
Right Thinker brought up his name in a thread where the Iraq War was being debated, citing his impression of Iraq as a safe place following a recent visit. At first I was stuck trying to figure out why I hadn’t written anything about the man, because there’s a solid feeling of resentment that’s been brewing inside of me for a while now. After thinking about it for a couple days, I’ve realized what it is that bothers me so much about him. He votes consistently as a candidate rather than as a Senator.

He’s clearly working for the voters of Iowa and New Hampshire this term. The best example of this was about a month back on CSPAN in a debate over how federal homeland security money should be allocated. The obvious answer, and also the recomendation of the 9/11 commision, is to allocate the money strategically so that high risk areas receive more. The idea is to have none of the funds put to waste protecting farmland in the midwest while the subway system in New York goes unprotected.

Susan Collins (R-ME) posed a series of ridiculous arguments that trashed the risk-assessment model and instead favored the way it’s already done, with each state getting its share. She hypothesized senarios where terrorists poisoned the food supply, and basically argued that more money should not be spent in New Jersey or New York. Rural Senators of course were defending their states and regardless of what was obviously best for the republic as a whole, voted to keep the checks rolling out to those large midwest states where nobody lives. You know, states like Wyoming that have two Senators and only one Representative in the House.

Lieberman is the sponsor from the Democrat side who supported Snowe. Even though his state undoubtedly lost it’s share of residents in the 9/11 attacks, Joe “I’ll eat anything you pull out of the trash can if you promise to vote for me” Lieberman leans towards political self-preservation rather than national security.

It’s a vote that encapsulates what he’s all about now. He’s a whore.

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5 Responses to Lieberman

  1. Paul says:

    Joe Lieberman is a great American unlike sailboat Johnny Kerry !

  2. Wisenheimer says:

    I wonder if Turd Blossom put a Ceti eel in Lieberman’s ear, thereby warping his cerebral cortex, like the Wrath of Khan. Joe has lost his mind.

    Most folks keep their bootlicking to their own party. This guy and Ben Nelson are Democrats by name only, a couple of drag queens prancing around in pink boas and heels while keeping their twig and berries.

  3. right thinker says:

    Take a good look, this is how far Left the Democrats have gone in America. The moderate democrats are considered Conservative sympathisers by the liberal base and are attacked by their own party. A guy who spent 6 years in military human resources is held higher than a centrist with a ton of experience.

    Lieberman is on:

    Armed Services Committee
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
    Environment and Public Works Committee
    Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee

    Murtha is, of course, on the liberal surrender committee chaired by Pelosi. Is Dean, Pelosi, Kennedy, Schumer and Reid really the type of character you want as a representative? I know I don’t.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Listen to what Lieberman says.

    The 9/11 commission was crystal clear on how the federal money should be spent, but Lieberman votes against the ‘risk-assessment’ model.

    Right – you accused Murtha of running for President with what he said about the Iraq War. That was your kneejerk reaction.

    How is it that you then completely ignore that when it comes to Lieberman? He and Hillary have been ‘positioning’ in ways they think the voters in Iowa will react favorably to.

    AND – Lieberman has zero credibility on military matters when standing next to Murtha.

    That’s the problem Republicans face from here on out…because the Lieberman rule applies to everyone in the White House as well.

    Rummy too.

  5. right thinker says:

    The 9/11 commission was crystal clear on how the federal money should be spent, but Lieberman votes against the ‘risk-assessment’ model.

    Sure, the commission made a risk-assessment model recommendation but, while I lean towards that model also, the commission isn’t infallable. Neither are politicians. Lieberman has his reasons as well as all the other people and those reasons aren’t always corruption. They might know stuff we don’t.

    Right – you accused Murtha of running for President with what he said about the Iraq War. That was your kneejerk reaction.

    No, I said he was courting the ultra-liberals to keep them off his back, unlike Hilary Clinton. I want to cut my fingers off for typing this but I have a new smidge of respect for Clinton for sticking to her guns and not caving into the suicidal immediate withdrawl frenzy the hyper left is engaged in. I feel dirty now. Ewwww

    How is it that you then completely ignore that when it comes to Lieberman? He and Hillary have been ‘positioning’ in ways they think the voters in Iowa will react favorably to.

    Because what they said before is close to what they are saying now. The opposite of the spectrum is Kerry who changes his opinions depending on who he is talking to. Yes they are liberals but they are consistent liberals which means they have real ideas and beliefs, not just what someone told them to think during breakfast.

    AND – Lieberman has zero credibility on military matters when standing next to Murtha.

    And what is Mutha’s standing? It’s changed several times and the media is trying to blunt what he actually said which was for immediate redeployment…we need to bring all the troops home – I’ll find the exact quote. His call was for immediate withdrawl after he voted for the war and now he’s looking for something in between. Lieberman thinks before he speaks.

    That’s the problem Republicans face from here on out…because the Lieberman rule applies to everyone in the White House as well.

    What is the lieberman rule?

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