Thanksgiving Photos

My cousin Leah and her husband Mike hosted Thanksgiving at their house this year. By the time I woke up the day of, Heather had already made 5 pies…I do love her so!

Madison and MacKenzie (Mike and Leah’s beautiful daughters) looking out the window

The boys

Mike and Madison

My cousin Lauren and Sam

Grampy holding his great granddaughter Madison – I love how she’s looking at him in this one

My brother Nick, walking with Madison (he’s got a little one on the way)

My cousin Leah

MacKenzie holding Sam

Max lounging on Big Papi (my father)

Madison with her gradmother (my aunt Pam)

Sam in the highchair

Maddy loves Max

The boys w/ auntie Rachel and Summer (Nick\'s gfriend)
The boys w/ auntie Rachel (left) and Summer (Nick’s gfriend)

Mike holding up Madison


Sam w/ his grandma

Another one of MacKenzie and Sam

Pics – #1
Pics – #2
Pics – #3
Pics – #4

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6 Responses to Thanksgiving Photos

  1. Paul says:

    Such lovely children and so innocent Chris. They are a joy to behold.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Thanks Paul – I’m really loving fatherhood. My cousin’s girls are so fun to be around. Leah and I were very close growing up.

  3. sandy says:

    well I went down far enough this time and found the photo’s . Did you get the photo’s I sent? They are so happy all the time ,that doesn’t just happen by itself.Did I mention latley I think you are doing an amazing job .
    Sam looks like he has real red hair in your pictures ,much more then it looked in person. What do you think? RED?

  4. Mom says:

    I hit send before I got to say , Hug those boys for me……
    Love ,MOM

  5. Chris Austin says:

    I just did. They’re playing a lot in the jumper (a seat suspended from the ceiling that bounces as they push with their feet) – Sam spun the thing around 10 times this afternoon before he wanted out.

    They’re both in their seats, Sam’s asleep and Max is playing…now he’s falling asleep too.

    They’re asking me why Brady threw 3 interceptions today…I reply, ‘it was his turn’.

  6. Leah says:

    Oh my god! Those pictures are great! YOu should take on a 2nd job as a photographer 🙂
    Love ya cousin Leah

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