent video.  I’ve seen Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan all analyze his latest message by drawing comparisons between his statements and those of Democrats.  More than … Continue reading

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Is it National Defense or Portfolio Defense?

“I pledge allegience, to the flag, of the War Profiteers of America. And to the stock prices, for which it stands, one portifolio, under Armed Conflict, indivisible, with dividends and waterfront property for some.”

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Championship Sunday

What I hope for is a Super Bowl featuring Denver vs. Seattle. What I think will happen…Denver vs. Carolina, with the Panthers winning it all.

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It’s a new site that aims to do with blogs what Ebay did with online auctions. The categories are vast, and the user base is expanding. In the future they intend to compensate users with consumer credits or cash, but … Continue reading

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Born Under Punches (Repost)

Having written this about 6 months ago, I was drawn back to it for some reason. Perhaps it’s the military theme of my writing this past week, but for anyone who hasn’t read it, I feel it’s just as apt … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 4 Comments

Purple Heartbreakers

By James Webb, a secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, was a Marine platoon and company commander in Vietnam. IT should come as no surprise that an arch-conservative Web site is questioning whether Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania … Continue reading

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Schadenfreude – Entertainment for Men

I’ve never been coy or remorseful in my feelings on revenge. People who’ve done me wrong often occupy my thoughts when the AM minutes and hours are so slowly ticking away

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Body Armor Blues

Soldiers preparing for deployment to Iraq were told on Friday that the Dragon Skin body armor that some had spent over $4,000 on, could not be used once they touched down in theater. Penalty for using non-issue body armor ‘could’ … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 14 Comments

Bob “Scandal a Day” Ney

Some of these GOP Congressmen…you give them something for free, they’ll join your religion, hawk your products, help you get rid of a body… Ohio Rep. Robert Ney personally lobbied the then Secretary of State Colin Powell to relax U.S. … Continue reading

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Terrorists Benefit From Bush’s Warrantless Wiretapping

“You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you’d like to have in the future” – Donald Rumsfeld “You go to war with the Laws you have, not the Laws you’d like to have in the … Continue reading

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Backdoor Draft, Back Again…Who Cares?

Despite signaling that it would no longer tap the Individual Ready Reserve, the Army calls up more troops just in time for the holidays. My father was at the house for Christmas and in the spirit of nostalgia, beers, whiskey … Continue reading

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Itching Hemorrhoid of the Month

For this first ever awarding of the ‘Itchy’, I felt the honor had to go to someone special. A person who truly represents the values and foot-in-mouth qualities the award is all about. So without futher adieu, the envelope please…AND … Continue reading

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Bush Illegally Wiretaped BEFORE 9/11!

Ah…credibility, the tragically jealous mistress that she is, has just informed the Bush Administration that their indescretion(s) from early 2001 produced a child. As anti-abortion as this man is, the question now is whether or not he’ll attempt to change … Continue reading

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Soldiers sue for reimbursement

These guys were, and continue to be screwed over in this situation. I haven’t had the stomach to tackle the whole body armor revelation from the Pentagon just yet, but this story surely kicks my appetite up a notch…in the … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 6 Comments

Bush Administration Launched Secret Smear Campaign on Murtha

Came across this tonight, and it made sense as there hasn’t been a military commander yet who has come out against the congressman. The Bush Administration first attacked Rep. Murtha for his Iraq views by associating him with the filmmaker … Continue reading

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Test Torrent Bush Escapes

Test Bush Tries to Escape

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How To Save American Politics

Instead of having the American people vote in primaries, that unfairly exclude voters in states where the date is weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire, go back to the system where delegates meet and decide on a candidate at the … Continue reading

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Divisional Round Playoffs Part 1

Paul: Chris, New England will not win the Super Bowl! Bank it!

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The Alito Nomination

1857 – Dred Scott Case – Chief Justice Roger Taney: “(Blacks) are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word ‘citizens’ in the Constitution…neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution had been intended to apply … Continue reading

Posted in History, Words | 10 Comments

They Called Lincoln a Traitor Too

“It is a fact, that the United States Army, in marching to the Rio Grande, marched into a peaceful Mexican settlement, and frightened the inhabitants away from their homes and their growing crops.” (Lincoln)

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