Anthrax Vaccine Horror Story

(This is a first hand account) A veteran of the Air Force was innoculated with the Anthrax vaccine while in the service. Among the negative side-effects he suffered, one was that his body went into anaphylactic shock. Now he’s out and recently visited the local VA hospital. The VA doctor looked at his record and proceeded to chastise him by saying, “YOU NEVER WENT INTO ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK!” That’s right, this doctor who had never seen this former airman before in his life, was attempting to convince him that the side effects he had and still continues to experience are mere figments of his…and the previous doctors’ imaginations.

This is how they operate. I have a few examples of similar things happening to me. The doctor who denied me an x-ray for a month, telling me that my ribs were brusied and not broken fits into the mold. Medical care for active duty military and veterans is piss poor, and the anthrax vaccination has apparantly joined Gulf War Syndrome on the list of things military doctors are not authorized to treat honestly.

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One Response to Anthrax Vaccine Horror Story

  1. Paul says:

    Sadly one does hear such horror stories and these doctors need to be gone .

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