AMD – Rally to 22.80!!!!! C’mon!

I know I said I wouldn’t be blogging today, but I’m in on a stock – AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) – #2 behind Intel in the micro-processors group. I LOVE this company! Anyone can check up on the news stories about Intel’s idiocy and AMD’s efficiency. Everytime Intel screws up, AMD gobbles up the market share they leave over. The stock has been bouncing around between 23-21.70 this week and I’m predicting it hits 24 before the end of November. With each quarterly earnings announcement, watch the target price creep up a little bit higher.

Here we have a perfect example of David vs. Goliath, but in the business world it’s not a miracle shot to the temple that gets it done. The game is all about getting bang for your buck production-wise. Intel I imagine has a boatload of Vice Presidents and other high salary employees who aren’t getting the job done, while AMD is about as cost-efficient as it gets. Anyone reading this blog who has some money in an IRA they can shift over, a couple hundred shares of AMD at the price it’s at now will pay off very well in the upcoming years.

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