New Pics of the Babies















Hands on the babies


A great photo taken by Heather’s sister Erin.

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5 Responses to New Pics of the Babies

  1. right thinker says:

    I have got to get me one of those pea pod suits for my soon to be born child. Too fricken adorable. Love the cat too, how much sedative did you have to use for that pose?

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Right – email your address and I’ll send one of them out. Thanks for the kind words…I can’t wait till you’re posting pictures.

    Believe it or not, Cleo actually poses for pictures…somehow she understands what we’re doing when the camera comes out. We got her right around the time we got our digital camera a few years ago, so she was ‘on the runway’ for the first 12 months of her life. LUCKILY THOUGH…she’s neither addicted to cocaine, nor is she bullimic.

  3. Dusty says:

    OMG..I love the peas in their pods! and the hands and paws one is great.

    Miss Cleo in the hat is too much. She is a model 🙂 thank god shes not bulimic or asking for her own trailer ala Lindsey Lohan.

  4. S. R. says:

    One of those boys has much more hair now. Wouldn’t even recognize him.

    Those kids are a hoot. Pretty easy to take care of (babysit for a few minutes) except they try to thwart your plans for them by climbing the couch arms. The cat’s pretty damn charming too.

  5. They divide and conquer – – – distraction and action is what I call it…going from chair to table and then you’re in trouble. They’d surely recognize uncle sonic! Cleo says hi!

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