An Interview With ARI! (Jeremy Piven)

Anyone who hasn’t seen Entourage (HBO)…YOU’RE ON NOTICE! Yea you!

Look, if you want to keep rolling your eyes, that’s fine…I know there’s a War on HBO in America today. Whether or not the liberal media ever decides to get off their gay lover long enough to cover it, you can count on the interns, photocopiers and laser printers here at ‘deadissue’ to give it to you straight.

Ari is an agent. Aside from that…he’s a goddamned comedic genius, and would be a shoe-in for the next four Best Supporting Actor in a Sitcom/Comedy Emmys if the world wasn’t such a piece of shit liberal cespool. They give James Spader a SECOND Emmy over Al Swearengen (Ian McShane-Deadwood), and it’s obvious right away that these rich, elete, far-left liberal, George Soros funded radicals were just going to give the award to the gay nominee the entire time.

OK, I’ve got to get back to reviewing my archive of Rush Limbaugh shows from 1996. I’ve been working for two years to prove once and for all, that Howard Stern has been stealing Rush’s ideas since the day he showed up on the scene. Rush’s drug addiction was a direct result of his genius having been stolen and exploited in such an ungodly way. One day he confided in me…

“dead – it’s easy going in and once there are a few hundred milligrams at play, I’m finally able to reconcile my feelings of perplexity and shame about all of this. Stern stole my act! And I sometimes feel like I should just call him out on it…but Christ intervenes you see, I remember that thing about tossing the first stone…mari…mama…hrmmmn’

(Mr. Limbaugh ‘nods out’ for a stretch and the deadissue crew gets bored, starts poking around a bit. They found a box full of wigs in the closet and I told them to cut the shit and act like professionals. Next they found a box of video tapes with the lables scratched off, and some packages of adult diapers. Laughter broke out, Rush suddenly began to gurgle and sway.)

“Hey big guy! Whoa, you were saying some great things about how, the uh….war and…” (Rush nods again and falls out of his chair) “…OK he’s done. Hey everyone! Stop screwing around and listen up. You need to round up all the OC you can find. Let’s sprinkle the pills around his head and take some photos. Gary, go get that 9mm out of the trunk. Might as well get a set of prints on it while we’re here. Yo-Turn it off! You stupid? We want all this on tape don’t we?” (tape ends – the interview with Ari (Piven) aired later on that week, without mention of the ongoing scandal)

Jeremy Piven Interview:

What do you think it is that makes Ari so irresistible for fans?

You know, it’s funny, I’ve never been one to talk my way into getting a role, and I certainly wouldn’t be able to articulate well why this character is watchable. I just like doin’ it, man. For me, the high is just doing it and letting you see it.

What about from your perspective — what is it about the role that appeals to you?

Unfortunately, I’ve been around this energy for many years in this town, you know. I’ve come face to face with this energy many times, so I know it in my bones. Maybe that’s why I have an inkling of how to make this guy live.

Still there’s something weirdly likeable about him.

Well, that’s the beauty of people, you know, the complexity of each person. Even the most angelic person you ever would meet has to have some tragic flaw, no?

That’s why I think everyone is interesting in their own way, they really are. I mean, why is it that if you watch a hidden camera, people are still fascinating?

You live full time in L.A.?

I live in L.A. and Chicago.

So you haven’t really taken up the L.A. lifestyle yourself?

No, I never was that guy.

Is there anything about the Entourage-style Hollywood life you find attractive?

I think what’s attractive is Mark Wahlberg’s loyalty, you know? It has a real sense of un-Hollywood to me; the people are very straight to each other. They’ll call each other out. Whereas in this town, I think people are very leery of other people, of confrontation, of other people speaking the truth to them.

In Mark’s crew, people are going off on each other left and right; there’s a lot of history there, and there’s family. I think that kind of connection, the authenticity, translates into our show. Whatever Ari say or how abrasive he is, he wants Vinnie’s career to explode.

Vinnie says he could walk away any time…

I think the lack of desperation is why people gravitate toward someone like Vinnie Chase. Because once that desperation takes over, it takes away your strength and power. Vince just doesn’t have that need to be there. There’s a very authentic air of strength.

So can you be an actor working in Hollywood and not get sucked in?

I think you can choose any life you want. I think that’s kind of what you learn as you get older. You don’t have to give in to any one particular lifestyle. If going out and being in the Hollywood scene makes you unhappy, you don’t have to do it. You can be an artist and do your own thing and have your friends and not be a part of that. Or you can run in it, have a good a time, see it for what it is – get in and get out.

Do you feel you’ve been able to do that?

I feel like it. I really do. I mean, I made myself a promise not to come out here unless I had a job. I was on the stage in Chicago and I was brought out here to do some series TV and then I would go back and immediately do a play. Then when I’d get the call, I’d head back out there. I stayed in Chicago until the moment I had to be out here year round.

I’d do nine months on a series and three doing movies; I crammed thirty-five movies into those hiatuses. I’ve been working without stopping for a while. So, you know, I’m not immersed in that scene – I’ve been lucky enough to be busy.

You’ve said that you consider yourself a stage actor. What do you see as the differences in the two worlds?

In front of the camera, it’s a very precise science. You have to hold in your energy and somehow make it appropriate, and you’re shooting out of sequence, so you have to husband your energy throughout the day and explode at the right times.

On stage you have the entire house. You’re sitting and breathing the same air. You’re being seen from head to toe and you get a running start on the piece. They’re quite different beasts.

Just before filming season two, you starred in Neil LaBute’s ‘Fat Pig.’ Did you find it difficult to pull yourself off that stage?

You know it wasn’t. I needed to get out of it, because is was so unbelievably emotionally draining. I was breaking up with a very heavy woman on the beach every night. And, you know, weeping like a bitch. You try breaking up with someone eight shows a week. They had to f**king peel me off that stage. I couldn’t do a year of that show.


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14 Responses to An Interview With ARI! (Jeremy Piven)

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Great article Chris! Although I haven’t seen Entourage, I’m a big fan of Piven.

  2. Paul says:

    Red Skelton was funny . Jack Benny was funny. Who is this guy?

  3. right thinker says:

    Yeah, who is this guy? What’s wrong with HBO?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Forget to put on your parody helmet Right?

    HBO got hosed at the Emmy Awards this year…I’d been waiting for a chance to riff on how I felt about it for a while now.

  5. right thinker says:

    What is it a parody of? I heard about the HBO thing, now that you mention it. If your saying that it boils down to maintaining control over distribution then I think you are spot on. Hollywood likes to reward actors for things they do other than acting but use acting awards to do it.

    HBO’s crime was original content and improving the distribution of content. Hollywood has run amok.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    I think the most tallented writers/directors/producers prefer HBO because they’re not going to have a company hack gut their scripts prior to filming.

    I’ve seen Lost, and the amount of Emmys they pulled in was hype becoming reality…same with Desperate Housewives.

    Hollywood SUCKS!!!

  7. Paul says:

    “Company hack”? Now that sounds throw back, 60s, anti-establishment, leftie drivel Chris !! I thought people of your ilk loved Hollywood. 🙂

  8. Chris Austin says:

    No Paul…Hollywood is to entertainment what Burger King is to barbecue!

    Right-wing media covers the words of tallentless schmucks from that city more than anyone. Attack what some multimillionaire who hasn’t worked in a while said about the President as if anyone gave a shit in the first place.

    The media is the media, whether right, left or otherwise…they’re horny for famous people and love nothing more than eating up air time babbling about them, negative or positive.

    The only outlet featuring coverage of Hollywood that I could ever relate to has been the Howard Stern show. I know why…it’s because they tear them down to size and look at them for what they are…entertainers, and on the Stern show they create by riping on these idiots for the REAL reasons why they’re idiots.

    When O’Reiley or any one of the hundreds of righty talking heads across the coutry play a clip of someone from Hollywood waxing political, they’re panning them and then it’s always about how every liberal in the country is connected directly to the thought paterns of whoever said what.

    The message…everyone in the blue states thinks just like this person.

    Why don’t I head into the heart of Alabama and interview some moonshining cracker on what he thinks of gays and negros, then broadcast it on TV with a proclimation that every Republican in America agreed with what he said.

    Wouldn’t make much sence.

    Burn Hollywood Burn – Chuck D had it right on that idea.

  9. Paul says:

    Chris you are a man who clings to the party line-I will give you that my friend. I like Howard Stern,but he is after the buck too and he is no icon for the truth. An intelligent person lets right and wrong determine his,or her, actions not red states and blue states and drivel spouted by the Left and the Right ad mauseum!

  10. Chris Austin says:

    How am I clinging to the party line? Are you saying that even though I trash Hollywood, that I get my political opinions from Sean Penn?

    Stern can get play a sound clip of an actor who is way too impressed by himself…someone who’s in love with their own persona. Now, mainstream media will play the clip and comment lightly on the new movie the person is in, blah blah blah – – Howard will goof on how ridiculous the person sounds.

    Like if Aston Kutcher provided a quote and it was played on ET or The View – – – they’d kiss his ass, when in reality, he’s a lucky bastard who makes horrible movies – – – Howard is the only one I listen to that is willing to point that out.

    I don’t think you can find an instance where I’ve apppologized for a Democrat, yet tore apart a Republican who did the same exact thing. I don’t do that.

  11. Paul says:

    You aren’t always objective-just my opinion,but you are entitled to it.

  12. Chris Austin says:

    I’m finding that a catch-all perception for people who are going to stick w/ Bush no matter what he does is to chalk it all up to ‘Bush hating’.

    I don’t see the objectivity in that either.

  13. Paul says:

    Chris I am no GWB partisan ; however,I do not see him as the embodiment of evil either. I do notice that you tend to classify people in neat little groups. However, I like you warts and all, because I am far from perfect myself !

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Yea, that’s one of those things where when someone is doing it they don’t notice – but when you’re the reader and feel it’s been done to you, it stands out more.

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