Bledsoe Needs to Retire

He’s just not that good of a quarterback. All day long he failed to move in the pocket, and consistently made terrible throws. While I heavily questioned the Cowboys play calling throughout the game (after the Seattle turnover on the punt, why run it on third and 5 inside the 10?), Bledsoe has to know at this point in his career what balls he can and cannot through in certain situations. On the pick that set up Seattle’s game winning field goal, Bledsoe’s receiver on the far right ran a fifteen yard out with one defender in man to man coverage and another playing zone in the exact spot the ball would have to go. Drew doesn’t need to see the tape, doesn’t need ‘coaching’, doesn’t need to beat himself up over it…he just needs to go away. Anyone who doesn’t think Parcells is kicking himself for taking Bledsoe over Jeff Garcia, Mark Brunell or Kelly Holcomb is in denial!

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5 Responses to Bledsoe Needs to Retire

  1. Mark says:

    I think Bledsoe is still better than half the QB’s in this league, like Garcia, Holcomb, Dilfer, Wright, Testerverde, Boller, the dynamic McCown/Warner combo in Arizona, about the same as Brunell at this stage in their careers and even at the moment better than young guns like Joey Harrington, Alex Smith and David Carr until they develop into the QB’s people are anticipating. Even perrenial studs like Favre, while better than Drew, is on the way out the door real soon. 5 picks on Sunday, c’mon Brett hang it up!

    When you look at QB’s teams are throwing out there, I guarentee fans in Dallas appreciate what they got.

    Trust me, as a fellow long-time Pats fan I know we all suffered through his poor reading of pass defenses, untimely fumbles with the game on the line, and lack of mobility but only because of Brady’s success and the 3 Superbowl rings do we not miss him. Can you imagine having a starting QB like the aforementioned players in the first paragraph?

    I can’t.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    I don’t think Holcolmb, Garcia or Brunell throw that pass. That’s something only Bledsoe and Favre can do and not lose their job.

    Sure, Bledsoe will carve up a poor defense when the running game is productive, but with the game on the line he’s too dangerous. In December and January this will play out.

    Don’t know why, but somehow along the way I became a Cowboys fan. It’s probably Parcells. This offseason, they’ve got to upgrade at QB…it has to happen before this outstanding group of young tallent approaches second contracts. The play calling is super-conservative because of who is behind center.

  3. Mark says:

    Chris, all I’m saying is THERE IS WORSE OUT THERE. Just recently, Dallas had Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, and Drew Henson taking snaps. If those jokers aren’t enough to make you cringe EVERY TIME they throw the ball, who is?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    There is worse out there, but for a team that’s got playoffs written on every unit besides QB – in an NFC that looks winable right now…going from Vinny to Drew didn’t make any sence to me.

    Parcells has a history with Drew, that’s true, but Drew has a history of throwing an ill-advised pass that ruins everything.

    Remember the 2001 AFC championship game in Pittsburgh? He threw one right at the chest of their MLB…you remember that? We lucked out there.

    I think that the normal level of NFL optomism coming into a season is still holding up public opinion of Bledsoe. He’s on a team that can absolutely dominate on defense, and with Jones, can eat up minutes. All you need Bledsoe to do is read zone coverage and make a few throws. If you look at the play calling in that game against the Giants – they were first and goal at the 6, ended up running it on 3rd down from the 4.

    In the big games down the stretch, they’re going to be in situations where Bledsoe needs to make a play…right now I honestly feel like Parcells doesn’t trust him.

  5. Mark says:

    I definitely would not want him running my offense in a crutial Playoff game but he seems to be a better disciplined QB now than he ever was with the Pats and Bills. Maybe he is the same ole’ Drew but I still say the Cowboys can go deep into the Playoffs, especially with Jones and Barber eating minutes.

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