Monthly Archives: October 2005

Monday Night Football Halftime Show

Sucks! Don’t write a new song every week from what happened in the games. LUCKILY – Family Guy is on, Pujols is up.

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BREAKING: Barber Cancels Ed Schultz’s Debut on Armed Forces Radio

This is downright sleezy! I listen to Schultz, and his show is top notch.

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Week 6 Picks

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Virginia beats Florida St!

Hagans is the man. Now back to the South Park marathon.

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The Miller Case: A Notebook, a Cause, a Jail Cell and a Deal

The New York Times reports on Valerie Plame

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A Batch a Good Readin’

1. Faced with an impending national disaster, “we should save the rich people first” 2. Mo. Prison Overruled on Inmate Abortion 3. Katie’s (Holmes) dad furious about shotgun wedding 4. Drug agents can’t keep up with pot growers 5. Brazil … Continue reading

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My Red Sox Postseason Assessment

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Pat Robertson threatens retaliation against conservative senators who oppose Miers

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Belichick – Motivational Master

Pats get Marvelous results from watching film An excited Daniel Graham seemed ready to punch someone at a Patriots team meeting. Instead, he targeted the Atlanta Falcons. Daniel Graham was fired up by watching the 1985 Hagler-Hearns fight film.

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Praying for Ervin Santana

He pitched a gem against the Sox a few months ago, and ended the season strong. He’s got Sheffield up now as the tying run, but I honestly think the kid’s going to get out of this. Buck and McCarver … Continue reading

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Weekly Standard Editor Kristol Predicts Indictments

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Praise Jesus!

Once powerful Christian Coalition teeters on insolvency The Christian Coalition, the onetime powerhouse of the religious right founded by Pat Robertson, is struggling to stay afloat. The group’s annual revenue has shrunk to one- twentieth of what it was a … Continue reading

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Brady/Play Calling/Youth Stepping Up

Touchdowns to Watson, Graham and Johnson speaks volumes for the offensive draft picks the Pats have made in the past few years.

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Duane Starks

This guy has shown me NOTHING so far as a Patriot. He’s consistently beat in one on one coverage. Any Pats fans out there agree, disagree?

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Week 5 Picks

10-2-1 for the week. 35-31-3 for the season…nice rebound from last week, as my annual slow period appears to be over with. My one regret this week was doubting the AFC East vs. NFC team at home dynamic by taking … Continue reading

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PSU beats OSU

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Intelligent Design Blogs Present Their Case

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Air America Management Scandal

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This Day In Iraq War History

From Think Progress: October 6, 2002: Bush Promises Liberation, Not Conquest, of Iraq October 6, 2003: White House’s Cronyism Contracts Leave Iraqis Without Basic Services October 6, 2004: Duelfer Report Eliminates Primary Justification For Iraq War; Bremer Says Bush Was … Continue reading

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Alan Greenspan’s Replacement to be Announced Next Week

The retirement of Alan Greenspan from the Federal Reserve had been viewed for months by administration insiders as a moment that could play heavily into President Bush’s legacy. Perhaps the most critical appointment of his Presidency, Greenspan’s retirement towards the … Continue reading

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Here We Go! Game 2

Already I have a few things bothering me…

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AP Editorial Roundup

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Alaska Threatens to Yank N. Slope Leases

Why does Exxon want to disrupt the balance sheet when they’re making money hand over fist?

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6 Iraq veterans seek seats in Congress, question Bush

Imagine that. Iraq war veterans running as Democrats. Alright everyone, Support These Troops!

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Reflecting on Game 1

Matt Clement must have missed on his location at least 15 times. This guy can’t be trusted. Why Terry Francona had him pitching game one is a mystery to me.

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Judith Miller’s Book Deal

Rumor has it she’s cashing in on her harrowing tale of self inflicted martyrdom, in hopes that there are a few hundred thousand suckers out there who haven’t yet realized that she’s a complete douchebag.

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In the Beginning, There Was Abramoff

“Terri Schiavo is not brain-dead; she talks and she laughs, and she expresses happiness and discomfort. Terri Schiavo is not on life support.” – Tom DeLay, March 20, 2005

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Carl Everett Time

Thanks to Mike for this link! Carl played in Boston for a few years, and is hands down the most mentally disturbed athelete I’ve ever heckled. One drunken Fenway evening, box seats behind Boston’s on-deck circle…”TAKE YOUR PILLS EVERETT!!!” Later … Continue reading

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Week 4 Picks

4-10 this week, 25-29-2 for the year. First five weeks are a mystery to me as I’ve said before…but this was SAD! I’m ashamed of myself…

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U.S. Pension Woes Put Gov’t Insurer Deeper In The Red

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