FIRST Openly Gay Roman Catholic Priest in Canada

Tonight on VisionTV’s 360 Vision Karl Clemens became the first Roman Catholic Priest to become openly homosexual in Canada. Here are some of the things he had to say with interviewer Kevin O’Keefe, I’m paraphrasing here as this just happened and the quotes aren’t absolutely perfect.

Clemens: I’m Karl Clemens a Roman Catholic Priest and I’m Gay.

O’Keefe: How does it feel to say that?

Clemens: Feels comfortable, it’s real

O’Keefe: How many Priests in Canada do you think are gay?

Clemens: That’s a biggie…

O’Keefe: Many? 50%?

Clemens: I don’t think that would be overstating it.

O’Keefe: Do you worry about what might happen to you because of this interview?

Clemens: I’m not going to let it get me worried.

Clemens: I believe I’m walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

Clemens: I live celibately. I told my friend that if I live any more celibately I wouldn’t be alive.

Today Clemens is retired from work at the church but continues his work in a less wealthy Toronto area of town where many gay people live.


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2 Responses to FIRST Openly Gay Roman Catholic Priest in Canada

  1. Ghirmai Michael says:

    Need to meet gay catholic priests. This is confidential

  2. Michael, Ghirmai says:

    Gay people should not be discreminated. Let’s love them and be close to them. God bless all gay people.

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